Source code for feast.inference

import re
from typing import List

from feast import BigQuerySource, Entity, FileSource, RedshiftSource, SnowflakeSource
from feast.data_source import DataSource, RequestSource
from feast.errors import RegistryInferenceFailure
from feast.feature_view import FeatureView
from feast.field import Field, from_value_type
from feast.repo_config import RepoConfig
from feast.value_type import ValueType

[docs]def update_entities_with_inferred_types_from_feature_views( entities: List[Entity], feature_views: List[FeatureView], config: RepoConfig ) -> None: """ Infers the types of the entities by examining the schemas of feature view batch sources. Args: entities: The entities to be updated. feature_views: A list containing feature views associated with the entities. config: The config for the current feature store. """ incomplete_entities = { entity for entity in entities if entity.value_type == ValueType.UNKNOWN } incomplete_entities_keys = incomplete_entities.keys() for view in feature_views: if not (incomplete_entities_keys & set(view.entities)): continue # skip if view doesn't contain any entities that need inference col_names_and_types = view.batch_source.get_table_column_names_and_types(config) for entity_name in view.entities: if entity_name in incomplete_entities: entity = incomplete_entities[entity_name] # get entity information from information extracted from the view batch source extracted_entity_name_type_pairs = list( filter(lambda tup: tup[0] == entity.join_key, col_names_and_types,) ) if len(extracted_entity_name_type_pairs) == 0: # Doesn't mention inference error because would also be an error without inferencing raise ValueError( f"""No column in the batch source for the {} feature view matches its entity's name.""" ) inferred_value_type = view.batch_source.source_datatype_to_feast_value_type()( extracted_entity_name_type_pairs[0][1] ) if ( entity.value_type != ValueType.UNKNOWN and entity.value_type != inferred_value_type ) or (len(extracted_entity_name_type_pairs) > 1): raise RegistryInferenceFailure( "Entity", f"""Entity value_type inference failed for {entity_name} entity. Multiple viable matches. """, ) entity.value_type = inferred_value_type
[docs]def update_data_sources_with_inferred_event_timestamp_col( data_sources: List[DataSource], config: RepoConfig ) -> None: ERROR_MSG_PREFIX = "Unable to infer DataSource event_timestamp_column" for data_source in data_sources: if isinstance(data_source, RequestSource): continue if data_source.timestamp_field is None or data_source.timestamp_field == "": # prepare right match pattern for data source ts_column_type_regex_pattern = "" # TODO(adchia): Move Spark source inference out of this logic if ( isinstance(data_source, FileSource) or "SparkSource" == data_source.__class__.__name__ ): ts_column_type_regex_pattern = r"^timestamp" elif isinstance(data_source, BigQuerySource): ts_column_type_regex_pattern = "TIMESTAMP|DATETIME" elif isinstance(data_source, RedshiftSource): ts_column_type_regex_pattern = "TIMESTAMP[A-Z]*" elif isinstance(data_source, SnowflakeSource): ts_column_type_regex_pattern = "TIMESTAMP_[A-Z]*" else: raise RegistryInferenceFailure( "DataSource", f""" DataSource inferencing of timestamp_field is currently only supported for FileSource, SparkSource, BigQuerySource, RedshiftSource, and SnowflakeSource. Attempting to infer from {data_source}. """, ) # for informing the type checker assert ( isinstance(data_source, FileSource) or isinstance(data_source, BigQuerySource) or isinstance(data_source, RedshiftSource) or isinstance(data_source, SnowflakeSource) or "SparkSource" == data_source.__class__.__name__ ) # loop through table columns to find singular match timestamp_field, matched_flag = None, False for ( col_name, col_datatype, ) in data_source.get_table_column_names_and_types(config): if re.match(ts_column_type_regex_pattern, col_datatype): if matched_flag: raise RegistryInferenceFailure( "DataSource", f""" {ERROR_MSG_PREFIX} due to multiple possible columns satisfying the criteria. {ts_column_type_regex_pattern} {col_name} """, ) matched_flag = True timestamp_field = col_name if matched_flag: assert timestamp_field data_source.timestamp_field = timestamp_field else: raise RegistryInferenceFailure( "DataSource", f""" {ERROR_MSG_PREFIX} due to an absence of columns that satisfy the criteria. """, )
[docs]def update_feature_views_with_inferred_features( fvs: List[FeatureView], entities: List[Entity], config: RepoConfig ) -> None: """ Infers the set of features associated to each FeatureView and updates the FeatureView with those features. Inference occurs through considering each column of the underlying data source as a feature except columns that are associated with the data source's timestamp columns and the FeatureView's entity columns. Args: fvs: The feature views to be updated. entities: A list containing entities associated with the feature views. config: The config for the current feature store. """ entity_name_to_join_key_map = { entity.join_key for entity in entities} for fv in fvs: if not fv.features: columns_to_exclude = { fv.batch_source.timestamp_field, fv.batch_source.created_timestamp_column, } | { entity_name_to_join_key_map[entity_name] for entity_name in fv.entities } if fv.batch_source.timestamp_field in fv.batch_source.field_mapping: columns_to_exclude.add( fv.batch_source.field_mapping[fv.batch_source.timestamp_field] ) if ( fv.batch_source.created_timestamp_column in fv.batch_source.field_mapping ): columns_to_exclude.add( fv.batch_source.field_mapping[ fv.batch_source.created_timestamp_column ] ) for ( col_name, col_datatype, ) in fv.batch_source.get_table_column_names_and_types(config): if col_name not in columns_to_exclude and not re.match( "^__|__$", col_name, # double underscores often signal an internal-use column ): feature_name = ( fv.batch_source.field_mapping[col_name] if col_name in fv.batch_source.field_mapping else col_name ) field = Field( name=feature_name, dtype=from_value_type( fv.batch_source.source_datatype_to_feast_value_type()( col_datatype ) ), ) # Note that schema and features are two different attributes of a # FeatureView, and that features should be present in both. fv.schema.append(field) fv.features.append(field) if not fv.features: raise RegistryInferenceFailure( "FeatureView", f"Could not infer Features for the FeatureView named {}.", )