Source code for feast.infra.online_stores.contrib.cassandra_online_store.cassandra_online_store

#  Copyright 2019 The Feast Authors
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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#  limitations under the License.

Cassandra/Astra DB online store for Feast.

import logging
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple

from cassandra.auth import PlainTextAuthProvider
from cassandra.cluster import (
from cassandra.policies import DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy, TokenAwarePolicy
from cassandra.query import PreparedStatement
from pydantic import StrictInt, StrictStr
from pydantic.typing import Literal

from feast import Entity, FeatureView, RepoConfig
from feast.infra.key_encoding_utils import serialize_entity_key
from feast.infra.online_stores.online_store import OnlineStore
from feast.protos.feast.types.EntityKey_pb2 import EntityKey as EntityKeyProto
from feast.protos.feast.types.Value_pb2 import Value as ValueProto
from feast.repo_config import FeastConfigBaseModel
from feast.usage import log_exceptions_and_usage, tracing_span

# Error messages
    "Unexpected configuration object (not a CassandraOnlineStoreConfig instance)"
    "Inconsistent Cassandra configuration: provide exactly one between "
    "'hosts' and 'secure_bundle_path' and a 'keyspace'"
    "Inconsistent Cassandra configuration: provide either 'hosts' or "
    "'secure_bundle_path', not both"
    "Username and password for Cassandra must be provided either both or none"
    "Unknown/unsupported Load Balancing Policy name in Cassandra configuration"

# CQL command templates (that is, before replacing schema names)
    "INSERT INTO {fqtable} (feature_name,"
    " value, entity_key, event_ts) VALUES"
    " (?, ?, ?, ?);"

SELECT_CQL_TEMPLATE = "SELECT {columns} FROM {fqtable} WHERE entity_key = ?;"

        entity_key      TEXT,
        feature_name    TEXT,
        value           BLOB,
        event_ts        TIMESTAMP,
        created_ts      TIMESTAMP,
        PRIMARY KEY ((entity_key), feature_name)
    ) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (feature_name ASC);


# op_name -> (cql template string, prepare boolean)
    # Queries/DML, statements to be prepared
    "insert4": (INSERT_CQL_4_TEMPLATE, True),
    "select": (SELECT_CQL_TEMPLATE, True),
    # DDL, do not prepare these
    "drop": (DROP_TABLE_CQL_TEMPLATE, False),
    "create": (CREATE_TABLE_CQL_TEMPLATE, False),

# Logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class CassandraInvalidConfig(Exception): def __init__(self, msg: str): super().__init__(msg)
[docs]class CassandraOnlineStoreConfig(FeastConfigBaseModel): """ Configuration for the Cassandra/Astra DB online store. Exactly one of `hosts` and `secure_bundle_path` must be provided; depending on which one, the connection will be to a regular Cassandra or an Astra DB instance (respectively). If connecting to Astra DB, authentication must be provided with username and password being the Client ID and Client Secret of the database token. """ type: Literal["cassandra"] = "cassandra" """Online store type selector.""" # settings for connection to Cassandra / Astra DB hosts: Optional[List[StrictStr]] = None """List of host addresses to reach the cluster.""" secure_bundle_path: Optional[StrictStr] = None """Path to the secure connect bundle (for Astra DB; replaces hosts).""" port: Optional[StrictInt] = None """Port number for connecting to the cluster (optional).""" keyspace: StrictStr = "feast_keyspace" """Target Cassandra keyspace where all tables will be.""" username: Optional[StrictStr] = None """Username for DB auth, possibly Astra DB token Client ID.""" password: Optional[StrictStr] = None """Password for DB auth, possibly Astra DB token Client Secret.""" protocol_version: Optional[StrictInt] = None """Explicit specification of the CQL protocol version used."""
[docs] class CassandraLoadBalancingPolicy(FeastConfigBaseModel): """ Configuration block related to the Cluster's load-balancing policy. """ load_balancing_policy: StrictStr """ A stringy description of the load balancing policy to instantiate the cluster with. Supported values: "DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy" "TokenAwarePolicy(DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy)" """ local_dc: StrictStr = "datacenter1" """The local datacenter, usually necessary to create the policy."""
load_balancing: Optional[CassandraLoadBalancingPolicy] = None """ Details on the load-balancing policy: it will be wrapped into an execution profile if present. """
[docs]class CassandraOnlineStore(OnlineStore): """ Cassandra/Astra DB online store implementation for Feast. Attributes: _cluster: Cassandra cluster to connect to. _session: (DataStax Cassandra drivers) session object to issue commands. _keyspace: Cassandra keyspace all tables live in. _prepared_statements: cache of statements prepared by the driver. """ _cluster: Cluster = None _session: Session = None _keyspace: str = "feast_keyspace" _prepared_statements: Dict[str, PreparedStatement] = {} def _get_session(self, config: RepoConfig): """ Establish the database connection, if not yet created, and return it. Also perform basic config validation checks. """ online_store_config = config.online_store if not isinstance(online_store_config, CassandraOnlineStoreConfig): raise CassandraInvalidConfig(E_CASSANDRA_UNEXPECTED_CONFIGURATION_CLASS) if self._session: return self._session if not self._session: # configuration consistency checks hosts = online_store_config.hosts secure_bundle_path = online_store_config.secure_bundle_path port = online_store_config.port or 9042 keyspace = online_store_config.keyspace username = online_store_config.username password = online_store_config.password protocol_version = online_store_config.protocol_version db_directions = hosts or secure_bundle_path if not db_directions or not keyspace: raise CassandraInvalidConfig(E_CASSANDRA_NOT_CONFIGURED) if hosts and secure_bundle_path: raise CassandraInvalidConfig(E_CASSANDRA_MISCONFIGURED) if (username is None) ^ (password is None): raise CassandraInvalidConfig(E_CASSANDRA_INCONSISTENT_AUTH) if username is not None: auth_provider = PlainTextAuthProvider( username=username, password=password, ) else: auth_provider = None # handling of load-balancing policy (optional) if online_store_config.load_balancing: # construct a proper execution profile embedding # the configured LB policy _lbp_name = online_store_config.load_balancing.load_balancing_policy if _lbp_name == "DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy": lb_policy = DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy( local_dc=online_store_config.load_balancing.local_dc, ) elif _lbp_name == "TokenAwarePolicy(DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy)": lb_policy = TokenAwarePolicy( DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy( local_dc=online_store_config.load_balancing.local_dc, ) ) else: raise CassandraInvalidConfig(E_CASSANDRA_UNKNOWN_LB_POLICY) # wrap it up in a map of ex.profiles with a default exe_profile = ExecutionProfile(load_balancing_policy=lb_policy) execution_profiles = {EXEC_PROFILE_DEFAULT: exe_profile} else: execution_profiles = None # additional optional keyword args to Cluster cluster_kwargs = { k: v for k, v in { "protocol_version": protocol_version, "execution_profiles": execution_profiles, }.items() if v is not None } # creation of Cluster (Cassandra vs. Astra) if hosts: self._cluster = Cluster( hosts, port=port, auth_provider=auth_provider, **cluster_kwargs ) else: # we use 'secure_bundle_path' self._cluster = Cluster( cloud={"secure_connect_bundle": secure_bundle_path}, auth_provider=auth_provider, **cluster_kwargs, ) # creation of Session self._keyspace = keyspace self._session = self._cluster.connect(self._keyspace) return self._session def __del__(self): """ One may be tempted to reclaim resources and do, here: if self._session: self._session.shutdown() But *beware*, DON'T DO THIS. Indeed this could destroy the session object before some internal tasks runs in other threads (this is handled internally in the Cassandra driver). You'd get a RuntimeError "cannot schedule new futures after shutdown". """ pass
[docs] @log_exceptions_and_usage(online_store="cassandra") def online_write_batch( self, config: RepoConfig, table: FeatureView, data: List[ Tuple[EntityKeyProto, Dict[str, ValueProto], datetime, Optional[datetime]] ], progress: Optional[Callable[[int], Any]], ) -> None: """ Write a batch of features of several entities to the database. Args: config: The RepoConfig for the current FeatureStore. table: Feast FeatureView. data: a list of quadruplets containing Feature data. Each quadruplet contains an Entity Key, a dict containing feature values, an event timestamp for the row, and the created timestamp for the row if it exists. progress: Optional function to be called once every mini-batch of rows is written to the online store. Can be used to display progress. """ project = config.project for entity_key, values, timestamp, created_ts in data: entity_key_bin = serialize_entity_key( entity_key, entity_key_serialization_version=2 ).hex() with tracing_span(name="remote_call"): self._write_rows( config, project, table, entity_key_bin, values.items(), timestamp, created_ts, ) if progress: progress(1)
[docs] @log_exceptions_and_usage(online_store="cassandra") def online_read( self, config: RepoConfig, table: FeatureView, entity_keys: List[EntityKeyProto], requested_features: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> List[Tuple[Optional[datetime], Optional[Dict[str, ValueProto]]]]: """ Read feature values pertaining to the requested entities from the online store. Args: config: The RepoConfig for the current FeatureStore. table: Feast FeatureView. entity_keys: a list of entity keys that should be read from the FeatureStore. """ project = config.project result: List[Tuple[Optional[datetime], Optional[Dict[str, ValueProto]]]] = [] for entity_key in entity_keys: entity_key_bin = serialize_entity_key( entity_key, entity_key_serialization_version=2 ).hex() with tracing_span(name="remote_call"): feature_rows = self._read_rows_by_entity_key( config, project, table, entity_key_bin, columns=["feature_name", "value", "event_ts"], ) res = {} res_ts = None for feature_row in feature_rows: if ( requested_features is None or feature_row.feature_name in requested_features ): val = ValueProto() val.ParseFromString(feature_row.value) res[feature_row.feature_name] = val res_ts = feature_row.event_ts if not res: result.append((None, None)) else: result.append((res_ts, res)) return result
[docs] @log_exceptions_and_usage(online_store="cassandra") def update( self, config: RepoConfig, tables_to_delete: Sequence[FeatureView], tables_to_keep: Sequence[FeatureView], entities_to_delete: Sequence[Entity], entities_to_keep: Sequence[Entity], partial: bool, ): """ Update schema on DB, by creating and destroying tables accordingly. Args: config: The RepoConfig for the current FeatureStore. tables_to_delete: Tables to delete from the Online Store. tables_to_keep: Tables to keep in the Online Store. """ project = config.project for table in tables_to_keep: with tracing_span(name="remote_call"): self._create_table(config, project, table) for table in tables_to_delete: with tracing_span(name="remote_call"): self._drop_table(config, project, table)
[docs] @log_exceptions_and_usage(online_store="cassandra") def teardown( self, config: RepoConfig, tables: Sequence[FeatureView], entities: Sequence[Entity], ): """ Delete tables from the database. Args: config: The RepoConfig for the current FeatureStore. tables: Tables to delete from the feature repo. """ project = config.project for table in tables: with tracing_span(name="remote_call"): self._drop_table(config, project, table)
@staticmethod def _fq_table_name(keyspace: str, project: str, table: FeatureView) -> str: """ Generate a fully-qualified table name, including quotes and keyspace. """ return f'"{keyspace}"."{project}_{}"' def _write_rows( self, config: RepoConfig, project: str, table: FeatureView, entity_key_bin: str, features_vals: Iterable[Tuple[str, ValueProto]], timestamp: datetime, created_ts: Optional[datetime], ): """ Handle the CQL (low-level) insertion of feature values to a table. Note: `created_ts` can be None: in that case we avoid explicitly inserting it to prevent unnecessary tombstone creation on Cassandra. Note: `created_ts` is being deprecated (July 2022) and the following reflects this fact. """ session: Session = self._get_session(config) keyspace: str = self._keyspace fqtable = CassandraOnlineStore._fq_table_name(keyspace, project, table) insert_cql = self._get_cql_statement(config, "insert4", fqtable=fqtable) for feature_name, val in features_vals: params: Sequence[object] = ( feature_name, val.SerializeToString(), entity_key_bin, timestamp, ) session.execute( insert_cql, params, ) def _read_rows_by_entity_key( self, config: RepoConfig, project: str, table: FeatureView, entity_key_bin: str, columns: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> ResultSet: """ Handle the CQL (low-level) reading of feature values from a table. """ session: Session = self._get_session(config) keyspace: str = self._keyspace fqtable = CassandraOnlineStore._fq_table_name(keyspace, project, table) projection_columns = "*" if columns is None else ", ".join(columns) select_cql = self._get_cql_statement( config, "select", fqtable=fqtable, columns=projection_columns, ) return session.execute(select_cql, [entity_key_bin]) def _drop_table( self, config: RepoConfig, project: str, table: FeatureView, ): """Handle the CQL (low-level) deletion of a table.""" session: Session = self._get_session(config) keyspace: str = self._keyspace fqtable = CassandraOnlineStore._fq_table_name(keyspace, project, table) drop_cql = self._get_cql_statement(config, "drop", fqtable)"Deleting table {fqtable}.") session.execute(drop_cql) def _create_table(self, config: RepoConfig, project: str, table: FeatureView): """Handle the CQL (low-level) creation of a table.""" session: Session = self._get_session(config) keyspace: str = self._keyspace fqtable = CassandraOnlineStore._fq_table_name(keyspace, project, table) create_cql = self._get_cql_statement(config, "create", fqtable)"Creating table {fqtable}.") session.execute(create_cql) def _get_cql_statement( self, config: RepoConfig, op_name: str, fqtable: str, **kwargs ): """ Resolve an 'op_name' (create, insert4, etc) into a CQL statement ready to be bound to parameters when executing. If the statement is defined to be 'prepared', use an instance-specific cache of prepared statements. This additional layer makes it easy to control whether to use prepared statements and, if so, on which database operations. """ session: Session = self._get_session(config) template, prepare = CQL_TEMPLATE_MAP[op_name] statement = template.format( fqtable=fqtable, **kwargs, ) if prepare: # using the statement itself as key (no problem with that) cache_key = statement if cache_key not in self._prepared_statements:"Preparing a {op_name} statement on {fqtable}.") self._prepared_statements[cache_key] = session.prepare(statement) return self._prepared_statements[cache_key] else: return statement