Feast Python API Documentation
Feature Store
- class feast.feature_store.FeatureStore(repo_path: str | None = None, config: RepoConfig | None = None, fs_yaml_file: Path | None = None)[source]
A FeatureStore object is used to define, create, and retrieve features.
- config
The config for the feature store.
- repo_path
The path to the feature repo.
- Type:
- _registry
The registry for the feature store.
- _provider
The provider for the feature store.
- apply(objects: DataSource | Entity | FeatureView | OnDemandFeatureView | RequestFeatureView | BatchFeatureView | StreamFeatureView | FeatureService | ValidationReference | List[FeatureView | OnDemandFeatureView | RequestFeatureView | BatchFeatureView | StreamFeatureView | Entity | FeatureService | DataSource | ValidationReference], objects_to_delete: List[FeatureView | OnDemandFeatureView | RequestFeatureView | BatchFeatureView | StreamFeatureView | Entity | FeatureService | DataSource | ValidationReference] | None = None, partial: bool = True)[source]
Register objects to metadata store and update related infrastructure.
The apply method registers one or more definitions (e.g., Entity, FeatureView) and registers or updates these objects in the Feast registry. Once the apply method has updated the infrastructure (e.g., create tables in an online store), it will commit the updated registry. All operations are idempotent, meaning they can safely be rerun.
- Parameters:
objects – A single object, or a list of objects that should be registered with the Feature Store.
objects_to_delete – A list of objects to be deleted from the registry and removed from the provider’s infrastructure. This deletion will only be performed if partial is set to False.
partial – If True, apply will only handle the specified objects; if False, apply will also delete all the objects in objects_to_delete, and tear down any associated cloud resources.
- Raises:
ValueError – The ‘objects’ parameter could not be parsed properly.
Register an Entity and a FeatureView.
>>> from feast import FeatureStore, Entity, FeatureView, Feature, FileSource, RepoConfig >>> from datetime import timedelta >>> fs = FeatureStore(repo_path="project/feature_repo") >>> driver = Entity(name="driver_id", description="driver id") >>> driver_hourly_stats = FileSource( ... path="project/feature_repo/data/driver_stats.parquet", ... timestamp_field="event_timestamp", ... created_timestamp_column="created", ... ) >>> driver_hourly_stats_view = FeatureView( ... name="driver_hourly_stats", ... entities=[driver], ... ttl=timedelta(seconds=86400 * 1), ... source=driver_hourly_stats, ... ) >>> fs.apply([driver_hourly_stats_view, driver]) # register entity and feature view
- create_saved_dataset(from_: RetrievalJob, name: str, storage: SavedDatasetStorage, tags: Dict[str, str] | None = None, feature_service: FeatureService | None = None, allow_overwrite: bool = False) SavedDataset [source]
Execute provided retrieval job and persist its outcome in given storage. Storage type (eg, BigQuery or Redshift) must be the same as globally configured offline store. After data successfully persisted saved dataset object with dataset metadata is committed to the registry. Name for the saved dataset should be unique within project, since it’s possible to overwrite previously stored dataset with the same name.
- Parameters:
from – The retrieval job whose result should be persisted.
name – The name of the saved dataset.
storage – The saved dataset storage object indicating where the result should be persisted.
tags (optional) – A dictionary of key-value pairs to store arbitrary metadata.
feature_service (optional) – The feature service that should be associated with this saved dataset.
allow_overwrite (optional) – If True, the persisted result can overwrite an existing table or file.
- Returns:
SavedDataset object with attached RetrievalJob
- Raises:
ValueError if given retrieval job doesn't have metadata –
- delete_feature_service(name: str)[source]
Deletes a feature service.
- Parameters:
name – Name of feature service.
- Raises:
FeatureServiceNotFoundException – The feature view could not be found.
- delete_feature_view(name: str)[source]
Deletes a feature view.
- Parameters:
name – Name of feature view.
- Raises:
FeatureViewNotFoundException – The feature view could not be found.
- get_data_source(name: str) DataSource [source]
Retrieves the list of data sources from the registry.
- Parameters:
name – Name of the data source.
- Returns:
The specified data source.
- Raises:
DataSourceObjectNotFoundException – The data source could not be found.
- get_entity(name: str, allow_registry_cache: bool = False) Entity [source]
Retrieves an entity.
- Parameters:
name – Name of entity.
allow_registry_cache – (Optional) Whether to allow returning this entity from a cached registry
- Returns:
The specified entity.
- Raises:
EntityNotFoundException – The entity could not be found.
- get_feature_server_endpoint() str | None [source]
Returns endpoint for the feature server, if it exists.
- get_feature_service(name: str, allow_cache: bool = False) FeatureService [source]
Retrieves a feature service.
- Parameters:
name – Name of feature service.
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning feature services from a cached registry.
- Returns:
The specified feature service.
- Raises:
FeatureServiceNotFoundException – The feature service could not be found.
- get_feature_view(name: str, allow_registry_cache: bool = False) FeatureView [source]
Retrieves a feature view.
- Parameters:
name – Name of feature view.
allow_registry_cache – (Optional) Whether to allow returning this entity from a cached registry
- Returns:
The specified feature view.
- Raises:
FeatureViewNotFoundException – The feature view could not be found.
- get_historical_features(entity_df: DataFrame | str, features: List[str] | FeatureService, full_feature_names: bool = False) RetrievalJob [source]
Enrich an entity dataframe with historical feature values for either training or batch scoring.
This method joins historical feature data from one or more feature views to an entity dataframe by using a time travel join.
Each feature view is joined to the entity dataframe using all entities configured for the respective feature view. All configured entities must be available in the entity dataframe. Therefore, the entity dataframe must contain all entities found in all feature views, but the individual feature views can have different entities.
Time travel is based on the configured TTL for each feature view. A shorter TTL will limit the amount of scanning that will be done in order to find feature data for a specific entity key. Setting a short TTL may result in null values being returned.
- Parameters:
entity_df (Union[pd.DataFrame, str]) – An entity dataframe is a collection of rows containing all entity columns (e.g., customer_id, driver_id) on which features need to be joined, as well as a event_timestamp column used to ensure point-in-time correctness. Either a Pandas DataFrame can be provided or a string SQL query. The query must be of a format supported by the configured offline store (e.g., BigQuery)
features – The list of features that should be retrieved from the offline store. These features can be specified either as a list of string feature references or as a feature service. String feature references must have format “feature_view:feature”, e.g. “customer_fv:daily_transactions”.
full_feature_names – If True, feature names will be prefixed with the corresponding feature view name, changing them from the format “feature” to “feature_view__feature” (e.g. “daily_transactions” changes to “customer_fv__daily_transactions”).
- Returns:
RetrievalJob which can be used to materialize the results.
- Raises:
ValueError – Both or neither of features and feature_refs are specified.
Retrieve historical features from a local offline store.
>>> from feast import FeatureStore, RepoConfig >>> import pandas as pd >>> fs = FeatureStore(repo_path="project/feature_repo") >>> entity_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( ... { ... "driver_id": [1001, 1002], ... "event_timestamp": [ ... datetime(2021, 4, 12, 10, 59, 42), ... datetime(2021, 4, 12, 8, 12, 10), ... ], ... } ... ) >>> retrieval_job = fs.get_historical_features( ... entity_df=entity_df, ... features=[ ... "driver_hourly_stats:conv_rate", ... "driver_hourly_stats:acc_rate", ... "driver_hourly_stats:avg_daily_trips", ... ], ... ) >>> feature_data = retrieval_job.to_df()
- get_on_demand_feature_view(name: str) OnDemandFeatureView [source]
Retrieves a feature view.
- Parameters:
name – Name of feature view.
- Returns:
The specified feature view.
- Raises:
FeatureViewNotFoundException – The feature view could not be found.
- get_online_features(features: List[str] | FeatureService, entity_rows: List[Dict[str, Any]], full_feature_names: bool = False) OnlineResponse [source]
Retrieves the latest online feature data.
Note: This method will download the full feature registry the first time it is run. If you are using a remote registry like GCS or S3 then that may take a few seconds. The registry remains cached up to a TTL duration (which can be set to infinity). If the cached registry is stale (more time than the TTL has passed), then a new registry will be downloaded synchronously by this method. This download may introduce latency to online feature retrieval. In order to avoid synchronous downloads, please call refresh_registry() prior to the TTL being reached. Remember it is possible to set the cache TTL to infinity (cache forever).
- Parameters:
features – The list of features that should be retrieved from the online store. These features can be specified either as a list of string feature references or as a feature service. String feature references must have format “feature_view:feature”, e.g. “customer_fv:daily_transactions”.
entity_rows – A list of dictionaries where each key-value is an entity-name, entity-value pair.
full_feature_names – If True, feature names will be prefixed with the corresponding feature view name, changing them from the format “feature” to “feature_view__feature” (e.g. “daily_transactions” changes to “customer_fv__daily_transactions”).
- Returns:
OnlineResponse containing the feature data in records.
- Raises:
Exception – No entity with the specified name exists.
Retrieve online features from an online store.
>>> from feast import FeatureStore, RepoConfig >>> fs = FeatureStore(repo_path="project/feature_repo") >>> online_response = fs.get_online_features( ... features=[ ... "driver_hourly_stats:conv_rate", ... "driver_hourly_stats:acc_rate", ... "driver_hourly_stats:avg_daily_trips", ... ], ... entity_rows=[{"driver_id": 1001}, {"driver_id": 1002}, {"driver_id": 1003}, {"driver_id": 1004}], ... ) >>> online_response_dict = online_response.to_dict()
- get_saved_dataset(name: str) SavedDataset [source]
Find a saved dataset in the registry by provided name and create a retrieval job to pull whole dataset from storage (offline store).
If dataset couldn’t be found by provided name SavedDatasetNotFound exception will be raised.
Data will be retrieved from globally configured offline store.
- Returns:
SavedDataset with RetrievalJob attached
- Raises:
- get_stream_feature_view(name: str, allow_registry_cache: bool = False) StreamFeatureView [source]
Retrieves a stream feature view.
- Parameters:
name – Name of stream feature view.
allow_registry_cache – (Optional) Whether to allow returning this entity from a cached registry
- Returns:
The specified stream feature view.
- Raises:
FeatureViewNotFoundException – The feature view could not be found.
- get_validation_reference(name: str, allow_cache: bool = False) ValidationReference [source]
Retrieves a validation reference.
- Raises:
ValidationReferenceNotFoundException – The validation reference could not be found.
- list_data_sources(allow_cache: bool = False) List[DataSource] [source]
Retrieves the list of data sources from the registry.
- Parameters:
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning data sources from a cached registry.
- Returns:
A list of data sources.
- list_entities(allow_cache: bool = False) List[Entity] [source]
Retrieves the list of entities from the registry.
- Parameters:
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning entities from a cached registry.
- Returns:
A list of entities.
- list_feature_services() List[FeatureService] [source]
Retrieves the list of feature services from the registry.
- Returns:
A list of feature services.
- list_feature_views(allow_cache: bool = False) List[FeatureView] [source]
Retrieves the list of feature views from the registry.
- Parameters:
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning entities from a cached registry.
- Returns:
A list of feature views.
- list_on_demand_feature_views(allow_cache: bool = False) List[OnDemandFeatureView] [source]
Retrieves the list of on demand feature views from the registry.
- Returns:
A list of on demand feature views.
- list_request_feature_views(allow_cache: bool = False) List[RequestFeatureView] [source]
Retrieves the list of feature views from the registry.
- Parameters:
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning entities from a cached registry.
- Returns:
A list of feature views.
- list_stream_feature_views(allow_cache: bool = False) List[StreamFeatureView] [source]
Retrieves the list of stream feature views from the registry.
- Returns:
A list of stream feature views.
- materialize(start_date: datetime, end_date: datetime, feature_views: List[str] | None = None) None [source]
Materialize data from the offline store into the online store.
This method loads feature data in the specified interval from either the specified feature views, or all feature views if none are specified, into the online store where it is available for online serving.
- Parameters:
start_date (datetime) – Start date for time range of data to materialize into the online store
end_date (datetime) – End date for time range of data to materialize into the online store
feature_views (List[str]) – Optional list of feature view names. If selected, will only run materialization for the specified feature views.
Materialize all features into the online store over the interval from 3 hours ago to 10 minutes ago. >>> from feast import FeatureStore, RepoConfig >>> from datetime import datetime, timedelta >>> fs = FeatureStore(repo_path=”project/feature_repo”) >>> fs.materialize( … start_date=datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=3), end_date=datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(minutes=10) … ) Materializing… <BLANKLINE> …
- materialize_incremental(end_date: datetime, feature_views: List[str] | None = None) None [source]
Materialize incremental new data from the offline store into the online store.
This method loads incremental new feature data up to the specified end time from either the specified feature views, or all feature views if none are specified, into the online store where it is available for online serving. The start time of the interval materialized is either the most recent end time of a prior materialization or (now - ttl) if no such prior materialization exists.
- Parameters:
end_date (datetime) – End date for time range of data to materialize into the online store
feature_views (List[str]) – Optional list of feature view names. If selected, will only run materialization for the specified feature views.
- Raises:
Exception – A feature view being materialized does not have a TTL set.
Materialize all features into the online store up to 5 minutes ago.
>>> from feast import FeatureStore, RepoConfig >>> from datetime import datetime, timedelta >>> fs = FeatureStore(repo_path="project/feature_repo") >>> fs.materialize_incremental(end_date=datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(minutes=5)) Materializing... ...
- plan(desired_repo_contents: RepoContents) Tuple[RegistryDiff, InfraDiff, Infra] [source]
Dry-run registering objects to metadata store.
The plan method dry-runs registering one or more definitions (e.g., Entity, FeatureView), and produces a list of all the changes the that would be introduced in the feature repo. The changes computed by the plan command are for informational purposes, and are not actually applied to the registry.
- Parameters:
desired_repo_contents – The desired repo state.
- Raises:
ValueError – The ‘objects’ parameter could not be parsed properly.
Generate a plan adding an Entity and a FeatureView.
>>> from feast import FeatureStore, Entity, FeatureView, Feature, FileSource, RepoConfig >>> from feast.feature_store import RepoContents >>> from datetime import timedelta >>> fs = FeatureStore(repo_path="project/feature_repo") >>> driver = Entity(name="driver_id", description="driver id") >>> driver_hourly_stats = FileSource( ... path="project/feature_repo/data/driver_stats.parquet", ... timestamp_field="event_timestamp", ... created_timestamp_column="created", ... ) >>> driver_hourly_stats_view = FeatureView( ... name="driver_hourly_stats", ... entities=[driver], ... ttl=timedelta(seconds=86400 * 1), ... source=driver_hourly_stats, ... ) >>> registry_diff, infra_diff, new_infra = fs.plan(RepoContents( ... data_sources=[driver_hourly_stats], ... feature_views=[driver_hourly_stats_view], ... on_demand_feature_views=list(), ... stream_feature_views=list(), ... request_feature_views=list(), ... entities=[driver], ... feature_services=list())) # register entity and feature view
- push(push_source_name: str, df: DataFrame, allow_registry_cache: bool = True, to: PushMode = PushMode.ONLINE)[source]
Push features to a push source. This updates all the feature views that have the push source as stream source.
- Parameters:
push_source_name – The name of the push source we want to push data to.
df – The data being pushed.
allow_registry_cache – Whether to allow cached versions of the registry.
to – Whether to push to online or offline store. Defaults to online store only.
- refresh_registry()[source]
Fetches and caches a copy of the feature registry in memory.
Explicitly calling this method allows for direct control of the state of the registry cache. Every time this method is called the complete registry state will be retrieved from the remote registry store backend (e.g., GCS, S3), and the cache timer will be reset. If refresh_registry() is run before get_online_features() is called, then get_online_features() will use the cached registry instead of retrieving (and caching) the registry itself.
Additionally, the TTL for the registry cache can be set to infinity (by setting it to 0), which means that refresh_registry() will become the only way to update the cached registry. If the TTL is set to a value greater than 0, then once the cache becomes stale (more time than the TTL has passed), a new cache will be downloaded synchronously, which may increase latencies if the triggering method is get_online_features().
- property registry: BaseRegistry
Gets the registry of this feature store.
- serve(host: str, port: int, type_: str, no_access_log: bool, no_feature_log: bool, workers: int, keep_alive_timeout: int) None [source]
Start the feature consumption server locally on a given port.
- serve_transformations(port: int) None [source]
Start the feature transformation server locally on a given port.
- serve_ui(host: str, port: int, get_registry_dump: Callable, registry_ttl_sec: int, root_path: str = '') None [source]
Start the UI server locally
- validate_logged_features(source: FeatureService, start: datetime, end: datetime, reference: ValidationReference, throw_exception: bool = True, cache_profile: bool = True) ValidationFailed | None [source]
Load logged features from an offline store and validate them against provided validation reference.
- Parameters:
source – Logs source object (currently only feature services are supported)
start – lower bound for loading logged features
end – upper bound for loading logged features
reference – validation reference
throw_exception – throw exception or return it as a result
cache_profile – store cached profile in Feast registry
- Returns:
Throw or return (depends on parameter) ValidationFailed exception if validation was not successful or None if successful.
- write_logged_features(logs: Table | Path, source: FeatureService)[source]
Write logs produced by a source (currently only feature service is supported as a source) to an offline store.
- Parameters:
logs – Arrow Table or path to parquet dataset directory on disk
source – Object that produces logs
- write_to_offline_store(feature_view_name: str, df: DataFrame, allow_registry_cache: bool = True, reorder_columns: bool = True)[source]
Persists the dataframe directly into the batch data source for the given feature view.
Fails if the dataframe columns do not match the columns of the batch data source. Optionally reorders the columns of the dataframe to match.
- write_to_online_store(feature_view_name: str, df: DataFrame, allow_registry_cache: bool = True)[source]
Persists a dataframe to the online store.
- Parameters:
feature_view_name – The feature view to which the dataframe corresponds.
df – The dataframe to be persisted.
allow_registry_cache (optional) – Whether to allow retrieving feature views from a cached registry.
- class feast.repo_config.RepoConfig(*, project: StrictStr, provider: StrictStr, feature_server: Any | None = None, flags: Any = None, repo_path: Path | None = None, entity_key_serialization_version: StrictInt = 1, coerce_tz_aware: bool | None = True, **data: Any)[source]
Repo config. Typically loaded from feature_store.yaml
- coerce_tz_aware: bool | None
If True, coerces entity_df timestamp columns to be timezone aware (to UTC by default).
- entity_key_serialization_version: StrictInt
This version is used to control what serialization scheme is used when writing data to the online store. A value <= 1 uses the serialization scheme used by feast up to Feast 0.22. A value of 2 uses a newer serialization scheme, supported as of Feast 0.23. The main difference between the two scheme is that the serialization scheme v1 stored long values as `int`s, which would result in errors trying to serialize a range of values. v2 fixes this error, but v1 is kept around to ensure backwards compatibility - specifically the ability to read feature values for entities that have already been written into the online store.
- Type:
Entity key serialization version
- feature_server: Any | None
Feature server configuration (optional depending on provider)
- Type:
- project: StrictStr
Feast project id. This can be any alphanumeric string up to 16 characters. You can have multiple independent feature repositories deployed to the same cloud provider account, as long as they have different project ids.
- Type:
- class feast.repo_config.RegistryConfig(*, registry_type: StrictStr = 'file', registry_store_type: StrictStr | None = None, path: StrictStr = '', cache_ttl_seconds: StrictInt = 600, s3_additional_kwargs: Dict[str, str] | None = None, **extra_data: Any)[source]
Metadata Store Configuration. Configuration that relates to reading from and writing to the Feast registry.
- cache_ttl_seconds: StrictInt
The cache TTL is the amount of time registry state will be cached in memory. If this TTL is exceeded then the registry will be refreshed when any feature store method asks for access to registry state. The TTL can be set to infinity by setting TTL to 0 seconds, which means the cache will only be loaded once and will never expire. Users can manually refresh the cache by calling feature_store.refresh_registry()
- Type:
- path: StrictStr
Path to metadata store. If registry_type is ‘file’, then an be a local path, or remote object storage path, e.g. a GCS URI If registry_type is ‘sql’, then this is a database URL as expected by SQLAlchemy
- Type:
Data Source
- class feast.data_source.DataSource(*, name: str, timestamp_field: str | None = None, created_timestamp_column: str | None = None, field_mapping: Dict[str, str] | None = None, description: str | None = '', tags: Dict[str, str] | None = None, owner: str | None = '', date_partition_column: str | None = None)[source]
DataSource that can be used to source features.
- Parameters:
name – Name of data source, which should be unique within a project
timestamp_field (optional) – Event timestamp field used for point-in-time joins of feature values.
created_timestamp_column (optional) – Timestamp column indicating when the row was created, used for deduplicating rows.
field_mapping (optional) – A dictionary mapping of column names in this data source to feature names in a feature table or view. Only used for feature columns, not entity or timestamp columns.
description (optional) –
tags (optional) – A dictionary of key-value pairs to store arbitrary metadata.
owner (optional) – The owner of the data source, typically the email of the primary maintainer.
date_partition_column (optional) – Timestamp column used for partitioning. Not supported by all offline stores.
- abstract static from_proto(data_source: DataSource) Any [source]
Converts data source config in protobuf spec to a DataSource class object.
- Parameters:
data_source – A protobuf representation of a DataSource.
- Returns:
A DataSource class object.
- Raises:
ValueError – The type of DataSource could not be identified.
- get_table_column_names_and_types(config: RepoConfig) Iterable[Tuple[str, str]] [source]
Returns the list of column names and raw column types.
- Parameters:
config – Configuration object used to configure a feature store.
- get_table_query_string() str [source]
Returns a string that can directly be used to reference this table in SQL.
- abstract static source_datatype_to_feast_value_type() Callable[[str], ValueType] [source]
Returns the callable method that returns Feast type given the raw column type.
- abstract to_proto() DataSource [source]
Converts a DataSourceProto object to its protobuf representation.
- validate(config: RepoConfig)[source]
Validates the underlying data source.
- Parameters:
config – Configuration object used to configure a feature store.
File Source
- class feast.infra.offline_stores.file_source.FileSource(*, path: str, name: str | None = '', event_timestamp_column: str | None = '', file_format: FileFormat | None = None, created_timestamp_column: str | None = '', field_mapping: Dict[str, str] | None = None, s3_endpoint_override: str | None = None, description: str | None = '', tags: Dict[str, str] | None = None, owner: str | None = '', timestamp_field: str | None = '')[source]
- property file_format: FileFormat | None
Returns the file format of this file data source.
- static from_proto(data_source: DataSource)[source]
Converts data source config in protobuf spec to a DataSource class object.
- Parameters:
data_source – A protobuf representation of a DataSource.
- Returns:
A DataSource class object.
- Raises:
ValueError – The type of DataSource could not be identified.
- get_table_column_names_and_types(config: RepoConfig) Iterable[Tuple[str, str]] [source]
Returns the list of column names and raw column types.
- Parameters:
config – Configuration object used to configure a feature store.
- get_table_query_string() str [source]
Returns a string that can directly be used to reference this table in SQL.
- property s3_endpoint_override: str | None
Returns the s3 endpoint override of this file data source.
- static source_datatype_to_feast_value_type() Callable[[str], ValueType] [source]
Returns the callable method that returns Feast type given the raw column type.
- validate(config: RepoConfig)[source]
Validates the underlying data source.
- Parameters:
config – Configuration object used to configure a feature store.
Snowflake Source
- class feast.infra.offline_stores.snowflake_source.SnowflakeSource(*, name: str | None = None, timestamp_field: str | None = '', database: str | None = None, warehouse: str | None = None, schema: str | None = None, table: str | None = None, query: str | None = None, created_timestamp_column: str | None = '', field_mapping: Dict[str, str] | None = None, description: str | None = '', tags: Dict[str, str] | None = None, owner: str | None = '')[source]
- property database
Returns the database of this snowflake source.
- static from_proto(data_source: DataSource)[source]
Creates a SnowflakeSource from a protobuf representation of a SnowflakeSource.
- Parameters:
data_source – A protobuf representation of a SnowflakeSource
- Returns:
A SnowflakeSource object based on the data_source protobuf.
- get_table_column_names_and_types(config: RepoConfig) Iterable[Tuple[str, str]] [source]
Returns a mapping of column names to types for this snowflake source.
- Parameters:
config – A RepoConfig describing the feature repo
- get_table_query_string() str [source]
Returns a string that can directly be used to reference this table in SQL.
- property query
Returns the snowflake options of this snowflake source.
- property schema
Returns the schema of this snowflake source.
- static source_datatype_to_feast_value_type() Callable[[str], ValueType] [source]
Returns the callable method that returns Feast type given the raw column type.
- property table
Returns the table of this snowflake source.
- to_proto() DataSource [source]
Converts a SnowflakeSource object to its protobuf representation.
- Returns:
A DataSourceProto object.
- validate(config: RepoConfig)[source]
Validates the underlying data source.
- Parameters:
config – Configuration object used to configure a feature store.
BigQuery Source
- class feast.infra.offline_stores.bigquery_source.BigQuerySource(*, name: str | None = None, timestamp_field: str | None = None, table: str | None = None, created_timestamp_column: str | None = '', field_mapping: Dict[str, str] | None = None, query: str | None = None, description: str | None = '', tags: Dict[str, str] | None = None, owner: str | None = '')[source]
- static from_proto(data_source: DataSource)[source]
Converts data source config in protobuf spec to a DataSource class object.
- Parameters:
data_source – A protobuf representation of a DataSource.
- Returns:
A DataSource class object.
- Raises:
ValueError – The type of DataSource could not be identified.
- get_table_column_names_and_types(config: RepoConfig) Iterable[Tuple[str, str]] [source]
Returns the list of column names and raw column types.
- Parameters:
config – Configuration object used to configure a feature store.
- get_table_query_string() str [source]
Returns a string that can directly be used to reference this table in SQL
- static source_datatype_to_feast_value_type() Callable[[str], ValueType] [source]
Returns the callable method that returns Feast type given the raw column type.
- validate(config: RepoConfig)[source]
Validates the underlying data source.
- Parameters:
config – Configuration object used to configure a feature store.
Redshift Source
- class feast.infra.offline_stores.redshift_source.RedshiftSource(*, name: str | None = None, timestamp_field: str | None = '', table: str | None = None, schema: str | None = None, created_timestamp_column: str | None = '', field_mapping: Dict[str, str] | None = None, query: str | None = None, description: str | None = '', tags: Dict[str, str] | None = None, owner: str | None = '', database: str | None = '')[source]
- property database
Returns the Redshift database of this Redshift source.
- static from_proto(data_source: DataSource)[source]
Creates a RedshiftSource from a protobuf representation of a RedshiftSource.
- Parameters:
data_source – A protobuf representation of a RedshiftSource
- Returns:
A RedshiftSource object based on the data_source protobuf.
- get_table_column_names_and_types(config: RepoConfig) Iterable[Tuple[str, str]] [source]
Returns a mapping of column names to types for this Redshift source.
- Parameters:
config – A RepoConfig describing the feature repo
- get_table_query_string() str [source]
Returns a string that can directly be used to reference this table in SQL.
- property query
Returns the Redshift query of this Redshift source.
- property schema
Returns the schema of this Redshift source.
- static source_datatype_to_feast_value_type() Callable[[str], ValueType] [source]
Returns the callable method that returns Feast type given the raw column type.
- property table
Returns the table of this Redshift source.
- to_proto() DataSource [source]
Converts a RedshiftSource object to its protobuf representation.
- Returns:
A DataSourceProto object.
- validate(config: RepoConfig)[source]
Validates the underlying data source.
- Parameters:
config – Configuration object used to configure a feature store.
Spark Source
- class feast.infra.offline_stores.contrib.spark_offline_store.spark_source.SparkSource(*, name: str | None = None, table: str | None = None, query: str | None = None, path: str | None = None, file_format: str | None = None, event_timestamp_column: str | None = None, created_timestamp_column: str | None = None, field_mapping: Dict[str, str] | None = None, description: str | None = '', tags: Dict[str, str] | None = None, owner: str | None = '', timestamp_field: str | None = None)[source]
- property file_format
Returns the file format of this feature data source.
- static from_proto(data_source: DataSource) Any [source]
Converts data source config in protobuf spec to a DataSource class object.
- Parameters:
data_source – A protobuf representation of a DataSource.
- Returns:
A DataSource class object.
- Raises:
ValueError – The type of DataSource could not be identified.
- get_table_column_names_and_types(config: RepoConfig) Iterable[Tuple[str, str]] [source]
Returns the list of column names and raw column types.
- Parameters:
config – Configuration object used to configure a feature store.
- get_table_query_string() str [source]
Returns a string that can directly be used to reference this table in SQL
- property path
Returns the path of the spark data source file.
- property query
Returns the query of this feature data source
- static source_datatype_to_feast_value_type() Callable[[str], ValueType] [source]
Returns the callable method that returns Feast type given the raw column type.
- property table
Returns the table of this feature data source
- validate(config: RepoConfig)[source]
Validates the underlying data source.
- Parameters:
config – Configuration object used to configure a feature store.
Trino Source
- class feast.infra.offline_stores.contrib.trino_offline_store.trino_source.TrinoSource(*, name: str | None = None, timestamp_field: str | None = None, table: str | None = None, created_timestamp_column: str | None = '', field_mapping: Dict[str, str] | None = None, query: str | None = None, description: str | None = '', tags: Dict[str, str] | None = None, owner: str | None = '')[source]
- static from_proto(data_source: DataSource)[source]
Converts data source config in protobuf spec to a DataSource class object.
- Parameters:
data_source – A protobuf representation of a DataSource.
- Returns:
A DataSource class object.
- Raises:
ValueError – The type of DataSource could not be identified.
- get_table_column_names_and_types(config: RepoConfig) Iterable[Tuple[str, str]] [source]
Returns the list of column names and raw column types.
- Parameters:
config – Configuration object used to configure a feature store.
- get_table_query_string() str [source]
Returns a string that can directly be used to reference this table in SQL
- static source_datatype_to_feast_value_type() Callable[[str], ValueType] [source]
Returns the callable method that returns Feast type given the raw column type.
- property trino_options
Returns the Trino options of this data source
- validate(config: RepoConfig)[source]
Validates the underlying data source.
- Parameters:
config – Configuration object used to configure a feature store.
PostgreSQL Source
- class feast.infra.offline_stores.contrib.postgres_offline_store.postgres_source.PostgreSQLSource(name: str | None = None, query: str | None = None, table: str | None = None, timestamp_field: str | None = '', created_timestamp_column: str | None = '', field_mapping: Dict[str, str] | None = None, description: str | None = '', tags: Dict[str, str] | None = None, owner: str | None = '')[source]
- static from_proto(data_source: DataSource)[source]
Converts data source config in protobuf spec to a DataSource class object.
- Parameters:
data_source – A protobuf representation of a DataSource.
- Returns:
A DataSource class object.
- Raises:
ValueError – The type of DataSource could not be identified.
- get_table_column_names_and_types(config: RepoConfig) Iterable[Tuple[str, str]] [source]
Returns the list of column names and raw column types.
- Parameters:
config – Configuration object used to configure a feature store.
- get_table_query_string() str [source]
Returns a string that can directly be used to reference this table in SQL.
- static source_datatype_to_feast_value_type() Callable[[str], ValueType] [source]
Returns the callable method that returns Feast type given the raw column type.
- validate(config: RepoConfig)[source]
Validates the underlying data source.
- Parameters:
config – Configuration object used to configure a feature store.
Request Source
- class feast.data_source.RequestSource(*, name: str, schema: List[Field], description: str | None = '', tags: Dict[str, str] | None = None, owner: str | None = '')[source]
RequestSource that can be used to provide input features for on demand transforms
- schema
Schema mapping from the input feature name to a ValueType
- Type:
- owner
The owner of the request data source, typically the email of the primary maintainer.
- Type:
- static from_proto(data_source: DataSource)[source]
Converts data source config in protobuf spec to a DataSource class object.
- Parameters:
data_source – A protobuf representation of a DataSource.
- Returns:
A DataSource class object.
- Raises:
ValueError – The type of DataSource could not be identified.
- get_table_column_names_and_types(config: RepoConfig) Iterable[Tuple[str, str]] [source]
Returns the list of column names and raw column types.
- Parameters:
config – Configuration object used to configure a feature store.
- get_table_query_string() str [source]
Returns a string that can directly be used to reference this table in SQL.
- static source_datatype_to_feast_value_type() Callable[[str], ValueType] [source]
Returns the callable method that returns Feast type given the raw column type.
- validate(config: RepoConfig)[source]
Validates the underlying data source.
- Parameters:
config – Configuration object used to configure a feature store.
Push Source
- class feast.data_source.PushSource(*, name: str, batch_source: DataSource, description: str | None = '', tags: Dict[str, str] | None = None, owner: str | None = '')[source]
A source that can be used to ingest features on request
- static from_proto(data_source: DataSource)[source]
Converts data source config in protobuf spec to a DataSource class object.
- Parameters:
data_source – A protobuf representation of a DataSource.
- Returns:
A DataSource class object.
- Raises:
ValueError – The type of DataSource could not be identified.
- get_table_column_names_and_types(config: RepoConfig) Iterable[Tuple[str, str]] [source]
Returns the list of column names and raw column types.
- Parameters:
config – Configuration object used to configure a feature store.
- get_table_query_string() str [source]
Returns a string that can directly be used to reference this table in SQL.
- static source_datatype_to_feast_value_type() Callable[[str], ValueType] [source]
Returns the callable method that returns Feast type given the raw column type.
- validate(config: RepoConfig)[source]
Validates the underlying data source.
- Parameters:
config – Configuration object used to configure a feature store.
Kafka Source
- class feast.data_source.KafkaSource(*, name: str, timestamp_field: str, message_format: StreamFormat, bootstrap_servers: str | None = None, kafka_bootstrap_servers: str | None = None, topic: str | None = None, created_timestamp_column: str | None = '', field_mapping: Dict[str, str] | None = None, description: str | None = '', tags: Dict[str, str] | None = None, owner: str | None = '', batch_source: DataSource | None = None, watermark_delay_threshold: timedelta | None = None)[source]
- static from_proto(data_source: DataSource)[source]
Converts data source config in protobuf spec to a DataSource class object.
- Parameters:
data_source – A protobuf representation of a DataSource.
- Returns:
A DataSource class object.
- Raises:
ValueError – The type of DataSource could not be identified.
- get_table_column_names_and_types(config: RepoConfig) Iterable[Tuple[str, str]] [source]
Returns the list of column names and raw column types.
- Parameters:
config – Configuration object used to configure a feature store.
- get_table_query_string() str [source]
Returns a string that can directly be used to reference this table in SQL.
- static source_datatype_to_feast_value_type() Callable[[str], ValueType] [source]
Returns the callable method that returns Feast type given the raw column type.
- validate(config: RepoConfig)[source]
Validates the underlying data source.
- Parameters:
config – Configuration object used to configure a feature store.
Kinesis Source
- class feast.data_source.KinesisSource(*, name: str, record_format: StreamFormat, region: str, stream_name: str, timestamp_field: str | None = '', created_timestamp_column: str | None = '', field_mapping: Dict[str, str] | None = None, description: str | None = '', tags: Dict[str, str] | None = None, owner: str | None = '', batch_source: DataSource | None = None)[source]
- static from_proto(data_source: DataSource)[source]
Converts data source config in protobuf spec to a DataSource class object.
- Parameters:
data_source – A protobuf representation of a DataSource.
- Returns:
A DataSource class object.
- Raises:
ValueError – The type of DataSource could not be identified.
- get_table_column_names_and_types(config: RepoConfig) Iterable[Tuple[str, str]] [source]
Returns the list of column names and raw column types.
- Parameters:
config – Configuration object used to configure a feature store.
- get_table_query_string() str [source]
Returns a string that can directly be used to reference this table in SQL.
- static source_datatype_to_feast_value_type() Callable[[str], ValueType] [source]
Returns the callable method that returns Feast type given the raw column type.
- validate(config: RepoConfig)[source]
Validates the underlying data source.
- Parameters:
config – Configuration object used to configure a feature store.
- class feast.entity.Entity(*, name: str, join_keys: List[str] | None = None, value_type: ValueType | None = None, description: str = '', tags: Dict[str, str] | None = None, owner: str = '')[source]
An entity defines a collection of entities for which features can be defined. An entity can also contain associated metadata.
- value_type
The type of the entity, such as string or float.
- join_key
A property that uniquely identifies different entities within the collection. The join_key property is typically used for joining entities with their associated features. If not specified, defaults to the name.
- Type:
- created_timestamp
The time when the entity was created.
- Type:
datetime.datetime | None
- last_updated_timestamp
The time when the entity was last updated.
- Type:
datetime.datetime | None
- classmethod from_proto(entity_proto: Entity)[source]
Creates an entity from a protobuf representation of an entity.
- Parameters:
entity_proto – A protobuf representation of an entity.
- Returns:
An Entity object based on the entity protobuf.
- is_valid()[source]
Validates the state of this entity locally.
- Raises:
ValueError – The entity does not have a name or does not have a type.
Feature View
- class feast.base_feature_view.BaseFeatureView(*, name: str, features: List[Field] | None = None, description: str = '', tags: Dict[str, str] | None = None, owner: str = '')[source]
A BaseFeatureView defines a logical group of features.
- features
The list of features defined as part of this base feature view.
- Type:
- projection
The feature view projection storing modifications to be applied to this base feature view at retrieval time.
- created_timestamp
The time when the base feature view was created.
- Type:
datetime.datetime | None
- last_updated_timestamp
The time when the base feature view was last updated.
- Type:
datetime.datetime | None
- ensure_valid()[source]
Validates the state of this feature view locally.
- Raises:
ValueError – The feature view is invalid.
- set_projection(feature_view_projection: FeatureViewProjection) None [source]
Sets the feature view projection of this base feature view to the given projection.
- Parameters:
feature_view_projection – The feature view projection to be set.
- Raises:
ValueError – The name or features of the projection do not match.
- with_name(name: str)[source]
Returns a renamed copy of this base feature view. This renamed copy should only be used for query operations and will not modify the underlying base feature view.
- Parameters:
name – The name to assign to the copy.
- with_projection(feature_view_projection: FeatureViewProjection)[source]
Returns a copy of this base feature view with the feature view projection set to the given projection.
- Parameters:
feature_view_projection – The feature view projection to assign to the copy.
- Raises:
ValueError – The name or features of the projection do not match.
Feature View
- class feast.feature_view.FeatureView(*, name: str, source: DataSource, schema: List[Field] | None = None, entities: List[Entity] = None, ttl: timedelta | None = datetime.timedelta(0), online: bool = True, description: str = '', tags: Dict[str, str] | None = None, owner: str = '')[source]
A FeatureView defines a logical group of features.
- ttl
The amount of time this group of features lives. A ttl of 0 indicates that this group of features lives forever. Note that large ttl’s or a ttl of 0 can result in extremely computationally intensive queries.
- Type:
datetime.timedelta | None
- batch_source
The batch source of data where this group of features is stored. This is optional ONLY if a push source is specified as the stream_source, since push sources contain their own batch sources.
- stream_source
The stream source of data where this group of features is stored.
- Type:
feast.data_source.DataSource | None
- schema
The schema of the feature view, including feature, timestamp, and entity columns. If not specified, can be inferred from the underlying data source.
- entity_columns
The list of entity columns contained in the schema. If not specified, can be inferred from the underlying data source.
- Type:
- features
The list of feature columns contained in the schema. If not specified, can be inferred from the underlying data source.
- Type:
- ensure_valid()[source]
Validates the state of this feature view locally.
- Raises:
ValueError – The feature view does not have a name or does not have entities.
- classmethod from_proto(feature_view_proto: FeatureView)[source]
Creates a feature view from a protobuf representation of a feature view.
- Parameters:
feature_view_proto – A protobuf representation of a feature view.
- Returns:
A FeatureViewProto object based on the feature view protobuf.
- property most_recent_end_time: datetime | None
Retrieves the latest time up to which the feature view has been materialized.
- Returns:
The latest time, or None if the feature view has not been materialized.
- to_proto() FeatureView [source]
Converts a feature view object to its protobuf representation.
- Returns:
A FeatureViewProto protobuf.
- with_join_key_map(join_key_map: Dict[str, str])[source]
Returns a copy of this feature view with the join key map set to the given map. This join_key mapping operation is only used as part of query operations and will not modify the underlying FeatureView.
- Parameters:
join_key_map – A map of join keys in which the left is the join_key that corresponds with the feature data and the right corresponds with the entity data.
Join a location feature data table to both the origin column and destination column of the entity data.
- temperatures_feature_service = FeatureService(
name=”temperatures”, features=[
- location_stats_feature_view
.with_name(“origin_stats”) .with_join_key_map(
{“location_id”: “origin_id”}
- location_stats_feature_view
.with_name(“destination_stats”) .with_join_key_map(
{“location_id”: “destination_id”}
On Demand Feature View
- class feast.on_demand_feature_view.OnDemandFeatureView(*, name: str, schema: List[Field], sources: List[FeatureView | RequestSource | FeatureViewProjection], udf: function, udf_string: str = '', description: str = '', tags: Dict[str, str] | None = None, owner: str = '')[source]
[Experimental] An OnDemandFeatureView defines a logical group of features that are generated by applying a transformation on a set of input sources, such as feature views and request data sources.
- features
The list of features in the output of the on demand feature view.
- Type:
- source_feature_view_projections
A map from input source names to actual input sources with type FeatureViewProjection.
- Type:
Dict[str, feast.feature_view_projection.FeatureViewProjection]
- source_request_sources
A map from input source names to the actual input sources with type RequestSource.
- Type:
- udf
The user defined transformation function, which must take pandas dataframes as inputs.
- Type:
- owner
The owner of the on demand feature view, typically the email of the primary maintainer.
- Type:
- classmethod from_proto(on_demand_feature_view_proto: OnDemandFeatureView)[source]
Creates an on demand feature view from a protobuf representation.
- Parameters:
on_demand_feature_view_proto – A protobuf representation of an on-demand feature view.
- Returns:
A OnDemandFeatureView object based on the on-demand feature view protobuf.
- infer_features()[source]
Infers the set of features associated to this feature view from the input source.
- Raises:
RegistryInferenceFailure – The set of features could not be inferred.
Batch Feature View
- class feast.batch_feature_view.BatchFeatureView(*, name: str, source: DataSource, entities: List[Entity] | List[str] | None = None, ttl: timedelta | None = None, tags: Dict[str, str] | None = None, online: bool = True, description: str = '', owner: str = '', schema: List[Field] | None = None)[source]
A batch feature view defines a logical group of features that has only a batch data source.
- ttl
The amount of time this group of features lives. A ttl of 0 indicates that this group of features lives forever. Note that large ttl’s or a ttl of 0 can result in extremely computationally intensive queries.
- Type:
datetime.timedelta | None
- schema
The schema of the feature view, including feature, timestamp, and entity columns. If not specified, can be inferred from the underlying data source.
- Type:
- source
The batch source of data where this group of features is stored.
Stream Feature View
- class feast.stream_feature_view.StreamFeatureView(*, name: str, source: DataSource, entities: List[Entity] | List[str] | None = None, ttl: timedelta = datetime.timedelta(0), tags: Dict[str, str] | None = None, online: bool | None = True, description: str | None = '', owner: str | None = '', schema: List[Field] | None = None, aggregations: List[Aggregation] | None = None, mode: str | None = 'spark', timestamp_field: str | None = '', udf: function | None = None, udf_string: str | None = '')[source]
A stream feature view defines a logical group of features that has both a stream data source and a batch data source.
- ttl
The amount of time this group of features lives. A ttl of 0 indicates that this group of features lives forever. Note that large ttl’s or a ttl of 0 can result in extremely computationally intensive queries.
- Type:
datetime.timedelta | None
- schema
The schema of the feature view, including feature, timestamp, and entity columns. If not specified, can be inferred from the underlying data source.
- Type:
- source
The stream source of data where this group of features is stored.
- aggregations
List of aggregations registered with the stream feature view.
- Type:
- timestamp_field
Must be specified if aggregations are specified. Defines the timestamp column on which to aggregate windows.
- Type:
- owner
The owner of the stream feature view, typically the email of the primary maintainer.
- Type:
- udf
The user defined transformation function. This transformation function should have all of the corresponding imports imported within the function.
- Type:
function | None
- class feast.field.Field(*, name: str, dtype: ComplexFeastType | PrimitiveFeastType, description: str = '', tags: Dict[str, str] | None = None)[source]
A Field represents a set of values with the same structure.
- dtype
The type of the field, such as string or float.
- classmethod from_feature(feature: Feature)[source]
Creates a Field object from a Feature object.
- Parameters:
feature – Feature object to convert.
Feature Service
- class feast.feature_service.FeatureService(*, name: str, features: List[FeatureView | OnDemandFeatureView], tags: Dict[str, str] = None, description: str = '', owner: str = '', logging_config: LoggingConfig | None = None)[source]
A feature service defines a logical group of features from one or more feature views. This group of features can be retrieved together during training or serving.
- feature_view_projections
A list containing feature views and feature view projections, representing the features in the feature service.
- created_timestamp
The time when the feature service was created.
- Type:
datetime.datetime | None
- last_updated_timestamp
The time when the feature service was last updated.
- Type:
datetime.datetime | None
- classmethod from_proto(feature_service_proto: FeatureService)[source]
Converts a FeatureServiceProto to a FeatureService object.
- Parameters:
feature_service_proto – A protobuf representation of a FeatureService.
- infer_features(fvs_to_update: Dict[str, FeatureView])[source]
Infers the features for the projections of this feature service, and updates this feature service in place.
This method is necessary since feature services may rely on feature views which require feature inference.
- Parameters:
fvs_to_update – A mapping of feature view names to corresponding feature views that contains all the feature views necessary to run inference.
- class feast.infra.registry.base_registry.BaseRegistry[source]
The interface that Feast uses to apply, list, retrieve, and delete Feast objects (e.g. entities, feature views, and data sources).
- abstract apply_data_source(data_source: DataSource, project: str, commit: bool = True)[source]
Registers a single data source with Feast
- Parameters:
data_source – A data source that will be registered
project – Feast project that this data source belongs to
commit – Whether to immediately commit to the registry
- abstract apply_entity(entity: Entity, project: str, commit: bool = True)[source]
Registers a single entity with Feast
- Parameters:
entity – Entity that will be registered
project – Feast project that this entity belongs to
commit – Whether the change should be persisted immediately
- abstract apply_feature_service(feature_service: FeatureService, project: str, commit: bool = True)[source]
Registers a single feature service with Feast
- Parameters:
feature_service – A feature service that will be registered
project – Feast project that this entity belongs to
- abstract apply_feature_view(feature_view: BaseFeatureView, project: str, commit: bool = True)[source]
Registers a single feature view with Feast
- Parameters:
feature_view – Feature view that will be registered
project – Feast project that this feature view belongs to
commit – Whether the change should be persisted immediately
- abstract apply_materialization(feature_view: FeatureView, project: str, start_date: datetime, end_date: datetime, commit: bool = True)[source]
Updates materialization intervals tracked for a single feature view in Feast
- Parameters:
feature_view – Feature view that will be updated with an additional materialization interval tracked
project – Feast project that this feature view belongs to
start_date (datetime) – Start date of the materialization interval to track
end_date (datetime) – End date of the materialization interval to track
commit – Whether the change should be persisted immediately
- abstract apply_saved_dataset(saved_dataset: SavedDataset, project: str, commit: bool = True)[source]
Stores a saved dataset metadata with Feast
- Parameters:
saved_dataset – SavedDataset that will be added / updated to registry
project – Feast project that this dataset belongs to
commit – Whether the change should be persisted immediately
- abstract apply_validation_reference(validation_reference: ValidationReference, project: str, commit: bool = True)[source]
Persist a validation reference
- Parameters:
validation_reference – ValidationReference that will be added / updated to registry
project – Feast project that this dataset belongs to
commit – Whether the change should be persisted immediately
- abstract delete_data_source(name: str, project: str, commit: bool = True)[source]
Deletes a data source or raises an exception if not found.
- Parameters:
name – Name of data source
project – Feast project that this data source belongs to
commit – Whether the change should be persisted immediately
- abstract delete_entity(name: str, project: str, commit: bool = True)[source]
Deletes an entity or raises an exception if not found.
- Parameters:
name – Name of entity
project – Feast project that this entity belongs to
commit – Whether the change should be persisted immediately
- abstract delete_feature_service(name: str, project: str, commit: bool = True)[source]
Deletes a feature service or raises an exception if not found.
- Parameters:
name – Name of feature service
project – Feast project that this feature service belongs to
commit – Whether the change should be persisted immediately
- abstract delete_feature_view(name: str, project: str, commit: bool = True)[source]
Deletes a feature view or raises an exception if not found.
- Parameters:
name – Name of feature view
project – Feast project that this feature view belongs to
commit – Whether the change should be persisted immediately
- delete_saved_dataset(name: str, project: str, allow_cache: bool = False)[source]
Delete a saved dataset.
- Parameters:
name – Name of dataset
project – Feast project that this dataset belongs to
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning this dataset from a cached registry
- Returns:
Returns either the specified SavedDataset, or raises an exception if none is found
- abstract delete_validation_reference(name: str, project: str, commit: bool = True)[source]
Deletes a validation reference or raises an exception if not found.
- Parameters:
name – Name of validation reference
project – Feast project that this object belongs to
commit – Whether the change should be persisted immediately
- abstract get_data_source(name: str, project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) DataSource [source]
Retrieves a data source.
- Parameters:
name – Name of data source
project – Feast project that this data source belongs to
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning this data source from a cached registry
- Returns:
Returns either the specified data source, or raises an exception if none is found
- abstract get_entity(name: str, project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) Entity [source]
Retrieves an entity.
- Parameters:
name – Name of entity
project – Feast project that this entity belongs to
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning this entity from a cached registry
- Returns:
Returns either the specified entity, or raises an exception if none is found
- abstract get_feature_service(name: str, project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) FeatureService [source]
Retrieves a feature service.
- Parameters:
name – Name of feature service
project – Feast project that this feature service belongs to
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning this feature service from a cached registry
- Returns:
Returns either the specified feature service, or raises an exception if none is found
- abstract get_feature_view(name: str, project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) FeatureView [source]
Retrieves a feature view.
- Parameters:
name – Name of feature view
project – Feast project that this feature view belongs to
allow_cache – Allow returning feature view from the cached registry
- Returns:
Returns either the specified feature view, or raises an exception if none is found
- abstract get_infra(project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) Infra [source]
Retrieves the stored Infra object.
- Parameters:
project – Feast project that the Infra object refers to
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning this entity from a cached registry
- Returns:
The stored Infra object.
- abstract get_on_demand_feature_view(name: str, project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) OnDemandFeatureView [source]
Retrieves an on demand feature view.
- Parameters:
name – Name of on demand feature view
project – Feast project that this on demand feature view belongs to
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning this on demand feature view from a cached registry
- Returns:
Returns either the specified on demand feature view, or raises an exception if none is found
- abstract get_request_feature_view(name: str, project: str) RequestFeatureView [source]
Retrieves a request feature view.
- Parameters:
name – Name of request feature view
project – Feast project that this feature view belongs to
allow_cache – Allow returning feature view from the cached registry
- Returns:
Returns either the specified feature view, or raises an exception if none is found
- abstract get_saved_dataset(name: str, project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) SavedDataset [source]
Retrieves a saved dataset.
- Parameters:
name – Name of dataset
project – Feast project that this dataset belongs to
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning this dataset from a cached registry
- Returns:
Returns either the specified SavedDataset, or raises an exception if none is found
- abstract get_stream_feature_view(name: str, project: str, allow_cache: bool = False)[source]
Retrieves a stream feature view.
- Parameters:
name – Name of stream feature view
project – Feast project that this feature view belongs to
allow_cache – Allow returning feature view from the cached registry
- Returns:
Returns either the specified feature view, or raises an exception if none is found
- abstract get_validation_reference(name: str, project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) ValidationReference [source]
Retrieves a validation reference.
- Parameters:
name – Name of dataset
project – Feast project that this dataset belongs to
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning this dataset from a cached registry
- Returns:
Returns either the specified ValidationReference, or raises an exception if none is found
- abstract list_data_sources(project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) List[DataSource] [source]
Retrieve a list of data sources from the registry
- Parameters:
project – Filter data source based on project name
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning data sources from a cached registry
- Returns:
List of data sources
- abstract list_entities(project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) List[Entity] [source]
Retrieve a list of entities from the registry
- Parameters:
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning entities from a cached registry
project – Filter entities based on project name
- Returns:
List of entities
- abstract list_feature_services(project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) List[FeatureService] [source]
Retrieve a list of feature services from the registry
- Parameters:
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning entities from a cached registry
project – Filter entities based on project name
- Returns:
List of feature services
- abstract list_feature_views(project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) List[FeatureView] [source]
Retrieve a list of feature views from the registry
- Parameters:
allow_cache – Allow returning feature views from the cached registry
project – Filter feature views based on project name
- Returns:
List of feature views
- abstract list_on_demand_feature_views(project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) List[OnDemandFeatureView] [source]
Retrieve a list of on demand feature views from the registry
- Parameters:
project – Filter on demand feature views based on project name
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning on demand feature views from a cached registry
- Returns:
List of on demand feature views
- list_project_metadata(project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) List[ProjectMetadata] [source]
Retrieves project metadata
- Parameters:
project – Filter metadata based on project name
allow_cache – Allow returning feature views from the cached registry
- Returns:
List of project metadata
- abstract list_request_feature_views(project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) List[RequestFeatureView] [source]
Retrieve a list of request feature views from the registry
- Parameters:
allow_cache – Allow returning feature views from the cached registry
project – Filter feature views based on project name
- Returns:
List of request feature views
- abstract list_saved_datasets(project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) List[SavedDataset] [source]
Retrieves a list of all saved datasets in specified project
- Parameters:
project – Feast project
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning this dataset from a cached registry
- Returns:
Returns the list of SavedDatasets
- abstract list_stream_feature_views(project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) List[StreamFeatureView] [source]
Retrieve a list of stream feature views from the registry
- Parameters:
project – Filter stream feature views based on project name
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning stream feature views from a cached registry
- Returns:
List of stream feature views
- list_validation_references(project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) List[ValidationReference] [source]
Retrieve a list of validation references from the registry
- Parameters:
allow_cache – Allow returning feature views from the cached registry
project – Filter feature views based on project name
- Returns:
List of request feature views
- abstract proto() Registry [source]
Retrieves a proto version of the registry.
- Returns:
The registry proto object.
- abstract refresh(project: str | None = None)[source]
Refreshes the state of the registry cache by fetching the registry state from the remote registry store.
- to_dict(project: str) Dict[str, List[Any]] [source]
Returns a dictionary representation of the registry contents for the specified project.
For each list in the dictionary, the elements are sorted by name, so this method can be used to compare two registries.
- Parameters:
project – Feast project to convert to a dict
- class feast.infra.registry.registry.Registry(project: str, registry_config: RegistryConfig | None, repo_path: Path | None)[source]
- apply_data_source(data_source: DataSource, project: str, commit: bool = True)[source]
Registers a single data source with Feast
- Parameters:
data_source – A data source that will be registered
project – Feast project that this data source belongs to
commit – Whether to immediately commit to the registry
- apply_entity(entity: Entity, project: str, commit: bool = True)[source]
Registers a single entity with Feast
- Parameters:
entity – Entity that will be registered
project – Feast project that this entity belongs to
commit – Whether the change should be persisted immediately
- apply_feature_service(feature_service: FeatureService, project: str, commit: bool = True)[source]
Registers a single feature service with Feast
- Parameters:
feature_service – A feature service that will be registered
project – Feast project that this entity belongs to
- apply_feature_view(feature_view: BaseFeatureView, project: str, commit: bool = True)[source]
Registers a single feature view with Feast
- Parameters:
feature_view – Feature view that will be registered
project – Feast project that this feature view belongs to
commit – Whether the change should be persisted immediately
- apply_materialization(feature_view: FeatureView, project: str, start_date: datetime, end_date: datetime, commit: bool = True)[source]
Updates materialization intervals tracked for a single feature view in Feast
- Parameters:
feature_view – Feature view that will be updated with an additional materialization interval tracked
project – Feast project that this feature view belongs to
start_date (datetime) – Start date of the materialization interval to track
end_date (datetime) – End date of the materialization interval to track
commit – Whether the change should be persisted immediately
- apply_saved_dataset(saved_dataset: SavedDataset, project: str, commit: bool = True)[source]
Stores a saved dataset metadata with Feast
- Parameters:
saved_dataset – SavedDataset that will be added / updated to registry
project – Feast project that this dataset belongs to
commit – Whether the change should be persisted immediately
- apply_validation_reference(validation_reference: ValidationReference, project: str, commit: bool = True)[source]
Persist a validation reference
- Parameters:
validation_reference – ValidationReference that will be added / updated to registry
project – Feast project that this dataset belongs to
commit – Whether the change should be persisted immediately
- delete_data_source(name: str, project: str, commit: bool = True)[source]
Deletes a data source or raises an exception if not found.
- Parameters:
name – Name of data source
project – Feast project that this data source belongs to
commit – Whether the change should be persisted immediately
- delete_entity(name: str, project: str, commit: bool = True)[source]
Deletes an entity or raises an exception if not found.
- Parameters:
name – Name of entity
project – Feast project that this entity belongs to
commit – Whether the change should be persisted immediately
- delete_feature_service(name: str, project: str, commit: bool = True)[source]
Deletes a feature service or raises an exception if not found.
- Parameters:
name – Name of feature service
project – Feast project that this feature service belongs to
commit – Whether the change should be persisted immediately
- delete_feature_view(name: str, project: str, commit: bool = True)[source]
Deletes a feature view or raises an exception if not found.
- Parameters:
name – Name of feature view
project – Feast project that this feature view belongs to
commit – Whether the change should be persisted immediately
- delete_validation_reference(name: str, project: str, commit: bool = True)[source]
Deletes a validation reference or raises an exception if not found.
- Parameters:
name – Name of validation reference
project – Feast project that this object belongs to
commit – Whether the change should be persisted immediately
- get_data_source(name: str, project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) DataSource [source]
Retrieves a data source.
- Parameters:
name – Name of data source
project – Feast project that this data source belongs to
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning this data source from a cached registry
- Returns:
Returns either the specified data source, or raises an exception if none is found
- get_entity(name: str, project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) Entity [source]
Retrieves an entity.
- Parameters:
name – Name of entity
project – Feast project that this entity belongs to
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning this entity from a cached registry
- Returns:
Returns either the specified entity, or raises an exception if none is found
- get_feature_service(name: str, project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) FeatureService [source]
Retrieves a feature service.
- Parameters:
name – Name of feature service
project – Feast project that this feature service belongs to
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning this feature service from a cached registry
- Returns:
Returns either the specified feature service, or raises an exception if none is found
- get_feature_view(name: str, project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) FeatureView [source]
Retrieves a feature view.
- Parameters:
name – Name of feature view
project – Feast project that this feature view belongs to
allow_cache – Allow returning feature view from the cached registry
- Returns:
Returns either the specified feature view, or raises an exception if none is found
- get_infra(project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) Infra [source]
Retrieves the stored Infra object.
- Parameters:
project – Feast project that the Infra object refers to
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning this entity from a cached registry
- Returns:
The stored Infra object.
- get_on_demand_feature_view(name: str, project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) OnDemandFeatureView [source]
Retrieves an on demand feature view.
- Parameters:
name – Name of on demand feature view
project – Feast project that this on demand feature view belongs to
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning this on demand feature view from a cached registry
- Returns:
Returns either the specified on demand feature view, or raises an exception if none is found
- get_request_feature_view(name: str, project: str)[source]
Retrieves a request feature view.
- Parameters:
name – Name of request feature view
project – Feast project that this feature view belongs to
allow_cache – Allow returning feature view from the cached registry
- Returns:
Returns either the specified feature view, or raises an exception if none is found
- get_saved_dataset(name: str, project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) SavedDataset [source]
Retrieves a saved dataset.
- Parameters:
name – Name of dataset
project – Feast project that this dataset belongs to
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning this dataset from a cached registry
- Returns:
Returns either the specified SavedDataset, or raises an exception if none is found
- get_stream_feature_view(name: str, project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) StreamFeatureView [source]
Retrieves a stream feature view.
- Parameters:
name – Name of stream feature view
project – Feast project that this feature view belongs to
allow_cache – Allow returning feature view from the cached registry
- Returns:
Returns either the specified feature view, or raises an exception if none is found
- get_validation_reference(name: str, project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) ValidationReference [source]
Retrieves a validation reference.
- Parameters:
name – Name of dataset
project – Feast project that this dataset belongs to
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning this dataset from a cached registry
- Returns:
Returns either the specified ValidationReference, or raises an exception if none is found
- list_data_sources(project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) List[DataSource] [source]
Retrieve a list of data sources from the registry
- Parameters:
project – Filter data source based on project name
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning data sources from a cached registry
- Returns:
List of data sources
- list_entities(project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) List[Entity] [source]
Retrieve a list of entities from the registry
- Parameters:
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning entities from a cached registry
project – Filter entities based on project name
- Returns:
List of entities
- list_feature_services(project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) List[FeatureService] [source]
Retrieve a list of feature services from the registry
- Parameters:
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning entities from a cached registry
project – Filter entities based on project name
- Returns:
List of feature services
- list_feature_views(project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) List[FeatureView] [source]
Retrieve a list of feature views from the registry
- Parameters:
allow_cache – Allow returning feature views from the cached registry
project – Filter feature views based on project name
- Returns:
List of feature views
- list_on_demand_feature_views(project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) List[OnDemandFeatureView] [source]
Retrieve a list of on demand feature views from the registry
- Parameters:
project – Filter on demand feature views based on project name
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning on demand feature views from a cached registry
- Returns:
List of on demand feature views
- list_project_metadata(project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) List[ProjectMetadata] [source]
Retrieves project metadata
- Parameters:
project – Filter metadata based on project name
allow_cache – Allow returning feature views from the cached registry
- Returns:
List of project metadata
- list_request_feature_views(project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) List[RequestFeatureView] [source]
Retrieve a list of request feature views from the registry
- Parameters:
allow_cache – Allow returning feature views from the cached registry
project – Filter feature views based on project name
- Returns:
List of request feature views
- list_saved_datasets(project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) List[SavedDataset] [source]
Retrieves a list of all saved datasets in specified project
- Parameters:
project – Feast project
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning this dataset from a cached registry
- Returns:
Returns the list of SavedDatasets
- list_stream_feature_views(project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) List[StreamFeatureView] [source]
Retrieve a list of stream feature views from the registry
- Parameters:
project – Filter stream feature views based on project name
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning stream feature views from a cached registry
- Returns:
List of stream feature views
- list_validation_references(project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) List[ValidationReference] [source]
Retrieve a list of validation references from the registry
- Parameters:
allow_cache – Allow returning feature views from the cached registry
project – Filter feature views based on project name
- Returns:
List of request feature views
- proto() Registry [source]
Retrieves a proto version of the registry.
- Returns:
The registry proto object.
SQL Registry
- class feast.infra.registry.sql.SqlRegistry(registry_config: RegistryConfig | SqlRegistryConfig | None, project: str, repo_path: Path | None)[source]
- apply_data_source(data_source: DataSource, project: str, commit: bool = True)[source]
Registers a single data source with Feast
- Parameters:
data_source – A data source that will be registered
project – Feast project that this data source belongs to
commit – Whether to immediately commit to the registry
- apply_entity(entity: Entity, project: str, commit: bool = True)[source]
Registers a single entity with Feast
- Parameters:
entity – Entity that will be registered
project – Feast project that this entity belongs to
commit – Whether the change should be persisted immediately
- apply_feature_service(feature_service: FeatureService, project: str, commit: bool = True)[source]
Registers a single feature service with Feast
- Parameters:
feature_service – A feature service that will be registered
project – Feast project that this entity belongs to
- apply_feature_view(feature_view: BaseFeatureView, project: str, commit: bool = True)[source]
Registers a single feature view with Feast
- Parameters:
feature_view – Feature view that will be registered
project – Feast project that this feature view belongs to
commit – Whether the change should be persisted immediately
- apply_materialization(feature_view: FeatureView, project: str, start_date: datetime, end_date: datetime, commit: bool = True)[source]
Updates materialization intervals tracked for a single feature view in Feast
- Parameters:
feature_view – Feature view that will be updated with an additional materialization interval tracked
project – Feast project that this feature view belongs to
start_date (datetime) – Start date of the materialization interval to track
end_date (datetime) – End date of the materialization interval to track
commit – Whether the change should be persisted immediately
- apply_saved_dataset(saved_dataset: SavedDataset, project: str, commit: bool = True)[source]
Stores a saved dataset metadata with Feast
- Parameters:
saved_dataset – SavedDataset that will be added / updated to registry
project – Feast project that this dataset belongs to
commit – Whether the change should be persisted immediately
- apply_validation_reference(validation_reference: ValidationReference, project: str, commit: bool = True)[source]
Persist a validation reference
- Parameters:
validation_reference – ValidationReference that will be added / updated to registry
project – Feast project that this dataset belongs to
commit – Whether the change should be persisted immediately
- delete_data_source(name: str, project: str, commit: bool = True)[source]
Deletes a data source or raises an exception if not found.
- Parameters:
name – Name of data source
project – Feast project that this data source belongs to
commit – Whether the change should be persisted immediately
- delete_entity(name: str, project: str, commit: bool = True)[source]
Deletes an entity or raises an exception if not found.
- Parameters:
name – Name of entity
project – Feast project that this entity belongs to
commit – Whether the change should be persisted immediately
- delete_feature_service(name: str, project: str, commit: bool = True)[source]
Deletes a feature service or raises an exception if not found.
- Parameters:
name – Name of feature service
project – Feast project that this feature service belongs to
commit – Whether the change should be persisted immediately
- delete_feature_view(name: str, project: str, commit: bool = True)[source]
Deletes a feature view or raises an exception if not found.
- Parameters:
name – Name of feature view
project – Feast project that this feature view belongs to
commit – Whether the change should be persisted immediately
- delete_validation_reference(name: str, project: str, commit: bool = True)[source]
Deletes a validation reference or raises an exception if not found.
- Parameters:
name – Name of validation reference
project – Feast project that this object belongs to
commit – Whether the change should be persisted immediately
- get_data_source(name: str, project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) DataSource [source]
Retrieves a data source.
- Parameters:
name – Name of data source
project – Feast project that this data source belongs to
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning this data source from a cached registry
- Returns:
Returns either the specified data source, or raises an exception if none is found
- get_entity(name: str, project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) Entity [source]
Retrieves an entity.
- Parameters:
name – Name of entity
project – Feast project that this entity belongs to
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning this entity from a cached registry
- Returns:
Returns either the specified entity, or raises an exception if none is found
- get_feature_service(name: str, project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) FeatureService [source]
Retrieves a feature service.
- Parameters:
name – Name of feature service
project – Feast project that this feature service belongs to
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning this feature service from a cached registry
- Returns:
Returns either the specified feature service, or raises an exception if none is found
- get_feature_view(name: str, project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) FeatureView [source]
Retrieves a feature view.
- Parameters:
name – Name of feature view
project – Feast project that this feature view belongs to
allow_cache – Allow returning feature view from the cached registry
- Returns:
Returns either the specified feature view, or raises an exception if none is found
- get_infra(project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) Infra [source]
Retrieves the stored Infra object.
- Parameters:
project – Feast project that the Infra object refers to
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning this entity from a cached registry
- Returns:
The stored Infra object.
- get_on_demand_feature_view(name: str, project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) OnDemandFeatureView [source]
Retrieves an on demand feature view.
- Parameters:
name – Name of on demand feature view
project – Feast project that this on demand feature view belongs to
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning this on demand feature view from a cached registry
- Returns:
Returns either the specified on demand feature view, or raises an exception if none is found
- get_request_feature_view(name: str, project: str, allow_cache: bool = False)[source]
Retrieves a request feature view.
- Parameters:
name – Name of request feature view
project – Feast project that this feature view belongs to
allow_cache – Allow returning feature view from the cached registry
- Returns:
Returns either the specified feature view, or raises an exception if none is found
- get_saved_dataset(name: str, project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) SavedDataset [source]
Retrieves a saved dataset.
- Parameters:
name – Name of dataset
project – Feast project that this dataset belongs to
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning this dataset from a cached registry
- Returns:
Returns either the specified SavedDataset, or raises an exception if none is found
- get_stream_feature_view(name: str, project: str, allow_cache: bool = False)[source]
Retrieves a stream feature view.
- Parameters:
name – Name of stream feature view
project – Feast project that this feature view belongs to
allow_cache – Allow returning feature view from the cached registry
- Returns:
Returns either the specified feature view, or raises an exception if none is found
- get_validation_reference(name: str, project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) ValidationReference [source]
Retrieves a validation reference.
- Parameters:
name – Name of dataset
project – Feast project that this dataset belongs to
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning this dataset from a cached registry
- Returns:
Returns either the specified ValidationReference, or raises an exception if none is found
- list_data_sources(project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) List[DataSource] [source]
Retrieve a list of data sources from the registry
- Parameters:
project – Filter data source based on project name
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning data sources from a cached registry
- Returns:
List of data sources
- list_entities(project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) List[Entity] [source]
Retrieve a list of entities from the registry
- Parameters:
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning entities from a cached registry
project – Filter entities based on project name
- Returns:
List of entities
- list_feature_services(project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) List[FeatureService] [source]
Retrieve a list of feature services from the registry
- Parameters:
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning entities from a cached registry
project – Filter entities based on project name
- Returns:
List of feature services
- list_feature_views(project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) List[FeatureView] [source]
Retrieve a list of feature views from the registry
- Parameters:
allow_cache – Allow returning feature views from the cached registry
project – Filter feature views based on project name
- Returns:
List of feature views
- list_on_demand_feature_views(project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) List[OnDemandFeatureView] [source]
Retrieve a list of on demand feature views from the registry
- Parameters:
project – Filter on demand feature views based on project name
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning on demand feature views from a cached registry
- Returns:
List of on demand feature views
- list_project_metadata(project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) List[ProjectMetadata] [source]
Retrieves project metadata
- Parameters:
project – Filter metadata based on project name
allow_cache – Allow returning feature views from the cached registry
- Returns:
List of project metadata
- list_request_feature_views(project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) List[RequestFeatureView] [source]
Retrieve a list of request feature views from the registry
- Parameters:
allow_cache – Allow returning feature views from the cached registry
project – Filter feature views based on project name
- Returns:
List of request feature views
- list_saved_datasets(project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) List[SavedDataset] [source]
Retrieves a list of all saved datasets in specified project
- Parameters:
project – Feast project
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning this dataset from a cached registry
- Returns:
Returns the list of SavedDatasets
- list_stream_feature_views(project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) List[StreamFeatureView] [source]
Retrieve a list of stream feature views from the registry
- Parameters:
project – Filter stream feature views based on project name
allow_cache – Whether to allow returning stream feature views from a cached registry
- Returns:
List of stream feature views
- list_validation_references(project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) List[ValidationReference] [source]
Retrieve a list of validation references from the registry
- Parameters:
allow_cache – Allow returning feature views from the cached registry
project – Filter feature views based on project name
- Returns:
List of request feature views
- proto() Registry [source]
Retrieves a proto version of the registry.
- Returns:
The registry proto object.
Registry Store
- class feast.infra.registry.registry_store.RegistryStore[source]
A registry store is a storage backend for the Feast registry.
File Registry Store
- class feast.infra.registry.file.FileRegistryStore(registry_config: RegistryConfig, repo_path: Path)[source]
GCS Registry Store
- class feast.infra.registry.gcs.GCSRegistryStore(registry_config: RegistryConfig, repo_path: Path)[source]
S3 Registry Store
- class feast.infra.registry.s3.S3RegistryStore(registry_config: RegistryConfig, repo_path: Path)[source]
PostgreSQL Registry Store
- class feast.infra.registry.contrib.postgres.postgres_registry_store.PostgreSQLRegistryStore(config: PostgresRegistryConfig, registry_path: str)[source]
- class feast.infra.provider.Provider(config: RepoConfig)[source]
A provider defines an implementation of a feature store object. It orchestrates the various components of a feature store, such as the offline store, online store, and materialization engine. It is configured through a RepoConfig object.
- get_feature_server_endpoint() str | None [source]
Returns endpoint for the feature server, if it exists.
- abstract get_historical_features(config: RepoConfig, feature_views: List[FeatureView], feature_refs: List[str], entity_df: DataFrame | str, registry: BaseRegistry, project: str, full_feature_names: bool) RetrievalJob [source]
Retrieves the point-in-time correct historical feature values for the specified entity rows.
- Parameters:
config – The config for the current feature store.
feature_views – A list containing all feature views that are referenced in the entity rows.
feature_refs – The features to be retrieved.
entity_df – A collection of rows containing all entity columns on which features need to be joined, as well as the timestamp column used for point-in-time joins. Either a pandas dataframe can be provided or a SQL query.
registry – The registry for the current feature store.
project – Feast project to which the feature views belong.
full_feature_names – If True, feature names will be prefixed with the corresponding feature view name, changing them from the format “feature” to “feature_view__feature” (e.g. “daily_transactions” changes to “customer_fv__daily_transactions”).
- Returns:
A RetrievalJob that can be executed to get the features.
- ingest_df(feature_view: FeatureView, df: DataFrame)[source]
Persists a dataframe to the online store.
- Parameters:
feature_view – The feature view to which the dataframe corresponds.
df – The dataframe to be persisted.
- ingest_df_to_offline_store(feature_view: FeatureView, df: Table)[source]
Persists a dataframe to the offline store.
- Parameters:
feature_view – The feature view to which the dataframe corresponds.
df – The dataframe to be persisted.
- abstract materialize_single_feature_view(config: RepoConfig, feature_view: FeatureView, start_date: datetime, end_date: datetime, registry: BaseRegistry, project: str, tqdm_builder: Callable[[int], tqdm]) None [source]
Writes latest feature values in the specified time range to the online store.
- Parameters:
config – The config for the current feature store.
feature_view – The feature view to materialize.
start_date – The start of the time range.
end_date – The end of the time range.
registry – The registry for the current feature store.
project – Feast project to which the objects belong.
tqdm_builder – A function to monitor the progress of materialization.
- abstract online_read(config: RepoConfig, table: FeatureView, entity_keys: List[EntityKey], requested_features: List[str] | None = None) List[Tuple[datetime | None, Dict[str, Value] | None]] [source]
Reads features values for the given entity keys.
- Parameters:
config – The config for the current feature store.
table – The feature view whose feature values should be read.
entity_keys – The list of entity keys for which feature values should be read.
requested_features – The list of features that should be read.
- Returns:
A list of the same length as entity_keys. Each item in the list is a tuple where the first item is the event timestamp for the row, and the second item is a dict mapping feature names to values, which are returned in proto format.
- abstract online_write_batch(config: RepoConfig, table: FeatureView, data: List[Tuple[EntityKey, Dict[str, Value], datetime, datetime | None]], progress: Callable[[int], Any] | None) None [source]
Writes a batch of feature rows to the online store.
If a tz-naive timestamp is passed to this method, it is assumed to be UTC.
- Parameters:
config – The config for the current feature store.
table – Feature view to which these feature rows correspond.
data – A list of quadruplets containing feature data. Each quadruplet contains an entity key, a dict containing feature values, an event timestamp for the row, and the created timestamp for the row if it exists.
progress – Function to be called once a batch of rows is written to the online store, used to show progress.
- plan_infra(config: RepoConfig, desired_registry_proto: Registry) Infra [source]
Returns the Infra required to support the desired registry.
- Parameters:
config – The RepoConfig for the current FeatureStore.
desired_registry_proto – The desired registry, in proto form.
- abstract retrieve_feature_service_logs(feature_service: FeatureService, start_date: datetime, end_date: datetime, config: RepoConfig, registry: BaseRegistry) RetrievalJob [source]
Reads logged features for the specified time window.
- Parameters:
feature_service – The feature service whose logs should be retrieved.
start_date – The start of the window.
end_date – The end of the window.
config – The config for the current feature store.
registry – The registry for the current feature store.
- Returns:
A RetrievalJob that can be executed to get the feature service logs.
- abstract retrieve_saved_dataset(config: RepoConfig, dataset: SavedDataset) RetrievalJob [source]
Reads a saved dataset.
- Parameters:
config – The config for the current feature store.
dataset – A SavedDataset object containing all parameters necessary for retrieving the dataset.
- Returns:
A RetrievalJob that can be executed to get the saved dataset.
- abstract teardown_infra(project: str, tables: Sequence[FeatureView], entities: Sequence[Entity])[source]
Tears down all cloud resources for the specified set of Feast objects.
- Parameters:
project – Feast project to which the objects belong.
tables – Feature views whose corresponding infrastructure should be deleted.
entities – Entities whose corresponding infrastructure should be deleted.
- abstract update_infra(project: str, tables_to_delete: Sequence[FeatureView], tables_to_keep: Sequence[FeatureView], entities_to_delete: Sequence[Entity], entities_to_keep: Sequence[Entity], partial: bool)[source]
Reconciles cloud resources with the specified set of Feast objects.
- Parameters:
project – Feast project to which the objects belong.
tables_to_delete – Feature views whose corresponding infrastructure should be deleted.
tables_to_keep – Feature views whose corresponding infrastructure should not be deleted, and may need to be updated.
entities_to_delete – Entities whose corresponding infrastructure should be deleted.
entities_to_keep – Entities whose corresponding infrastructure should not be deleted, and may need to be updated.
partial – If true, tables_to_delete and tables_to_keep are not exhaustive lists, so infrastructure corresponding to other feature views should be not be touched.
- abstract write_feature_service_logs(feature_service: FeatureService, logs: Table | Path, config: RepoConfig, registry: BaseRegistry)[source]
Writes features and entities logged by a feature server to the offline store.
The schema of the logs table is inferred from the specified feature service. Only feature services with configured logging are accepted.
- Parameters:
feature_service – The feature service to be logged.
logs – The logs, either as an arrow table or as a path to a parquet directory.
config – The config for the current feature store.
registry – The registry for the current feature store.
Passthrough Provider
- class feast.infra.passthrough_provider.PassthroughProvider(config: RepoConfig)[source]
The passthrough provider delegates all operations to the underlying online and offline stores.
- get_historical_features(config: RepoConfig, feature_views: List[FeatureView], feature_refs: List[str], entity_df: DataFrame | str, registry: BaseRegistry, project: str, full_feature_names: bool) RetrievalJob [source]
Retrieves the point-in-time correct historical feature values for the specified entity rows.
- Parameters:
config – The config for the current feature store.
feature_views – A list containing all feature views that are referenced in the entity rows.
feature_refs – The features to be retrieved.
entity_df – A collection of rows containing all entity columns on which features need to be joined, as well as the timestamp column used for point-in-time joins. Either a pandas dataframe can be provided or a SQL query.
registry – The registry for the current feature store.
project – Feast project to which the feature views belong.
full_feature_names – If True, feature names will be prefixed with the corresponding feature view name, changing them from the format “feature” to “feature_view__feature” (e.g. “daily_transactions” changes to “customer_fv__daily_transactions”).
- Returns:
A RetrievalJob that can be executed to get the features.
- ingest_df(feature_view: FeatureView, df: DataFrame)[source]
Persists a dataframe to the online store.
- Parameters:
feature_view – The feature view to which the dataframe corresponds.
df – The dataframe to be persisted.
- ingest_df_to_offline_store(feature_view: FeatureView, table: Table)[source]
Persists a dataframe to the offline store.
- Parameters:
feature_view – The feature view to which the dataframe corresponds.
df – The dataframe to be persisted.
- materialize_single_feature_view(config: RepoConfig, feature_view: FeatureView, start_date: datetime, end_date: datetime, registry: BaseRegistry, project: str, tqdm_builder: Callable[[int], tqdm]) None [source]
Writes latest feature values in the specified time range to the online store.
- Parameters:
config – The config for the current feature store.
feature_view – The feature view to materialize.
start_date – The start of the time range.
end_date – The end of the time range.
registry – The registry for the current feature store.
project – Feast project to which the objects belong.
tqdm_builder – A function to monitor the progress of materialization.
- online_read(config: RepoConfig, table: FeatureView, entity_keys: List[EntityKey], requested_features: List[str] = None) List [source]
Reads features values for the given entity keys.
- Parameters:
config – The config for the current feature store.
table – The feature view whose feature values should be read.
entity_keys – The list of entity keys for which feature values should be read.
requested_features – The list of features that should be read.
- Returns:
A list of the same length as entity_keys. Each item in the list is a tuple where the first item is the event timestamp for the row, and the second item is a dict mapping feature names to values, which are returned in proto format.
- online_write_batch(config: RepoConfig, table: FeatureView, data: List[Tuple[EntityKey, Dict[str, Value], datetime, datetime | None]], progress: Callable[[int], Any] | None) None [source]
Writes a batch of feature rows to the online store.
If a tz-naive timestamp is passed to this method, it is assumed to be UTC.
- Parameters:
config – The config for the current feature store.
table – Feature view to which these feature rows correspond.
data – A list of quadruplets containing feature data. Each quadruplet contains an entity key, a dict containing feature values, an event timestamp for the row, and the created timestamp for the row if it exists.
progress – Function to be called once a batch of rows is written to the online store, used to show progress.
- retrieve_feature_service_logs(feature_service: FeatureService, start_date: datetime, end_date: datetime, config: RepoConfig, registry: BaseRegistry) RetrievalJob [source]
Reads logged features for the specified time window.
- Parameters:
feature_service – The feature service whose logs should be retrieved.
start_date – The start of the window.
end_date – The end of the window.
config – The config for the current feature store.
registry – The registry for the current feature store.
- Returns:
A RetrievalJob that can be executed to get the feature service logs.
- retrieve_saved_dataset(config: RepoConfig, dataset: SavedDataset) RetrievalJob [source]
Reads a saved dataset.
- Parameters:
config – The config for the current feature store.
dataset – A SavedDataset object containing all parameters necessary for retrieving the dataset.
- Returns:
A RetrievalJob that can be executed to get the saved dataset.
- teardown_infra(project: str, tables: Sequence[FeatureView], entities: Sequence[Entity]) None [source]
Tears down all cloud resources for the specified set of Feast objects.
- Parameters:
project – Feast project to which the objects belong.
tables – Feature views whose corresponding infrastructure should be deleted.
entities – Entities whose corresponding infrastructure should be deleted.
- update_infra(project: str, tables_to_delete: Sequence[FeatureView], tables_to_keep: Sequence[FeatureView], entities_to_delete: Sequence[Entity], entities_to_keep: Sequence[Entity], partial: bool)[source]
Reconciles cloud resources with the specified set of Feast objects.
- Parameters:
project – Feast project to which the objects belong.
tables_to_delete – Feature views whose corresponding infrastructure should be deleted.
tables_to_keep – Feature views whose corresponding infrastructure should not be deleted, and may need to be updated.
entities_to_delete – Entities whose corresponding infrastructure should be deleted.
entities_to_keep – Entities whose corresponding infrastructure should not be deleted, and may need to be updated.
partial – If true, tables_to_delete and tables_to_keep are not exhaustive lists, so infrastructure corresponding to other feature views should be not be touched.
- write_feature_service_logs(feature_service: FeatureService, logs: Table | str, config: RepoConfig, registry: BaseRegistry)[source]
Writes features and entities logged by a feature server to the offline store.
The schema of the logs table is inferred from the specified feature service. Only feature services with configured logging are accepted.
- Parameters:
feature_service – The feature service to be logged.
logs – The logs, either as an arrow table or as a path to a parquet directory.
config – The config for the current feature store.
registry – The registry for the current feature store.
Local Provider
- class feast.infra.local.LocalProvider(config: RepoConfig)[source]
This class only exists for backwards compatibility.
- plan_infra(config: RepoConfig, desired_registry_proto: Registry) Infra [source]
Returns the Infra required to support the desired registry.
- Parameters:
config – The RepoConfig for the current FeatureStore.
desired_registry_proto – The desired registry, in proto form.
GCP Provider
- class feast.infra.gcp.GcpProvider(config: RepoConfig)[source]
This class only exists for backwards compatibility.
AWS Provider
- class feast.infra.aws.AwsProvider(config: RepoConfig)[source]
- get_feature_server_endpoint() str | None [source]
Returns endpoint for the feature server, if it exists.
- teardown_infra(project: str, tables: Sequence[FeatureView], entities: Sequence[Entity]) None [source]
Tears down all cloud resources for the specified set of Feast objects.
- Parameters:
project – Feast project to which the objects belong.
tables – Feature views whose corresponding infrastructure should be deleted.
entities – Entities whose corresponding infrastructure should be deleted.
- update_infra(project: str, tables_to_delete