Source code for feast.infra.offline_stores.snowflake

import contextlib
import os
import uuid
import warnings
from datetime import datetime
from functools import reduce
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pyarrow
from pydantic import Field, StrictStr
from pydantic.typing import Literal
from pytz import utc

from feast import OnDemandFeatureView
from feast.data_source import DataSource
from feast.errors import (
from feast.feature_logging import LoggingConfig, LoggingSource
from feast.feature_view import DUMMY_ENTITY_ID, DUMMY_ENTITY_VAL, FeatureView
from feast.infra.offline_stores import offline_utils
from feast.infra.offline_stores.offline_store import (
from feast.infra.offline_stores.snowflake_source import (
from feast.infra.registry.base_registry import BaseRegistry
from feast.infra.utils.snowflake.snowflake_utils import (
from feast.repo_config import FeastConfigBaseModel, RepoConfig
from feast.saved_dataset import SavedDatasetStorage
from feast.usage import log_exceptions_and_usage

    from snowflake.connector import SnowflakeConnection
except ImportError as e:
    from feast.errors import FeastExtrasDependencyImportError

    raise FeastExtrasDependencyImportError("snowflake", str(e))

    from pyspark.sql import DataFrame, SparkSession

warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning)

[docs]class SnowflakeOfflineStoreConfig(FeastConfigBaseModel): """Offline store config for Snowflake""" type: Literal["snowflake.offline"] = "snowflake.offline" """ Offline store type selector""" config_path: Optional[str] = os.path.expanduser("~/.snowsql/config") """ Snowflake config path -- absolute path required (Cant use ~)""" account: Optional[str] = None """ Snowflake deployment identifier -- drop""" user: Optional[str] = None """ Snowflake user name """ password: Optional[str] = None """ Snowflake password """ role: Optional[str] = None """ Snowflake role name""" warehouse: Optional[str] = None """ Snowflake warehouse name """ authenticator: Optional[str] = None """ Snowflake authenticator name """ database: StrictStr """ Snowflake database name """ schema_: Optional[str] = Field("PUBLIC", alias="schema") """ Snowflake schema name """ storage_integration_name: Optional[str] = None """ Storage integration name in snowflake """ blob_export_location: Optional[str] = None """ Location (in S3, Google storage or Azure storage) where data is offloaded """
[docs] class Config: allow_population_by_field_name = True
[docs]class SnowflakeOfflineStore(OfflineStore):
[docs] @staticmethod @log_exceptions_and_usage(offline_store="snowflake") def pull_latest_from_table_or_query( config: RepoConfig, data_source: DataSource, join_key_columns: List[str], feature_name_columns: List[str], timestamp_field: str, created_timestamp_column: Optional[str], start_date: datetime, end_date: datetime, ) -> RetrievalJob: assert isinstance(config.offline_store, SnowflakeOfflineStoreConfig) assert isinstance(data_source, SnowflakeSource) from_expression = data_source.get_table_query_string() if not data_source.database and data_source.table: from_expression = f'"{config.offline_store.database}"."{config.offline_store.schema_}".{from_expression}' if join_key_columns: partition_by_join_key_string = '"' + '", "'.join(join_key_columns) + '"' partition_by_join_key_string = ( "PARTITION BY " + partition_by_join_key_string ) else: partition_by_join_key_string = "" timestamp_columns = [timestamp_field] if created_timestamp_column: timestamp_columns.append(created_timestamp_column) timestamp_desc_string = '"' + '" DESC, "'.join(timestamp_columns) + '" DESC' field_string = ( '"' + '", "'.join(join_key_columns + feature_name_columns + timestamp_columns) + '"' ) if data_source.snowflake_options.warehouse: config.offline_store.warehouse = data_source.snowflake_options.warehouse snowflake_conn = get_snowflake_conn(config.offline_store) start_date = start_date.astimezone(tz=utc) end_date = end_date.astimezone(tz=utc) query = f""" SELECT {field_string} {f''', TRIM({repr(DUMMY_ENTITY_VAL)}::VARIANT,'"') AS "{DUMMY_ENTITY_ID}"''' if not join_key_columns else ""} FROM ( SELECT {field_string}, ROW_NUMBER() OVER({partition_by_join_key_string} ORDER BY {timestamp_desc_string}) AS "_feast_row" FROM {from_expression} WHERE "{timestamp_field}" BETWEEN TIMESTAMP '{start_date}' AND TIMESTAMP '{end_date}' ) WHERE "_feast_row" = 1 """ return SnowflakeRetrievalJob( query=query, snowflake_conn=snowflake_conn, config=config, full_feature_names=False, on_demand_feature_views=None, )
[docs] @staticmethod @log_exceptions_and_usage(offline_store="snowflake") def pull_all_from_table_or_query( config: RepoConfig, data_source: DataSource, join_key_columns: List[str], feature_name_columns: List[str], timestamp_field: str, start_date: datetime, end_date: datetime, ) -> RetrievalJob: assert isinstance(config.offline_store, SnowflakeOfflineStoreConfig) assert isinstance(data_source, SnowflakeSource) from_expression = data_source.get_table_query_string() if not data_source.database and data_source.table: from_expression = f'"{config.offline_store.database}"."{config.offline_store.schema_}".{from_expression}' field_string = ( '"' + '", "'.join(join_key_columns + feature_name_columns + [timestamp_field]) + '"' ) if data_source.snowflake_options.warehouse: config.offline_store.warehouse = data_source.snowflake_options.warehouse snowflake_conn = get_snowflake_conn(config.offline_store) start_date = start_date.astimezone(tz=utc) end_date = end_date.astimezone(tz=utc) query = f""" SELECT {field_string} FROM {from_expression} WHERE "{timestamp_field}" BETWEEN TIMESTAMP '{start_date}' AND TIMESTAMP '{end_date}' """ return SnowflakeRetrievalJob( query=query, snowflake_conn=snowflake_conn, config=config, full_feature_names=False, )
[docs] @staticmethod @log_exceptions_and_usage(offline_store="snowflake") def get_historical_features( config: RepoConfig, feature_views: List[FeatureView], feature_refs: List[str], entity_df: Union[pd.DataFrame, str], registry: BaseRegistry, project: str, full_feature_names: bool = False, ) -> RetrievalJob: assert isinstance(config.offline_store, SnowflakeOfflineStoreConfig) for fv in feature_views: assert isinstance(fv.batch_source, SnowflakeSource) snowflake_conn = get_snowflake_conn(config.offline_store) entity_schema = _get_entity_schema(entity_df, snowflake_conn, config) entity_df_event_timestamp_col = ( offline_utils.infer_event_timestamp_from_entity_df(entity_schema) ) entity_df_event_timestamp_range = _get_entity_df_event_timestamp_range( entity_df, entity_df_event_timestamp_col, snowflake_conn, ) @contextlib.contextmanager def query_generator() -> Iterator[str]: table_name = offline_utils.get_temp_entity_table_name() _upload_entity_df(entity_df, snowflake_conn, config, table_name) expected_join_keys = offline_utils.get_expected_join_keys( project, feature_views, registry ) offline_utils.assert_expected_columns_in_entity_df( entity_schema, expected_join_keys, entity_df_event_timestamp_col ) # Build a query context containing all information required to template the Snowflake SQL query query_context = offline_utils.get_feature_view_query_context( feature_refs, feature_views, registry, project, entity_df_event_timestamp_range, ) query_context = _fix_entity_selections_identifiers(query_context) # Generate the Snowflake SQL query from the query context query = offline_utils.build_point_in_time_query( query_context, left_table_query_string=table_name, entity_df_event_timestamp_col=entity_df_event_timestamp_col, entity_df_columns=entity_schema.keys(), query_template=MULTIPLE_FEATURE_VIEW_POINT_IN_TIME_JOIN, full_feature_names=full_feature_names, ) yield query return SnowflakeRetrievalJob( query=query_generator, snowflake_conn=snowflake_conn, config=config, full_feature_names=full_feature_names, on_demand_feature_views=OnDemandFeatureView.get_requested_odfvs( feature_refs, project, registry ), metadata=RetrievalMetadata( features=feature_refs, keys=list(entity_schema.keys() - {entity_df_event_timestamp_col}), min_event_timestamp=entity_df_event_timestamp_range[0], max_event_timestamp=entity_df_event_timestamp_range[1], ), )
[docs] @staticmethod def write_logged_features( config: RepoConfig, data: Union[pyarrow.Table, Path], source: LoggingSource, logging_config: LoggingConfig, registry: BaseRegistry, ): assert isinstance(logging_config.destination, SnowflakeLoggingDestination) snowflake_conn = get_snowflake_conn(config.offline_store) if isinstance(data, Path): write_parquet( snowflake_conn, data, source.get_schema(registry), table_name=logging_config.destination.table_name, auto_create_table=True, ) else: write_pandas( snowflake_conn, data.to_pandas(), table_name=logging_config.destination.table_name, auto_create_table=True, )
[docs] @staticmethod def offline_write_batch( config: RepoConfig, feature_view: FeatureView, table: pyarrow.Table, progress: Optional[Callable[[int], Any]], ): assert isinstance(config.offline_store, SnowflakeOfflineStoreConfig) assert isinstance(feature_view.batch_source, SnowflakeSource) pa_schema, column_names = offline_utils.get_pyarrow_schema_from_batch_source( config, feature_view.batch_source ) if column_names != table.column_names: raise ValueError( f"The input pyarrow table has schema {table.schema} with the incorrect columns {table.column_names}. " f"The schema is expected to be {pa_schema} with the columns (in this exact order) to be {column_names}." ) if table.schema != pa_schema: table = table.cast(pa_schema) snowflake_conn = get_snowflake_conn(config.offline_store) write_pandas( snowflake_conn, table.to_pandas(), table_name=feature_view.batch_source.table, auto_create_table=True, )
[docs]class SnowflakeRetrievalJob(RetrievalJob): def __init__( self, query: Union[str, Callable[[], ContextManager[str]]], snowflake_conn: SnowflakeConnection, config: RepoConfig, full_feature_names: bool, on_demand_feature_views: Optional[List[OnDemandFeatureView]] = None, metadata: Optional[RetrievalMetadata] = None, ): if not isinstance(query, str): self._query_generator = query else: @contextlib.contextmanager def query_generator() -> Iterator[str]: assert isinstance(query, str) yield query self._query_generator = query_generator self.snowflake_conn = snowflake_conn self.config = config self._full_feature_names = full_feature_names self._on_demand_feature_views = on_demand_feature_views or [] self._metadata = metadata self.export_path: Optional[str] if self.config.offline_store.blob_export_location: self.export_path = f"{self.config.offline_store.blob_export_location}/{self.config.project}/{uuid.uuid4()}" else: self.export_path = None @property def full_feature_names(self) -> bool: return self._full_feature_names @property def on_demand_feature_views(self) -> List[OnDemandFeatureView]: return self._on_demand_feature_views def _to_df_internal(self) -> pd.DataFrame: with self._query_generator() as query: df = execute_snowflake_statement( self.snowflake_conn, query ).fetch_pandas_all() return df def _to_arrow_internal(self) -> pyarrow.Table: with self._query_generator() as query: pa_table = execute_snowflake_statement( self.snowflake_conn, query ).fetch_arrow_all() if pa_table: return pa_table else: empty_result = execute_snowflake_statement(self.snowflake_conn, query) return pyarrow.Table.from_pandas( pd.DataFrame(columns=[ for md in empty_result.description]) )
[docs] def to_snowflake(self, table_name: str, temporary=False) -> None: """Save dataset as a new Snowflake table""" if self.on_demand_feature_views: transformed_df = self.to_df() write_pandas( self.snowflake_conn, transformed_df, table_name, auto_create_table=True ) return None with self._query_generator() as query: query = f'CREATE {"TEMPORARY" if temporary else ""} TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "{table_name}" AS ({query});\n' execute_snowflake_statement(self.snowflake_conn, query)
[docs] def to_sql(self) -> str: """ Returns the SQL query that will be executed in Snowflake to build the historical feature table. """ with self._query_generator() as query: return query
[docs] def to_spark_df(self, spark_session: "SparkSession") -> "DataFrame": """ Method to convert snowflake query results to pyspark data frame. Args: spark_session: spark Session variable of current environment. Returns: spark_df: A pyspark dataframe. """ try: from pyspark.sql import DataFrame, SparkSession except ImportError as e: from feast.errors import FeastExtrasDependencyImportError raise FeastExtrasDependencyImportError("spark", str(e)) if isinstance(spark_session, SparkSession): with self._query_generator() as query: arrow_batches = execute_snowflake_statement( self.snowflake_conn, query ).fetch_arrow_batches() if arrow_batches: spark_df = reduce( DataFrame.unionAll, [ spark_session.createDataFrame(batch.to_pandas()) for batch in arrow_batches ], ) return spark_df else: raise EntitySQLEmptyResults(query) else: raise InvalidSparkSessionException(spark_session)
[docs] def persist(self, storage: SavedDatasetStorage, allow_overwrite: bool = False): assert isinstance(storage, SavedDatasetSnowflakeStorage) self.to_snowflake(table_name=storage.snowflake_options.table)
@property def metadata(self) -> Optional[RetrievalMetadata]: return self._metadata
[docs] def supports_remote_storage_export(self) -> bool: return ( self.config.offline_store.storage_integration_name and self.config.offline_store.blob_export_location )
[docs] def to_remote_storage(self) -> List[str]: if not self.export_path: raise ValueError( "to_remote_storage() requires `blob_export_location` to be specified in config" ) if not self.config.offline_store.storage_integration_name: raise ValueError( "to_remote_storage() requires `storage_integration_name` to be specified in config" ) table = f"temporary_{uuid.uuid4().hex}" self.to_snowflake(table) query = f""" COPY INTO '{self.config.offline_store.blob_export_location}/{table}' FROM "{self.config.offline_store.database}"."{self.config.offline_store.schema_}"."{table}"\n STORAGE_INTEGRATION = {self.config.offline_store.storage_integration_name}\n FILE_FORMAT = (TYPE = PARQUET) DETAILED_OUTPUT = TRUE HEADER = TRUE """ cursor = execute_snowflake_statement(self.snowflake_conn, query) file_name_column_index = [ idx for idx, rm in enumerate(cursor.description) if == "FILE_NAME" ][0] return [ f"{self.export_path}/{row[file_name_column_index]}" for row in cursor.fetchall() ]
def _get_entity_schema( entity_df: Union[pd.DataFrame, str], snowflake_conn: SnowflakeConnection, config: RepoConfig, ) -> Dict[str, np.dtype]: if isinstance(entity_df, pd.DataFrame): return dict(zip(entity_df.columns, entity_df.dtypes)) else: query = f"SELECT * FROM ({entity_df}) LIMIT 1" limited_entity_df = execute_snowflake_statement( snowflake_conn, query ).fetch_pandas_all() return dict(zip(limited_entity_df.columns, limited_entity_df.dtypes)) def _upload_entity_df( entity_df: Union[pd.DataFrame, str], snowflake_conn: SnowflakeConnection, config: RepoConfig, table_name: str, ) -> None: if isinstance(entity_df, pd.DataFrame): # Write the data from the DataFrame to the table # Known issues with following entity data types: BINARY write_pandas( snowflake_conn, entity_df, table_name, auto_create_table=True, create_temp_table=True, ) return None elif isinstance(entity_df, str): # If the entity_df is a string (SQL query), create a Snowflake table out of it, query = f'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE "{table_name}" AS ({entity_df})' execute_snowflake_statement(snowflake_conn, query) return None else: raise InvalidEntityType(type(entity_df)) def _fix_entity_selections_identifiers(query_context) -> list: for i, qc in enumerate(query_context): for j, es in enumerate(qc.entity_selections): query_context[i].entity_selections[j] = f'"{es}"'.replace(" AS ", '" AS "') return query_context def _get_entity_df_event_timestamp_range( entity_df: Union[pd.DataFrame, str], entity_df_event_timestamp_col: str, snowflake_conn: SnowflakeConnection, ) -> Tuple[datetime, datetime]: if isinstance(entity_df, pd.DataFrame): entity_df_event_timestamp = entity_df.loc[ :, entity_df_event_timestamp_col ].infer_objects() if pd.api.types.is_string_dtype(entity_df_event_timestamp): entity_df_event_timestamp = pd.to_datetime( entity_df_event_timestamp, utc=True ) entity_df_event_timestamp_range = ( entity_df_event_timestamp.min().to_pydatetime(), entity_df_event_timestamp.max().to_pydatetime(), ) elif isinstance(entity_df, str): # If the entity_df is a string (SQL query), determine range # from table query = f'SELECT MIN("{entity_df_event_timestamp_col}") AS "min_value", MAX("{entity_df_event_timestamp_col}") AS "max_value" FROM ({entity_df})' results = execute_snowflake_statement(snowflake_conn, query).fetchall() entity_df_event_timestamp_range = cast(Tuple[datetime, datetime], results[0]) if ( entity_df_event_timestamp_range[0] is None or entity_df_event_timestamp_range[1] is None ): raise EntitySQLEmptyResults(entity_df) else: raise InvalidEntityType(type(entity_df)) return entity_df_event_timestamp_range MULTIPLE_FEATURE_VIEW_POINT_IN_TIME_JOIN = """ /* Compute a deterministic hash for the `left_table_query_string` that will be used throughout all the logic as the field to GROUP BY the data */ WITH "entity_dataframe" AS ( SELECT *, "{{entity_df_event_timestamp_col}}" AS "entity_timestamp" {% for featureview in featureviews %} {% if featureview.entities %} ,( {% for entity in featureview.entities %} CAST("{{entity}}" AS VARCHAR) || {% endfor %} CAST("{{entity_df_event_timestamp_col}}" AS VARCHAR) ) AS "{{}}__entity_row_unique_id" {% else %} ,CAST("{{entity_df_event_timestamp_col}}" AS VARCHAR) AS "{{}}__entity_row_unique_id" {% endif %} {% endfor %} FROM "{{ left_table_query_string }}" ), {% for featureview in featureviews %} "{{ }}__entity_dataframe" AS ( SELECT {{ featureview.entities | map('tojson') | join(', ')}}{% if featureview.entities %},{% else %}{% endif %} "entity_timestamp", "{{}}__entity_row_unique_id" FROM "entity_dataframe" GROUP BY {{ featureview.entities | map('tojson') | join(', ')}}{% if featureview.entities %},{% else %}{% endif %} "entity_timestamp", "{{}}__entity_row_unique_id" ), /* This query template performs the point-in-time correctness join for a single feature set table to the provided entity table. 1. We first join the current feature_view to the entity dataframe that has been passed. This JOIN has the following logic: - For each row of the entity dataframe, only keep the rows where the `timestamp_field` is less than the one provided in the entity dataframe - If there a TTL for the current feature_view, also keep the rows where the `timestamp_field` is higher the the one provided minus the TTL - For each row, Join on the entity key and retrieve the `entity_row_unique_id` that has been computed previously The output of this CTE will contain all the necessary information and already filtered out most of the data that is not relevant. */ "{{ }}__subquery" AS ( SELECT "{{ featureview.timestamp_field }}" as "event_timestamp", {{'"' ~ featureview.created_timestamp_column ~ '" as "created_timestamp",' if featureview.created_timestamp_column else '' }} {{featureview.entity_selections | join(', ')}}{% if featureview.entity_selections %},{% else %}{% endif %} {% for feature in featureview.features %} "{{ feature }}" as {% if full_feature_names %}"{{ }}__{{featureview.field_mapping.get(feature, feature)}}"{% else %}"{{ featureview.field_mapping.get(feature, feature) }}"{% endif %}{% if loop.last %}{% else %}, {% endif %} {% endfor %} FROM {{ featureview.table_subquery }} WHERE "{{ featureview.timestamp_field }}" <= '{{ featureview.max_event_timestamp }}' {% if featureview.ttl == 0 %}{% else %} AND "{{ featureview.timestamp_field }}" >= '{{ featureview.min_event_timestamp }}' {% endif %} ), "{{ }}__base" AS ( SELECT "subquery".*, "entity_dataframe"."entity_timestamp", "entity_dataframe"."{{}}__entity_row_unique_id" FROM "{{ }}__subquery" AS "subquery" INNER JOIN "{{ }}__entity_dataframe" AS "entity_dataframe" ON TRUE AND "subquery"."event_timestamp" <= "entity_dataframe"."entity_timestamp" {% if featureview.ttl == 0 %}{% else %} AND "subquery"."event_timestamp" >= TIMESTAMPADD(second,-{{ featureview.ttl }},"entity_dataframe"."entity_timestamp") {% endif %} {% for entity in featureview.entities %} AND "subquery"."{{ entity }}" = "entity_dataframe"."{{ entity }}" {% endfor %} ), /* 2. If the `created_timestamp_column` has been set, we need to deduplicate the data first. This is done by calculating the `MAX(created_at_timestamp)` for each event_timestamp. We then join the data on the next CTE */ {% if featureview.created_timestamp_column %} "{{ }}__dedup" AS ( SELECT "{{}}__entity_row_unique_id", "event_timestamp", MAX("created_timestamp") AS "created_timestamp" FROM "{{ }}__base" GROUP BY "{{}}__entity_row_unique_id", "event_timestamp" ), {% endif %} /* 3. The data has been filtered during the first CTE "*__base" Thus we only need to compute the latest timestamp of each feature. */ "{{ }}__latest" AS ( SELECT "event_timestamp", {% if featureview.created_timestamp_column %}"created_timestamp",{% endif %} "{{}}__entity_row_unique_id" FROM ( SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER( PARTITION BY "{{}}__entity_row_unique_id" ORDER BY "event_timestamp" DESC{% if featureview.created_timestamp_column %},"created_timestamp" DESC{% endif %} ) AS "row_number" FROM "{{ }}__base" {% if featureview.created_timestamp_column %} INNER JOIN "{{ }}__dedup" USING ("{{}}__entity_row_unique_id", "event_timestamp", "created_timestamp") {% endif %} ) WHERE "row_number" = 1 ), /* 4. Once we know the latest value of each feature for a given timestamp, we can join again the data back to the original "base" dataset */ "{{ }}__cleaned" AS ( SELECT "base".* FROM "{{ }}__base" AS "base" INNER JOIN "{{ }}__latest" USING( "{{}}__entity_row_unique_id", "event_timestamp" {% if featureview.created_timestamp_column %} ,"created_timestamp" {% endif %} ) ){% if loop.last %}{% else %}, {% endif %} {% endfor %} /* Joins the outputs of multiple time travel joins to a single table. The entity_dataframe dataset being our source of truth here. */ SELECT "{{ final_output_feature_names | join('", "')}}" FROM "entity_dataframe" {% for featureview in featureviews %} LEFT JOIN ( SELECT "{{}}__entity_row_unique_id" {% for feature in featureview.features %} ,{% if full_feature_names %}"{{ }}__{{featureview.field_mapping.get(feature, feature)}}"{% else %}"{{ featureview.field_mapping.get(feature, feature) }}"{% endif %} {% endfor %} FROM "{{ }}__cleaned" ) "{{ }}__cleaned" USING ("{{}}__entity_row_unique_id") {% endfor %} """