feast.infra.online_stores package



feast.infra.online_stores.datastore module

class feast.infra.online_stores.datastore.DatastoreOnlineStore[source]

Bases: feast.infra.online_stores.online_store.OnlineStore

Google Cloud Datastore implementation of the online store interface.

See https://github.com/feast-dev/feast/blob/master/docs/specs/online_store_format.md#google-datastore-online-store-format for more details about the data model for this implementation.


Datastore connection.



online_read(config: feast.repo_config.RepoConfig, table: feast.feature_view.FeatureView, entity_keys: List[feast.types.EntityKey_pb2.EntityKey], requested_features: Optional[List[str]] = None) List[Tuple[Optional[datetime.datetime], Optional[Dict[str, feast.types.Value_pb2.Value]]]][source]

Reads features values for the given entity keys.

  • config – The config for the current feature store.

  • table – The feature view whose feature values should be read.

  • entity_keys – The list of entity keys for which feature values should be read.

  • requested_features – The list of features that should be read.


A list of the same length as entity_keys. Each item in the list is a tuple where the first item is the event timestamp for the row, and the second item is a dict mapping feature names to values, which are returned in proto format.

online_write_batch(config: feast.repo_config.RepoConfig, table: feast.feature_view.FeatureView, data: List[Tuple[feast.types.EntityKey_pb2.EntityKey, Dict[str, feast.types.Value_pb2.Value], datetime.datetime, Optional[datetime.datetime]]], progress: Optional[Callable[[int], Any]]) None[source]

Writes a batch of feature rows to the online store.

If a tz-naive timestamp is passed to this method, it is assumed to be UTC.

  • config – The config for the current feature store.

  • table – Feature view to which these feature rows correspond.

  • data – A list of quadruplets containing feature data. Each quadruplet contains an entity key, a dict containing feature values, an event timestamp for the row, and the created timestamp for the row if it exists.

  • progress – Function to be called once a batch of rows is written to the online store, used to show progress.

teardown(config: feast.repo_config.RepoConfig, tables: Sequence[feast.feature_view.FeatureView], entities: Sequence[feast.entity.Entity])[source]

Tears down all cloud resources for the specified set of Feast objects.

  • config – The config for the current feature store.

  • tables – Feature views whose corresponding infrastructure should be deleted.

  • entities – Entities whose corresponding infrastructure should be deleted.

update(config: feast.repo_config.RepoConfig, tables_to_delete: Sequence[feast.feature_view.FeatureView], tables_to_keep: Sequence[feast.feature_view.FeatureView], entities_to_delete: Sequence[feast.entity.Entity], entities_to_keep: Sequence[feast.entity.Entity], partial: bool)[source]

Reconciles cloud resources with the specified set of Feast objects.

  • config – The config for the current feature store.

  • tables_to_delete – Feature views whose corresponding infrastructure should be deleted.

  • tables_to_keep – Feature views whose corresponding infrastructure should not be deleted, and may need to be updated.

  • entities_to_delete – Entities whose corresponding infrastructure should be deleted.

  • entities_to_keep – Entities whose corresponding infrastructure should not be deleted, and may need to be updated.

  • partial – If true, tables_to_delete and tables_to_keep are not exhaustive lists, so infrastructure corresponding to other feature views should be not be touched.

class feast.infra.online_stores.datastore.DatastoreOnlineStoreConfig(*, type: Literal['datastore'] = 'datastore', project_id: Optional[pydantic.types.StrictStr] = None, namespace: Optional[pydantic.types.StrictStr] = None, write_concurrency: Optional[pydantic.types.PositiveInt] = 40, write_batch_size: Optional[pydantic.types.PositiveInt] = 50)[source]

Bases: feast.repo_config.FeastConfigBaseModel

Online store config for GCP Datastore

namespace: Optional[pydantic.types.StrictStr]

(optional) Datastore namespace

project_id: Optional[pydantic.types.StrictStr]

(optional) GCP Project Id

type: Literal['datastore']

Online store type selector

write_batch_size: Optional[pydantic.types.PositiveInt]

(optional) Amount of feature rows per batch being written into Datastore

write_concurrency: Optional[pydantic.types.PositiveInt]

(optional) Amount of threads to use when writing batches of feature rows into Datastore

class feast.infra.online_stores.datastore.DatastoreTable(project: str, name: str, project_id: Optional[str] = None, namespace: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: feast.infra.infra_object.InfraObject

A Datastore table managed by Feast.


The Feast project of the table.




The name of the table.


The GCP project id.




Datastore namespace.



static from_infra_object_proto(infra_object_proto: feast.core.InfraObject_pb2.InfraObject) Any[source]

Returns an InfraObject created from a protobuf representation.


infra_object_proto – A protobuf representation of an InfraObject.


FeastInvalidInfraObjectType – The type of InfraObject could not be identified.

static from_proto(datastore_table_proto: feast.core.DatastoreTable_pb2.DatastoreTable) Any[source]

Converts a protobuf representation of a subclass to an object of that subclass.


infra_object_proto – A protobuf representation of an InfraObject.


FeastInvalidInfraObjectType – The type of InfraObject could not be identified.

namespace: Optional[str]
project: str
project_id: Optional[str]

Tears down the infrastructure object.

to_infra_object_proto() feast.core.InfraObject_pb2.InfraObject[source]

Converts an InfraObject to its protobuf representation, wrapped in an InfraObjectProto.

to_proto() Any[source]

Converts an InfraObject to its protobuf representation.


Deploys or updates the infrastructure object.


feast.infra.online_stores.dynamodb module

class feast.infra.online_stores.dynamodb.DynamoDBOnlineStore[source]

Bases: feast.infra.online_stores.online_store.OnlineStore

AWS DynamoDB implementation of the online store interface.


Boto3 DynamoDB client.


Boto3 DynamoDB resource.

online_read(config: feast.repo_config.RepoConfig, table: feast.feature_view.FeatureView, entity_keys: List[feast.types.EntityKey_pb2.EntityKey], requested_features: Optional[List[str]] = None) List[Tuple[Optional[datetime.datetime], Optional[Dict[str, feast.types.Value_pb2.Value]]]][source]

Retrieve feature values from the online DynamoDB store.

  • config – The RepoConfig for the current FeatureStore.

  • table – Feast FeatureView.

  • entity_keys – a list of entity keys that should be read from the FeatureStore.

online_write_batch(config: feast.repo_config.RepoConfig, table: feast.feature_view.FeatureView, data: List[Tuple[feast.types.EntityKey_pb2.EntityKey, Dict[str, feast.types.Value_pb2.Value], datetime.datetime, Optional[datetime.datetime]]], progress: Optional[Callable[[int], Any]]) None[source]

Write a batch of feature rows to online DynamoDB store.

Note: This method applies a batch_writer to automatically handle any unprocessed items and resend them as needed, this is useful if you’re loading a lot of data at a time.

  • config – The RepoConfig for the current FeatureStore.

  • table – Feast FeatureView.

  • data – a list of quadruplets containing Feature data. Each quadruplet contains an Entity Key,

  • values (a dict containing feature) –

  • row (an event timestamp for the) –

  • and

  • exists. (the created timestamp for the row if it) –

  • progress – Optional function to be called once every mini-batch of rows is written to

  • progress. (the online store. Can be used to display) –

teardown(config: feast.repo_config.RepoConfig, tables: Sequence[feast.feature_view.FeatureView], entities: Sequence[feast.entity.Entity])[source]

Delete tables from the DynamoDB Online Store.

  • config – The RepoConfig for the current FeatureStore.

  • tables – Tables to delete from the feature repo.

update(config: feast.repo_config.RepoConfig, tables_to_delete: Sequence[feast.feature_view.FeatureView], tables_to_keep: Sequence[feast.feature_view.FeatureView], entities_to_delete: Sequence[feast.entity.Entity], entities_to_keep: Sequence[feast.entity.Entity], partial: bool)[source]

Update tables from the DynamoDB Online Store.

  • config – The RepoConfig for the current FeatureStore.

  • tables_to_delete – Tables to delete from the DynamoDB Online Store.

  • tables_to_keep – Tables to keep in the DynamoDB Online Store.

class feast.infra.online_stores.dynamodb.DynamoDBOnlineStoreConfig(*, type: Literal['dynamodb'] = 'dynamodb', batch_size: int = 40, endpoint_url: Optional[str] = None, region: pydantic.types.StrictStr, table_name_template: pydantic.types.StrictStr = '{project}.{table_name}', consistent_reads: pydantic.types.StrictBool = False)[source]

Bases: feast.repo_config.FeastConfigBaseModel

Online store config for DynamoDB store

batch_size: int

Number of items to retrieve in a DynamoDB BatchGetItem call.

consistent_reads: pydantic.types.StrictBool

Whether to read from Dynamodb by forcing consistent reads

endpoint_url: Optional[str]



DynamoDB local development endpoint Url, i.e. http



region: pydantic.types.StrictStr

AWS Region Name

table_name_template: pydantic.types.StrictStr

DynamoDB table name template

type: Literal['dynamodb']

Online store type selector

class feast.infra.online_stores.dynamodb.DynamoDBTable(name: str, region: str, endpoint_url: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: feast.infra.infra_object.InfraObject

A DynamoDB table managed by Feast.


The name of the table.


The region of the table.




Local DynamoDB Endpoint Url.


Boto3 DynamoDB client.


Boto3 DynamoDB resource.

endpoint_url = None
static from_infra_object_proto(infra_object_proto: feast.core.InfraObject_pb2.InfraObject) Any[source]

Returns an InfraObject created from a protobuf representation.


infra_object_proto – A protobuf representation of an InfraObject.


FeastInvalidInfraObjectType – The type of InfraObject could not be identified.

static from_proto(dynamodb_table_proto: feast.core.DynamoDBTable_pb2.DynamoDBTable) Any[source]

Converts a protobuf representation of a subclass to an object of that subclass.


infra_object_proto – A protobuf representation of an InfraObject.


FeastInvalidInfraObjectType – The type of InfraObject could not be identified.

region: str

Tears down the infrastructure object.

to_infra_object_proto() feast.core.InfraObject_pb2.InfraObject[source]

Converts an InfraObject to its protobuf representation, wrapped in an InfraObjectProto.

to_proto() Any[source]

Converts an InfraObject to its protobuf representation.


Deploys or updates the infrastructure object.

feast.infra.online_stores.helpers module

feast.infra.online_stores.helpers.compute_entity_id(entity_key: feast.types.EntityKey_pb2.EntityKey, entity_key_serialization_version=1) str[source]

Compute Entity id given Feast Entity Key for online stores. Remember that Entity here refers to EntityKeyProto which is used in some online stores to encode the keys. It has nothing to do with the Entity concept we have in Feast.

feast.infra.online_stores.helpers.get_online_store_from_config(online_store_config: Any) feast.infra.online_stores.online_store.OnlineStore[source]

Creates an online store corresponding to the given online store config.

feast.infra.online_stores.online_store module

class feast.infra.online_stores.online_store.OnlineStore[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

The interface that Feast uses to interact with the storage system that handles online features.

abstract online_read(config: feast.repo_config.RepoConfig, table: feast.feature_view.FeatureView, entity_keys: List[feast.types.EntityKey_pb2.EntityKey], requested_features: Optional[List[str]] = None) List[Tuple[Optional[datetime.datetime], Optional[Dict[str, feast.types.Value_pb2.Value]]]][source]

Reads features values for the given entity keys.

  • config – The config for the current feature store.

  • table – The feature view whose feature values should be read.

  • entity_keys – The list of entity keys for which feature values should be read.

  • requested_features – The list of features that should be read.


A list of the same length as entity_keys. Each item in the list is a tuple where the first item is the event timestamp for the row, and the second item is a dict mapping feature names to values, which are returned in proto format.

abstract online_write_batch(config: feast.repo_config.RepoConfig, table: feast.feature_view.FeatureView, data: List[Tuple[feast.types.EntityKey_pb2.EntityKey, Dict[str, feast.types.Value_pb2.Value], datetime.datetime, Optional[datetime.datetime]]], progress: Optional[Callable[[int], Any]]) None[source]

Writes a batch of feature rows to the online store.

If a tz-naive timestamp is passed to this method, it is assumed to be UTC.

  • config – The config for the current feature store.

  • table – Feature view to which these feature rows correspond.

  • data – A list of quadruplets containing feature data. Each quadruplet contains an entity key, a dict containing feature values, an event timestamp for the row, and the created timestamp for the row if it exists.

  • progress – Function to be called once a batch of rows is written to the online store, used to show progress.

plan(config: feast.repo_config.RepoConfig, desired_registry_proto: feast.core.Registry_pb2.Registry) List[feast.infra.infra_object.InfraObject][source]

Returns the set of InfraObjects required to support the desired registry.

  • config – The config for the current feature store.

  • desired_registry_proto – The desired registry, in proto form.

abstract teardown(config: feast.repo_config.RepoConfig, tables: Sequence[feast.feature_view.FeatureView], entities: Sequence[feast.entity.Entity])[source]

Tears down all cloud resources for the specified set of Feast objects.

  • config – The config for the current feature store.

  • tables – Feature views whose corresponding infrastructure should be deleted.

  • entities – Entities whose corresponding infrastructure should be deleted.

abstract update(config: feast.repo_config.RepoConfig, tables_to_delete: Sequence[feast.feature_view.FeatureView], tables_to_keep: Sequence[feast.feature_view.FeatureView], entities_to_delete: Sequence[feast.entity.Entity], entities_to_keep: Sequence[feast.entity.Entity], partial: bool)[source]

Reconciles cloud resources with the specified set of Feast objects.

  • config – The config for the current feature store.

  • tables_to_delete – Feature views whose corresponding infrastructure should be deleted.

  • tables_to_keep – Feature views whose corresponding infrastructure should not be deleted, and may need to be updated.

  • entities_to_delete – Entities whose corresponding infrastructure should be deleted.

  • entities_to_keep – Entities whose corresponding infrastructure should not be deleted, and may need to be updated.

  • partial – If true, tables_to_delete and tables_to_keep are not exhaustive lists, so infrastructure corresponding to other feature views should be not be touched.

feast.infra.online_stores.redis module

class feast.infra.online_stores.redis.RedisOnlineStore[source]

Bases: feast.infra.online_stores.online_store.OnlineStore

Redis implementation of the online store interface.

See https://github.com/feast-dev/feast/blob/master/docs/specs/online_store_format.md#redis-online-store-format for more details about the data model for this implementation.


Redis connection.


Optional[Union[redis.client.Redis, redis.cluster.RedisCluster]]

delete_entity_values(config: feast.repo_config.RepoConfig, join_keys: List[str])[source]
online_read(config: feast.repo_config.RepoConfig, table: feast.feature_view.FeatureView, entity_keys: List[feast.types.EntityKey_pb2.EntityKey], requested_features: Optional[List[str]] = None) List[Tuple[Optional[datetime.datetime], Optional[Dict[str, feast.types.Value_pb2.Value]]]][source]

Reads features values for the given entity keys.

  • config – The config for the current feature store.

  • table – The feature view whose feature values should be read.

  • entity_keys – The list of entity keys for which feature values should be read.

  • requested_features – The list of features that should be read.


A list of the same length as entity_keys. Each item in the list is a tuple where the first item is the event timestamp for the row, and the second item is a dict mapping feature names to values, which are returned in proto format.

online_write_batch(config: feast.repo_config.RepoConfig, table: feast.feature_view.FeatureView, data: List[Tuple[feast.types.EntityKey_pb2.EntityKey, Dict[str, feast.types.Value_pb2.Value], datetime.datetime, Optional[datetime.datetime]]], progress: Optional[Callable[[int], Any]]) None[source]

Writes a batch of feature rows to the online store.

If a tz-naive timestamp is passed to this method, it is assumed to be UTC.

  • config – The config for the current feature store.

  • table – Feature view to which these feature rows correspond.

  • data – A list of quadruplets containing feature data. Each quadruplet contains an entity key, a dict containing feature values, an event timestamp for the row, and the created timestamp for the row if it exists.

  • progress – Function to be called once a batch of rows is written to the online store, used to show progress.

teardown(config: feast.repo_config.RepoConfig, tables: Sequence[feast.feature_view.FeatureView], entities: Sequence[feast.entity.Entity])[source]

We delete the keys in redis for tables/views being removed.

update(config: feast.repo_config.RepoConfig, tables_to_delete: Sequence[feast.feature_view.FeatureView], tables_to_keep: Sequence[feast.feature_view.FeatureView], entities_to_delete: Sequence[feast.entity.Entity], entities_to_keep: Sequence[feast.entity.Entity], partial: bool)[source]

Look for join_keys (list of entities) that are not in use anymore (usually this happens when the last feature view that was using specific compound key is deleted) and remove all features attached to this “join_keys”.

class feast.infra.online_stores.redis.RedisOnlineStoreConfig(*, type: Literal['redis'] = 'redis', redis_type: feast.infra.online_stores.redis.RedisType = RedisType.redis, connection_string: pydantic.types.StrictStr = 'localhost:6379', key_ttl_seconds: Optional[int] = None)[source]

Bases: feast.repo_config.FeastConfigBaseModel

Online store config for Redis store

connection_string: pydantic.types.StrictStr

Connection string containing the host, port, and configuration parameters for Redis format: host:port,parameter1,parameter2 eg. redis:6379,db=0

key_ttl_seconds: Optional[int]

(Optional) redis key bin ttl (in seconds) for expiring entities

redis_type: feast.infra.online_stores.redis.RedisType

redis or redis_cluster


Redis type

type: Literal['redis']

Online store type selector

class feast.infra.online_stores.redis.RedisType(value)[source]

Bases: str, enum.Enum

An enumeration.

redis = 'redis'
redis_cluster = 'redis_cluster'

feast.infra.online_stores.snowflake module

class feast.infra.online_stores.snowflake.SnowflakeOnlineStore[source]

Bases: feast.infra.online_stores.online_store.OnlineStore

online_read(config: feast.repo_config.RepoConfig, table: feast.feature_view.FeatureView, entity_keys: List[feast.types.EntityKey_pb2.EntityKey], requested_features: List[str]) List[Tuple[Optional[datetime.datetime], Optional[Dict[str, feast.types.Value_pb2.Value]]]][source]

Reads features values for the given entity keys.

  • config – The config for the current feature store.

  • table – The feature view whose feature values should be read.

  • entity_keys – The list of entity keys for which feature values should be read.

  • requested_features – The list of features that should be read.


A list of the same length as entity_keys. Each item in the list is a tuple where the first item is the event timestamp for the row, and the second item is a dict mapping feature names to values, which are returned in proto format.

online_write_batch(config: feast.repo_config.RepoConfig, table: feast.feature_view.FeatureView, data: List[Tuple[feast.types.EntityKey_pb2.EntityKey, Dict[str, feast.types.Value_pb2.Value], datetime.datetime, Optional[datetime.datetime]]], progress: Optional[Callable[[int], Any]]) None[source]

Writes a batch of feature rows to the online store.

If a tz-naive timestamp is passed to this method, it is assumed to be UTC.

  • config – The config for the current feature store.

  • table – Feature view to which these feature rows correspond.

  • data – A list of quadruplets containing feature data. Each quadruplet contains an entity key, a dict containing feature values, an event timestamp for the row, and the created timestamp for the row if it exists.

  • progress – Function to be called once a batch of rows is written to the online store, used to show progress.

teardown(config: feast.repo_config.RepoConfig, tables: Sequence[feast.feature_view.FeatureView], entities: Sequence[feast.entity.Entity])[source]

Tears down all cloud resources for the specified set of Feast objects.

  • config – The config for the current feature store.

  • tables – Feature views whose corresponding infrastructure should be deleted.

  • entities – Entities whose corresponding infrastructure should be deleted.

update(config: feast.repo_config.RepoConfig, tables_to_delete: Sequence[feast.feature_view.FeatureView], tables_to_keep: Sequence[feast.feature_view.FeatureView], entities_to_delete: Sequence[feast.entity.Entity], entities_to_keep: Sequence[feast.entity.Entity], partial: bool)[source]

Reconciles cloud resources with the specified set of Feast objects.

  • config – The config for the current feature store.

  • tables_to_delete – Feature views whose corresponding infrastructure should be deleted.

  • tables_to_keep – Feature views whose corresponding infrastructure should not be deleted, and may need to be updated.

  • entities_to_delete – Entities whose corresponding infrastructure should be deleted.

  • entities_to_keep – Entities whose corresponding infrastructure should not be deleted, and may need to be updated.

  • partial – If true, tables_to_delete and tables_to_keep are not exhaustive lists, so infrastructure corresponding to other feature views should be not be touched.

class feast.infra.online_stores.snowflake.SnowflakeOnlineStoreConfig(*, type: Literal['snowflake.online'] = 'snowflake.online', config_path: Optional[str] = '/home/docs/.snowsql/config', account: Optional[str] = None, user: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None, role: Optional[str] = None, warehouse: Optional[str] = None, authenticator: Optional[str] = None, database: pydantic.types.StrictStr, schema: Optional[str] = 'PUBLIC')[source]

Bases: feast.repo_config.FeastConfigBaseModel

Online store config for Snowflake

class Config[source]

Bases: object

allow_population_by_field_name = True
account: Optional[str]

Snowflake deployment identifier – drop .snowflakecomputing.com

authenticator: Optional[str]

Snowflake authenticator name

config_path: Optional[str]

Snowflake config path – absolute path required (Can’t use ~)

database: pydantic.types.StrictStr

Snowflake database name

password: Optional[str]

Snowflake password

role: Optional[str]

Snowflake role name

schema_: Optional[str]

Snowflake schema name

type: Literal['snowflake.online']

Online store type selector

user: Optional[str]

Snowflake user name

warehouse: Optional[str]

Snowflake warehouse name

feast.infra.online_stores.sqlite module

class feast.infra.online_stores.sqlite.SqliteOnlineStore[source]

Bases: feast.infra.online_stores.online_store.OnlineStore

SQLite implementation of the online store interface. Not recommended for production usage.


SQLite connection.



online_read(config: feast.repo_config.RepoConfig, table: feast.feature_view.FeatureView, entity_keys: List[feast.types.EntityKey_pb2.EntityKey], requested_features: Optional[List[str]] = None) List[Tuple[Optional[datetime.datetime], Optional[Dict[str, feast.types.Value_pb2.Value]]]][source]

Reads features values for the given entity keys.

  • config – The config for the current feature store.

  • table – The feature view whose feature values should be read.

  • entity_keys – The list of entity keys for which feature values should be read.

  • requested_features – The list of features that should be read.


A list of the same length as entity_keys. Each item in the list is a tuple where the first item is the event timestamp for the row, and the second item is a dict mapping feature names to values, which are returned in proto format.

online_write_batch(config: feast.repo_config.RepoConfig, table: feast.feature_view.FeatureView, data: List[Tuple[feast.types.EntityKey_pb2.EntityKey, Dict[str, feast.types.Value_pb2.Value], datetime.datetime, Optional[datetime.datetime]]], progress: Optional[Callable[[int], Any]]) None[source]

Writes a batch of feature rows to the online store.

If a tz-naive timestamp is passed to this method, it is assumed to be UTC.

  • config – The config for the current feature store.

  • table – Feature view to which these feature rows correspond.

  • data – A list of quadruplets containing feature data. Each quadruplet contains an entity key, a dict containing feature values, an event timestamp for the row, and the created timestamp for the row if it exists.

  • progress – Function to be called once a batch of rows is written to the online store, used to show progress.

plan(config: feast.repo_config.RepoConfig, desired_registry_proto: feast.core.Registry_pb2.Registry) List[feast.infra.infra_object.InfraObject][source]

Returns the set of InfraObjects required to support the desired registry.

  • config – The config for the current feature store.

  • desired_registry_proto – The desired registry, in proto form.

teardown(config: feast.repo_config.RepoConfig, tables: Sequence[feast.feature_view.FeatureView], entities: Sequence[feast.entity.Entity])[source]

Tears down all cloud resources for the specified set of Feast objects.

  • config – The config for the current feature store.

  • tables – Feature views whose corresponding infrastructure should be deleted.

  • entities – Entities whose corresponding infrastructure should be deleted.

update(config: feast.repo_config.RepoConfig, tables_to_delete: Sequence[feast.feature_view.FeatureView], tables_to_keep: Sequence[feast.feature_view.FeatureView], entities_to_delete: Sequence[feast.entity.Entity], entities_to_keep: Sequence[feast.entity.Entity], partial: bool)[source]

Reconciles cloud resources with the specified set of Feast objects.

  • config – The config for the current feature store.

  • tables_to_delete – Feature views whose corresponding infrastructure should be deleted.

  • tables_to_keep – Feature views whose corresponding infrastructure should not be deleted, and may need to be updated.

  • entities_to_delete – Entities whose corresponding infrastructure should be deleted.

  • entities_to_keep – Entities whose corresponding infrastructure should not be deleted, and may need to be updated.

  • partial – If true, tables_to_delete and tables_to_keep are not exhaustive lists, so infrastructure corresponding to other feature views should be not be touched.

class feast.infra.online_stores.sqlite.SqliteOnlineStoreConfig(*, type: Literal['sqlite', 'feast.infra.online_stores.sqlite.SqliteOnlineStore'] = 'sqlite', path: pydantic.types.StrictStr = 'data/online.db')[source]

Bases: feast.repo_config.FeastConfigBaseModel

Online store config for local (SQLite-based) store

path: pydantic.types.StrictStr

(optional) Path to sqlite db

type: Literal['sqlite', 'feast.infra.online_stores.sqlite.SqliteOnlineStore']

Online store type selector

class feast.infra.online_stores.sqlite.SqliteTable(path: str, name: str)[source]

Bases: feast.infra.infra_object.InfraObject

A Sqlite table managed by Feast.


The absolute path of the Sqlite file.




The name of the table.


SQLite connection.



conn: sqlite3.Connection
static from_infra_object_proto(infra_object_proto: feast.core.InfraObject_pb2.InfraObject) Any[source]

Returns an InfraObject created from a protobuf representation.


infra_object_proto – A protobuf representation of an InfraObject.


FeastInvalidInfraObjectType – The type of InfraObject could not be identified.

static from_proto(sqlite_table_proto: feast.core.SqliteTable_pb2.SqliteTable) Any[source]

Converts a protobuf representation of a subclass to an object of that subclass.


infra_object_proto – A protobuf representation of an InfraObject.


FeastInvalidInfraObjectType – The type of InfraObject could not be identified.

path: str

Tears down the infrastructure object.

to_infra_object_proto() feast.core.InfraObject_pb2.InfraObject[source]

Converts an InfraObject to its protobuf representation, wrapped in an InfraObjectProto.

to_proto() Any[source]

Converts an InfraObject to its protobuf representation.


Deploys or updates the infrastructure object.

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