feast.infra.online_stores.contrib package



feast.infra.online_stores.contrib.cassandra_repo_configuration module

feast.infra.online_stores.contrib.hazelcast_repo_configuration module

feast.infra.online_stores.contrib.hbase_repo_configuration module

feast.infra.online_stores.contrib.mysql_repo_configuration module

feast.infra.online_stores.contrib.postgres module

class feast.infra.online_stores.contrib.postgres.PostgreSQLOnlineStore[source]

Bases: OnlineStore

online_read(config: RepoConfig, table: FeatureView, entity_keys: List[EntityKey], requested_features: List[str] | None = None) List[Tuple[datetime | None, Dict[str, Value] | None]][source]

Reads features values for the given entity keys.

  • config – The config for the current feature store.

  • table – The feature view whose feature values should be read.

  • entity_keys – The list of entity keys for which feature values should be read.

  • requested_features – The list of features that should be read.


A list of the same length as entity_keys. Each item in the list is a tuple where the first item is the event timestamp for the row, and the second item is a dict mapping feature names to values, which are returned in proto format.

online_write_batch(config: RepoConfig, table: FeatureView, data: List[Tuple[EntityKey, Dict[str, Value], datetime, datetime | None]], progress: Callable[[int], Any] | None) None[source]

Writes a batch of feature rows to the online store.

If a tz-naive timestamp is passed to this method, it is assumed to be UTC.

  • config – The config for the current feature store.

  • table – Feature view to which these feature rows correspond.

  • data – A list of quadruplets containing feature data. Each quadruplet contains an entity key, a dict containing feature values, an event timestamp for the row, and the created timestamp for the row if it exists.

  • progress – Function to be called once a batch of rows is written to the online store, used to show progress.

teardown(config: RepoConfig, tables: Sequence[FeatureView], entities: Sequence[Entity])[source]

Tears down all cloud resources for the specified set of Feast objects.

  • config – The config for the current feature store.

  • tables – Feature views whose corresponding infrastructure should be deleted.

  • entities – Entities whose corresponding infrastructure should be deleted.

update(config: RepoConfig, tables_to_delete: Sequence[FeatureView], tables_to_keep: Sequence[FeatureView], entities_to_delete: Sequence[Entity], entities_to_keep: Sequence[Entity], partial: bool)[source]

Reconciles cloud resources with the specified set of Feast objects.

  • config – The config for the current feature store.

  • tables_to_delete – Feature views whose corresponding infrastructure should be deleted.

  • tables_to_keep – Feature views whose corresponding infrastructure should not be deleted, and may need to be updated.

  • entities_to_delete – Entities whose corresponding infrastructure should be deleted.

  • entities_to_keep – Entities whose corresponding infrastructure should not be deleted, and may need to be updated.

  • partial – If true, tables_to_delete and tables_to_keep are not exhaustive lists, so infrastructure corresponding to other feature views should be not be touched.

class feast.infra.online_stores.contrib.postgres.PostgreSQLOnlineStoreConfig(*, min_conn: int = 1, max_conn: int = 10, conn_type: ConnectionType = ConnectionType.singleton, host: StrictStr, port: int = 5432, database: StrictStr, db_schema: StrictStr = 'public', user: StrictStr, password: StrictStr, sslmode: StrictStr | None = None, sslkey_path: StrictStr | None = None, sslcert_path: StrictStr | None = None, sslrootcert_path: StrictStr | None = None, keepalives_idle: int = 0, type: typing_extensions.Literal[postgres] = 'postgres')[source]

Bases: PostgreSQLConfig

type: typing_extensions.Literal[postgres]

feast.infra.online_stores.contrib.postgres_repo_configuration module

feast.infra.online_stores.contrib.rockset_repo_configuration module

Module contents