Source code for feast.registry

# Copyright 2019 The Feast Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import json
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from enum import Enum
from pathlib import Path
from threading import Lock
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
from urllib.parse import urlparse

import dill
from google.protobuf.internal.containers import RepeatedCompositeFieldContainer
from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToJson
from proto import Message

from feast.base_feature_view import BaseFeatureView
from feast.data_source import DataSource
from feast.entity import Entity
from feast.errors import (
from feast.feature_service import FeatureService
from feast.feature_view import FeatureView
from feast.importer import import_class
from feast.infra.infra_object import Infra
from feast.on_demand_feature_view import OnDemandFeatureView
from feast.protos.feast.core.Registry_pb2 import Registry as RegistryProto
from feast.registry_store import NoopRegistryStore
from feast.repo_config import RegistryConfig
from feast.repo_contents import RepoContents
from feast.request_feature_view import RequestFeatureView
from feast.saved_dataset import SavedDataset


    "GCSRegistryStore": "feast.infra.gcp.GCSRegistryStore",
    "S3RegistryStore": "",
    "LocalRegistryStore": "feast.infra.local.LocalRegistryStore",

    "gs": "GCSRegistryStore",
    "s3": "S3RegistryStore",
    "file": "LocalRegistryStore",
    "": "LocalRegistryStore",

[docs]class FeastObjectType(Enum): DATA_SOURCE = "data source" ENTITY = "entity" FEATURE_VIEW = "feature view" ON_DEMAND_FEATURE_VIEW = "on demand feature view" REQUEST_FEATURE_VIEW = "request feature view" FEATURE_SERVICE = "feature service"
[docs] @staticmethod def get_objects_from_registry( registry: "Registry", project: str ) -> Dict["FeastObjectType", List[Any]]: return { FeastObjectType.DATA_SOURCE: registry.list_data_sources(project=project), FeastObjectType.ENTITY: registry.list_entities(project=project), FeastObjectType.FEATURE_VIEW: registry.list_feature_views(project=project), FeastObjectType.ON_DEMAND_FEATURE_VIEW: registry.list_on_demand_feature_views( project=project ), FeastObjectType.REQUEST_FEATURE_VIEW: registry.list_request_feature_views( project=project ), FeastObjectType.FEATURE_SERVICE: registry.list_feature_services( project=project ), }
[docs] @staticmethod def get_objects_from_repo_contents( repo_contents: RepoContents, ) -> Dict["FeastObjectType", List[Any]]: return { FeastObjectType.DATA_SOURCE: repo_contents.data_sources, FeastObjectType.ENTITY: repo_contents.entities, FeastObjectType.FEATURE_VIEW: repo_contents.feature_views, FeastObjectType.ON_DEMAND_FEATURE_VIEW: repo_contents.on_demand_feature_views, FeastObjectType.REQUEST_FEATURE_VIEW: repo_contents.request_feature_views, FeastObjectType.FEATURE_SERVICE: repo_contents.feature_services, }
FEAST_OBJECT_TYPES = [feast_object_type for feast_object_type in FeastObjectType] logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]def get_registry_store_class_from_type(registry_store_type: str): if not registry_store_type.endswith("RegistryStore"): raise Exception('Registry store class name should end with "RegistryStore"') if registry_store_type in REGISTRY_STORE_CLASS_FOR_TYPE: registry_store_type = REGISTRY_STORE_CLASS_FOR_TYPE[registry_store_type] module_name, registry_store_class_name = registry_store_type.rsplit(".", 1) return import_class(module_name, registry_store_class_name, "RegistryStore")
[docs]def get_registry_store_class_from_scheme(registry_path: str): uri = urlparse(registry_path) if uri.scheme not in REGISTRY_STORE_CLASS_FOR_SCHEME: raise Exception( f"Registry path {registry_path} has unsupported scheme {uri.scheme}. " f"Supported schemes are file, s3 and gs." ) else: registry_store_type = REGISTRY_STORE_CLASS_FOR_SCHEME[uri.scheme] return get_registry_store_class_from_type(registry_store_type)
[docs]class Registry: """ Registry: A registry allows for the management and persistence of feature definitions and related metadata. """ # The cached_registry_proto object is used for both reads and writes. In particular, # all write operations refresh the cache and modify it in memory; the write must # then be persisted to the underlying RegistryStore with a call to commit(). cached_registry_proto: Optional[RegistryProto] = None cached_registry_proto_created: Optional[datetime] = None cached_registry_proto_ttl: timedelta def __init__( self, registry_config: Optional[RegistryConfig], repo_path: Optional[Path] ): """ Create the Registry object. Args: registry_config: RegistryConfig object containing the destination path and cache ttl, repo_path: Path to the base of the Feast repository or where it will be created if it does not exist yet. """ self._refresh_lock = Lock() if registry_config: registry_store_type = registry_config.registry_store_type registry_path = registry_config.path if registry_store_type is None: cls = get_registry_store_class_from_scheme(registry_path) else: cls = get_registry_store_class_from_type(str(registry_store_type)) self._registry_store = cls(registry_config, repo_path) self.cached_registry_proto_ttl = timedelta( seconds=registry_config.cache_ttl_seconds if registry_config.cache_ttl_seconds is not None else 0 )
[docs] def clone(self) -> "Registry": new_registry = Registry(None, None) new_registry.cached_registry_proto_ttl = timedelta(seconds=0) new_registry.cached_registry_proto = ( self.cached_registry_proto.__deepcopy__() if self.cached_registry_proto else RegistryProto() ) new_registry.cached_registry_proto_created = datetime.utcnow() new_registry._registry_store = NoopRegistryStore() return new_registry
def _initialize_registry(self): """Explicitly initializes the registry with an empty proto if it doesn't exist.""" try: self._get_registry_proto() except FileNotFoundError: registry_proto = RegistryProto() registry_proto.registry_schema_version = REGISTRY_SCHEMA_VERSION self._registry_store.update_registry_proto(registry_proto)
[docs] def update_infra(self, infra: Infra, project: str, commit: bool = True): """ Updates the stored Infra object. Args: infra: The new Infra object to be stored. project: Feast project that the Infra object refers to commit: Whether the change should be persisted immediately """ self._prepare_registry_for_changes() assert self.cached_registry_proto self.cached_registry_proto.infra.CopyFrom(infra.to_proto()) if commit: self.commit()
[docs] def get_infra(self, project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) -> Infra: """ Retrieves the stored Infra object. Args: project: Feast project that the Infra object refers to allow_cache: Whether to allow returning this entity from a cached registry Returns: The stored Infra object. """ registry_proto = self._get_registry_proto(allow_cache=allow_cache) return Infra.from_proto(registry_proto.infra)
[docs] def apply_entity(self, entity: Entity, project: str, commit: bool = True): """ Registers a single entity with Feast Args: entity: Entity that will be registered project: Feast project that this entity belongs to commit: Whether the change should be persisted immediately """ entity.is_valid() now = datetime.utcnow() if not entity.created_timestamp: entity.created_timestamp = now entity.last_updated_timestamp = now entity_proto = entity.to_proto() entity_proto.spec.project = project self._prepare_registry_for_changes() assert self.cached_registry_proto for idx, existing_entity_proto in enumerate( self.cached_registry_proto.entities ): if ( == and existing_entity_proto.spec.project == project ): del self.cached_registry_proto.entities[idx] break self.cached_registry_proto.entities.append(entity_proto) if commit: self.commit()
[docs] def list_entities(self, project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) -> List[Entity]: """ Retrieve a list of entities from the registry Args: allow_cache: Whether to allow returning entities from a cached registry project: Filter entities based on project name Returns: List of entities """ registry_proto = self._get_registry_proto(allow_cache=allow_cache) entities = [] for entity_proto in registry_proto.entities: if entity_proto.spec.project == project: entities.append(Entity.from_proto(entity_proto)) return entities
[docs] def list_data_sources( self, project: str, allow_cache: bool = False ) -> List[DataSource]: """ Retrieve a list of data sources from the registry Args: project: Filter data source based on project name allow_cache: Whether to allow returning data sources from a cached registry Returns: List of data sources """ registry_proto = self._get_registry_proto(allow_cache=allow_cache) data_sources = [] for data_source_proto in registry_proto.data_sources: if data_source_proto.project == project: data_sources.append(DataSource.from_proto(data_source_proto)) return data_sources
[docs] def apply_data_source( self, data_source: DataSource, project: str, commit: bool = True ): """ Registers a single data source with Feast Args: data_source: A data source that will be registered project: Feast project that this data source belongs to commit: Whether to immediately commit to the registry """ registry = self._prepare_registry_for_changes() for idx, existing_data_source_proto in enumerate(registry.data_sources): if == del registry.data_sources[idx] data_source_proto = data_source.to_proto() data_source_proto.data_source_class_type = ( f"{data_source.__class__.__module__}.{data_source.__class__.__name__}" ) data_source_proto.project = project data_source_proto.data_source_class_type = ( f"{data_source.__class__.__module__}.{data_source.__class__.__name__}" ) registry.data_sources.append(data_source_proto) if commit: self.commit()
[docs] def delete_data_source(self, name: str, project: str, commit: bool = True): """ Deletes a data source or raises an exception if not found. Args: name: Name of data source project: Feast project that this data source belongs to commit: Whether the change should be persisted immediately """ self._prepare_registry_for_changes() assert self.cached_registry_proto for idx, data_source_proto in enumerate( self.cached_registry_proto.data_sources ): if == name: del self.cached_registry_proto.data_sources[idx] if commit: self.commit() return raise DataSourceNotFoundException(name)
[docs] def apply_feature_service( self, feature_service: FeatureService, project: str, commit: bool = True ): """ Registers a single feature service with Feast Args: feature_service: A feature service that will be registered project: Feast project that this entity belongs to """ now = datetime.utcnow() if not feature_service.created_timestamp: feature_service.created_timestamp = now feature_service.last_updated_timestamp = now feature_service_proto = feature_service.to_proto() feature_service_proto.spec.project = project registry = self._prepare_registry_for_changes() for idx, existing_feature_service_proto in enumerate(registry.feature_services): if ( == and existing_feature_service_proto.spec.project == project ): del registry.feature_services[idx] registry.feature_services.append(feature_service_proto) if commit: self.commit()
[docs] def list_feature_services( self, project: str, allow_cache: bool = False ) -> List[FeatureService]: """ Retrieve a list of feature services from the registry Args: allow_cache: Whether to allow returning entities from a cached registry project: Filter entities based on project name Returns: List of feature services """ registry = self._get_registry_proto(allow_cache=allow_cache) feature_services = [] for feature_service_proto in registry.feature_services: if feature_service_proto.spec.project == project: feature_services.append( FeatureService.from_proto(feature_service_proto) ) return feature_services
[docs] def get_feature_service( self, name: str, project: str, allow_cache: bool = False ) -> FeatureService: """ Retrieves a feature service. Args: name: Name of feature service project: Feast project that this feature service belongs to allow_cache: Whether to allow returning this feature service from a cached registry Returns: Returns either the specified feature service, or raises an exception if none is found """ registry = self._get_registry_proto(allow_cache=allow_cache) for feature_service_proto in registry.feature_services: if ( feature_service_proto.spec.project == project and == name ): return FeatureService.from_proto(feature_service_proto) raise FeatureServiceNotFoundException(name, project=project)
[docs] def get_entity(self, name: str, project: str, allow_cache: bool = False) -> Entity: """ Retrieves an entity. Args: name: Name of entity project: Feast project that this entity belongs to allow_cache: Whether to allow returning this entity from a cached registry Returns: Returns either the specified entity, or raises an exception if none is found """ registry_proto = self._get_registry_proto(allow_cache=allow_cache) for entity_proto in registry_proto.entities: if == name and entity_proto.spec.project == project: return Entity.from_proto(entity_proto) raise EntityNotFoundException(name, project=project)
[docs] def apply_feature_view( self, feature_view: BaseFeatureView, project: str, commit: bool = True ): """ Registers a single feature view with Feast Args: feature_view: Feature view that will be registered project: Feast project that this feature view belongs to commit: Whether the change should be persisted immediately """ feature_view.ensure_valid() now = datetime.utcnow() if not feature_view.created_timestamp: feature_view.created_timestamp = now feature_view.last_updated_timestamp = now feature_view_proto = feature_view.to_proto() feature_view_proto.spec.project = project self._prepare_registry_for_changes() assert self.cached_registry_proto self._check_conflicting_feature_view_names(feature_view) existing_feature_views_of_same_type: RepeatedCompositeFieldContainer if isinstance(feature_view, FeatureView): existing_feature_views_of_same_type = ( self.cached_registry_proto.feature_views ) elif isinstance(feature_view, OnDemandFeatureView): existing_feature_views_of_same_type = ( self.cached_registry_proto.on_demand_feature_views ) elif isinstance(feature_view, RequestFeatureView): existing_feature_views_of_same_type = ( self.cached_registry_proto.request_feature_views ) else: raise ValueError(f"Unexpected feature view type: {type(feature_view)}") for idx, existing_feature_view_proto in enumerate( existing_feature_views_of_same_type ): if ( == and existing_feature_view_proto.spec.project == project ): if ( feature_view.__class__.from_proto(existing_feature_view_proto) == feature_view ): return else: del existing_feature_views_of_same_type[idx] break existing_feature_views_of_same_type.append(feature_view_proto) if commit: self.commit()
[docs] def list_on_demand_feature_views( self, project: str, allow_cache: bool = False ) -> List[OnDemandFeatureView]: """ Retrieve a list of on demand feature views from the registry Args: project: Filter on demand feature views based on project name allow_cache: Whether to allow returning on demand feature views from a cached registry Returns: List of on demand feature views """ registry = self._get_registry_proto(allow_cache=allow_cache) on_demand_feature_views = [] for on_demand_feature_view in registry.on_demand_feature_views: if on_demand_feature_view.spec.project == project: on_demand_feature_views.append( OnDemandFeatureView.from_proto(on_demand_feature_view) ) return on_demand_feature_views
[docs] def get_on_demand_feature_view( self, name: str, project: str, allow_cache: bool = False ) -> OnDemandFeatureView: """ Retrieves an on demand feature view. Args: name: Name of on demand feature view project: Feast project that this on demand feature view belongs to allow_cache: Whether to allow returning this on demand feature view from a cached registry Returns: Returns either the specified on demand feature view, or raises an exception if none is found """ registry = self._get_registry_proto(allow_cache=allow_cache) for on_demand_feature_view in registry.on_demand_feature_views: if ( on_demand_feature_view.spec.project == project and == name ): return OnDemandFeatureView.from_proto(on_demand_feature_view) raise OnDemandFeatureViewNotFoundException(name, project=project)
[docs] def get_data_source( self, name: str, project: str, allow_cache: bool = False ) -> DataSource: """ Retrieves a data source. Args: name: Name of data source project: Feast project that this data source belongs to allow_cache: Whether to allow returning this data source from a cached registry Returns: Returns either the specified data source, or raises an exception if none is found """ registry = self._get_registry_proto(allow_cache=allow_cache) for data_source in registry.data_sources: if data_source.project == project and == name: return DataSource.from_proto(data_source) raise DataSourceObjectNotFoundException(name, project=project)
[docs] def apply_materialization( self, feature_view: FeatureView, project: str, start_date: datetime, end_date: datetime, commit: bool = True, ): """ Updates materialization intervals tracked for a single feature view in Feast Args: feature_view: Feature view that will be updated with an additional materialization interval tracked project: Feast project that this feature view belongs to start_date (datetime): Start date of the materialization interval to track end_date (datetime): End date of the materialization interval to track commit: Whether the change should be persisted immediately """ self._prepare_registry_for_changes() assert self.cached_registry_proto for idx, existing_feature_view_proto in enumerate( self.cached_registry_proto.feature_views ): if ( == and existing_feature_view_proto.spec.project == project ): existing_feature_view = FeatureView.from_proto( existing_feature_view_proto ) existing_feature_view.materialization_intervals.append( (start_date, end_date) ) existing_feature_view.last_updated_timestamp = datetime.utcnow() feature_view_proto = existing_feature_view.to_proto() feature_view_proto.spec.project = project del self.cached_registry_proto.feature_views[idx] self.cached_registry_proto.feature_views.append(feature_view_proto) if commit: self.commit() return raise FeatureViewNotFoundException(, project)
[docs] def list_feature_views( self, project: str, allow_cache: bool = False ) -> List[FeatureView]: """ Retrieve a list of feature views from the registry Args: allow_cache: Allow returning feature views from the cached registry project: Filter feature views based on project name Returns: List of feature views """ registry_proto = self._get_registry_proto(allow_cache=allow_cache) feature_views: List[FeatureView] = [] for feature_view_proto in registry_proto.feature_views: if feature_view_proto.spec.project == project: feature_views.append(FeatureView.from_proto(feature_view_proto)) return feature_views
[docs] def list_request_feature_views( self, project: str, allow_cache: bool = False ) -> List[RequestFeatureView]: """ Retrieve a list of request feature views from the registry Args: allow_cache: Allow returning feature views from the cached registry project: Filter feature views based on project name Returns: List of feature views """ registry_proto = self._get_registry_proto(allow_cache=allow_cache) feature_views: List[RequestFeatureView] = [] for request_feature_view_proto in registry_proto.request_feature_views: if request_feature_view_proto.spec.project == project: feature_views.append( RequestFeatureView.from_proto(request_feature_view_proto) ) return feature_views
[docs] def get_feature_view( self, name: str, project: str, allow_cache: bool = False ) -> FeatureView: """ Retrieves a feature view. Args: name: Name of feature view project: Feast project that this feature view belongs to allow_cache: Allow returning feature view from the cached registry Returns: Returns either the specified feature view, or raises an exception if none is found """ registry_proto = self._get_registry_proto(allow_cache=allow_cache) for feature_view_proto in registry_proto.feature_views: if ( == name and feature_view_proto.spec.project == project ): return FeatureView.from_proto(feature_view_proto) raise FeatureViewNotFoundException(name, project)
[docs] def delete_feature_service(self, name: str, project: str, commit: bool = True): """ Deletes a feature service or raises an exception if not found. Args: name: Name of feature service project: Feast project that this feature service belongs to commit: Whether the change should be persisted immediately """ self._prepare_registry_for_changes() assert self.cached_registry_proto for idx, feature_service_proto in enumerate( self.cached_registry_proto.feature_services ): if ( == name and feature_service_proto.spec.project == project ): del self.cached_registry_proto.feature_services[idx] if commit: self.commit() return raise FeatureServiceNotFoundException(name, project)
[docs] def delete_feature_view(self, name: str, project: str, commit: bool = True): """ Deletes a feature view or raises an exception if not found. Args: name: Name of feature view project: Feast project that this feature view belongs to commit: Whether the change should be persisted immediately """ self._prepare_registry_for_changes() assert self.cached_registry_proto for idx, existing_feature_view_proto in enumerate( self.cached_registry_proto.feature_views ): if ( == name and existing_feature_view_proto.spec.project == project ): del self.cached_registry_proto.feature_views[idx] if commit: self.commit() return for idx, existing_request_feature_view_proto in enumerate( self.cached_registry_proto.request_feature_views ): if ( == name and existing_request_feature_view_proto.spec.project == project ): del self.cached_registry_proto.request_feature_views[idx] if commit: self.commit() return for idx, existing_on_demand_feature_view_proto in enumerate( self.cached_registry_proto.on_demand_feature_views ): if ( == name and existing_on_demand_feature_view_proto.spec.project == project ): del self.cached_registry_proto.on_demand_feature_views[idx] if commit: self.commit() return raise FeatureViewNotFoundException(name, project)
[docs] def delete_entity(self, name: str, project: str, commit: bool = True): """ Deletes an entity or raises an exception if not found. Args: name: Name of entity project: Feast project that this entity belongs to commit: Whether the change should be persisted immediately """ self._prepare_registry_for_changes() assert self.cached_registry_proto for idx, existing_entity_proto in enumerate( self.cached_registry_proto.entities ): if ( == name and existing_entity_proto.spec.project == project ): del self.cached_registry_proto.entities[idx] if commit: self.commit() return raise EntityNotFoundException(name, project)
[docs] def apply_saved_dataset( self, saved_dataset: SavedDataset, project: str, commit: bool = True, ): """ Registers a single entity with Feast Args: saved_dataset: SavedDataset that will be added / updated to registry project: Feast project that this dataset belongs to commit: Whether the change should be persisted immediately """ now = datetime.utcnow() if not saved_dataset.created_timestamp: saved_dataset.created_timestamp = now saved_dataset.last_updated_timestamp = now saved_dataset_proto = saved_dataset.to_proto() saved_dataset_proto.spec.project = project self._prepare_registry_for_changes() assert self.cached_registry_proto for idx, existing_saved_dataset_proto in enumerate( self.cached_registry_proto.saved_datasets ): if ( == and existing_saved_dataset_proto.spec.project == project ): del self.cached_registry_proto.saved_datasets[idx] break self.cached_registry_proto.saved_datasets.append(saved_dataset_proto) if commit: self.commit()
[docs] def get_saved_dataset( self, name: str, project: str, allow_cache: bool = False ) -> SavedDataset: """ Retrieves a saved dataset. Args: name: Name of dataset project: Feast project that this dataset belongs to allow_cache: Whether to allow returning this dataset from a cached registry Returns: Returns either the specified SavedDataset, or raises an exception if none is found """ registry_proto = self._get_registry_proto(allow_cache=allow_cache) for saved_dataset in registry_proto.saved_datasets: if ( == name and saved_dataset.spec.project == project ): return SavedDataset.from_proto(saved_dataset) raise SavedDatasetNotFound(name, project=project)
[docs] def list_saved_datasets( self, project: str, allow_cache: bool = False ) -> List[SavedDataset]: """ Retrieves a list of all saved datasets in specified project Args: project: Feast project allow_cache: Whether to allow returning this dataset from a cached registry Returns: Returns the list of SavedDatasets """ registry_proto = self._get_registry_proto(allow_cache=allow_cache) return [ SavedDataset.from_proto(saved_dataset) for saved_dataset in registry_proto.saved_datasets if saved_dataset.spec.project == project ]
[docs] def commit(self): """Commits the state of the registry cache to the remote registry store.""" if self.cached_registry_proto: self._registry_store.update_registry_proto(self.cached_registry_proto)
[docs] def refresh(self): """Refreshes the state of the registry cache by fetching the registry state from the remote registry store.""" self._get_registry_proto(allow_cache=False)
[docs] def teardown(self): """Tears down (removes) the registry.""" self._registry_store.teardown()
[docs] def to_dict(self, project: str) -> Dict[str, List[Any]]: """Returns a dictionary representation of the registry contents for the specified project. For each list in the dictionary, the elements are sorted by name, so this method can be used to compare two registries. Args: project: Feast project to convert to a dict """ registry_dict: Dict[str, Any] = defaultdict(list) registry_dict["project"] = project for data_source in sorted( self.list_data_sources(project=project), key=lambda ds: ): registry_dict["dataSources"].append( self._message_to_sorted_dict(data_source.to_proto()) ) for entity in sorted( self.list_entities(project=project), key=lambda entity: ): registry_dict["entities"].append( self._message_to_sorted_dict(entity.to_proto()) ) for feature_view in sorted( self.list_feature_views(project=project), key=lambda feature_view:, ): registry_dict["featureViews"].append( self._message_to_sorted_dict(feature_view.to_proto()) ) for feature_service in sorted( self.list_feature_services(project=project), key=lambda feature_service:, ): registry_dict["featureServices"].append( self._message_to_sorted_dict(feature_service.to_proto()) ) for on_demand_feature_view in sorted( self.list_on_demand_feature_views(project=project), key=lambda on_demand_feature_view:, ): odfv_dict = self._message_to_sorted_dict(on_demand_feature_view.to_proto()) odfv_dict["spec"]["userDefinedFunction"]["body"] = dill.source.getsource( on_demand_feature_view.udf ) registry_dict["onDemandFeatureViews"].append(odfv_dict) for request_feature_view in sorted( self.list_request_feature_views(project=project), key=lambda request_feature_view:, ): registry_dict["requestFeatureViews"].append( self._message_to_sorted_dict(request_feature_view.to_proto()) ) for saved_dataset in sorted( self.list_saved_datasets(project=project), key=lambda item: ): registry_dict["savedDatasets"].append( self._message_to_sorted_dict(saved_dataset.to_proto()) ) for infra_object in sorted(self.get_infra(project=project).infra_objects): registry_dict["infra"].append( self._message_to_sorted_dict(infra_object.to_proto()) ) return registry_dict
@staticmethod def _message_to_sorted_dict(message: Message) -> Dict[str, Any]: return json.loads(MessageToJson(message, sort_keys=True)) def _prepare_registry_for_changes(self): """Prepares the Registry for changes by refreshing the cache if necessary.""" try: self._get_registry_proto(allow_cache=True) except FileNotFoundError: registry_proto = RegistryProto() registry_proto.registry_schema_version = REGISTRY_SCHEMA_VERSION self.cached_registry_proto = registry_proto self.cached_registry_proto_created = datetime.utcnow() return self.cached_registry_proto def _get_registry_proto(self, allow_cache: bool = False) -> RegistryProto: """Returns the cached or remote registry state Args: allow_cache: Whether to allow the use of the registry cache when fetching the RegistryProto Returns: Returns a RegistryProto object which represents the state of the registry """ with self._refresh_lock: expired = ( self.cached_registry_proto is None or self.cached_registry_proto_created is None ) or ( self.cached_registry_proto_ttl.total_seconds() > 0 # 0 ttl means infinity and ( datetime.utcnow() > ( self.cached_registry_proto_created + self.cached_registry_proto_ttl ) ) ) if allow_cache and not expired: assert isinstance(self.cached_registry_proto, RegistryProto) return self.cached_registry_proto registry_proto = self._registry_store.get_registry_proto() self.cached_registry_proto = registry_proto self.cached_registry_proto_created = datetime.utcnow() return registry_proto def _check_conflicting_feature_view_names(self, feature_view: BaseFeatureView): name_to_fv_protos = self._existing_feature_view_names_to_fvs() if in name_to_fv_protos: if not isinstance( name_to_fv_protos.get(, feature_view.proto_class ): raise ConflictingFeatureViewNames( def _existing_feature_view_names_to_fvs(self) -> Dict[str, Message]: assert self.cached_registry_proto odfvs = { fv for fv in self.cached_registry_proto.on_demand_feature_views } fvs = { fv for fv in self.cached_registry_proto.feature_views} request_fvs = { fv for fv in self.cached_registry_proto.request_feature_views } return {**odfvs, **fvs, **request_fvs}