Source code for feast.infra.offline_stores.file

from datetime import datetime
from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Union

import pandas as pd
import pyarrow
import pytz
from pydantic.typing import Literal

from feast.data_source import DataSource, FileSource
from feast.errors import FeastJoinKeysDuringMaterialization
from feast.feature_view import FeatureView
from feast.infra.offline_stores.offline_store import OfflineStore, RetrievalJob
from feast.infra.provider import (
from feast.registry import Registry
from feast.repo_config import FeastConfigBaseModel, RepoConfig

[docs]class FileOfflineStoreConfig(FeastConfigBaseModel): """ Offline store config for local (file-based) store """ type: Literal["file"] = "file" """ Offline store type selector"""
[docs]class FileRetrievalJob(RetrievalJob): def __init__(self, evaluation_function: Callable): """Initialize a lazy historical retrieval job""" # The evaluation function executes a stored procedure to compute a historical retrieval. self.evaluation_function = evaluation_function
[docs] def to_df(self): # Only execute the evaluation function to build the final historical retrieval dataframe at the last moment. df = self.evaluation_function() return df
[docs]class FileOfflineStore(OfflineStore):
[docs] @staticmethod def get_historical_features( config: RepoConfig, feature_views: List[FeatureView], feature_refs: List[str], entity_df: Union[pd.DataFrame, str], registry: Registry, project: str, ) -> FileRetrievalJob: if not isinstance(entity_df, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError( f"Please provide an entity_df of type {type(pd.DataFrame)} instead of type {type(entity_df)}" ) entity_df_event_timestamp_col = DEFAULT_ENTITY_DF_EVENT_TIMESTAMP_COL # local modifiable copy of global variable if entity_df_event_timestamp_col not in entity_df.columns: datetime_columns = entity_df.select_dtypes( include=["datetime", "datetimetz"] ).columns if len(datetime_columns) == 1: print( f"Using {datetime_columns[0]} as the event timestamp. To specify a column explicitly, please name it {DEFAULT_ENTITY_DF_EVENT_TIMESTAMP_COL}." ) entity_df_event_timestamp_col = datetime_columns[0] else: raise ValueError( f"Please provide an entity_df with a column named {DEFAULT_ENTITY_DF_EVENT_TIMESTAMP_COL} representing the time of events." ) feature_views_to_features = _get_requested_feature_views_to_features_dict( feature_refs, feature_views ) # Create lazy function that is only called from the RetrievalJob object def evaluate_historical_retrieval(): # Make sure all event timestamp fields are tz-aware. We default tz-naive fields to UTC entity_df[entity_df_event_timestamp_col] = entity_df[ entity_df_event_timestamp_col ].apply(lambda x: x if x.tzinfo is not None else x.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)) # Create a copy of entity_df to prevent modifying the original entity_df_with_features = entity_df.copy() # Convert event timestamp column to datetime and normalize time zone to UTC # This is necessary to avoid issues with pd.merge_asof entity_df_with_features[entity_df_event_timestamp_col] = pd.to_datetime( entity_df_with_features[entity_df_event_timestamp_col], utc=True ) # Sort event timestamp values entity_df_with_features = entity_df_with_features.sort_values( entity_df_event_timestamp_col ) # Load feature view data from sources and join them incrementally for feature_view, features in feature_views_to_features.items(): event_timestamp_column = feature_view.input.event_timestamp_column created_timestamp_column = feature_view.input.created_timestamp_column # Read offline parquet data in pyarrow format table = pyarrow.parquet.read_table(feature_view.input.path) # Rename columns by the field mapping dictionary if it exists if feature_view.input.field_mapping is not None: table = _run_field_mapping(table, feature_view.input.field_mapping) # Convert pyarrow table to pandas dataframe df_to_join = table.to_pandas() # Make sure all timestamp fields are tz-aware. We default tz-naive fields to UTC df_to_join[event_timestamp_column] = df_to_join[ event_timestamp_column ].apply( lambda x: x if x.tzinfo is not None else x.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) ) if created_timestamp_column: df_to_join[created_timestamp_column] = df_to_join[ created_timestamp_column ].apply( lambda x: x if x.tzinfo is not None else x.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) ) # Sort dataframe by the event timestamp column df_to_join = df_to_join.sort_values(event_timestamp_column) # Build a list of all the features we should select from this source feature_names = [] for feature in features: # Modify the separator for feature refs in column names to double underscore. We are using # double underscore as separator for consistency with other databases like BigQuery, # where there are very few characters available for use as separators prefixed_feature_name = f"{}__{feature}" # Add the feature name to the list of columns feature_names.append(prefixed_feature_name) # Ensure that the source dataframe feature column includes the feature view name as a prefix df_to_join.rename( columns={feature: prefixed_feature_name}, inplace=True, ) # Build a list of entity columns to join on (from the right table) join_keys = [] for entity_name in feature_view.entities: entity = registry.get_entity(entity_name, project) join_keys.append(entity.join_key) right_entity_columns = join_keys right_entity_key_columns = [ event_timestamp_column ] + right_entity_columns # Remove all duplicate entity keys (using created timestamp) right_entity_key_sort_columns = right_entity_key_columns if created_timestamp_column: # If created_timestamp is available, use it to dedupe deterministically right_entity_key_sort_columns = right_entity_key_sort_columns + [ created_timestamp_column ] df_to_join.sort_values(by=right_entity_key_sort_columns, inplace=True) df_to_join.drop_duplicates( right_entity_key_sort_columns, keep="last", ignore_index=True, inplace=True, ) # Select only the columns we need to join from the feature dataframe df_to_join = df_to_join[right_entity_key_columns + feature_names] # Do point in-time-join between entity_df and feature dataframe entity_df_with_features = pd.merge_asof( entity_df_with_features, df_to_join, left_on=entity_df_event_timestamp_col, right_on=event_timestamp_column, by=right_entity_columns, tolerance=feature_view.ttl, ) # Remove right (feature table/view) event_timestamp column. if event_timestamp_column != entity_df_event_timestamp_col: entity_df_with_features.drop( columns=[event_timestamp_column], inplace=True ) # Ensure that we delete dataframes to free up memory del df_to_join # Move "datetime" column to front current_cols = entity_df_with_features.columns.tolist() current_cols.remove(entity_df_event_timestamp_col) entity_df_with_features = entity_df_with_features[ [entity_df_event_timestamp_col] + current_cols ] return entity_df_with_features job = FileRetrievalJob(evaluation_function=evaluate_historical_retrieval) return job
[docs] @staticmethod def pull_latest_from_table_or_query( data_source: DataSource, join_key_columns: List[str], feature_name_columns: List[str], event_timestamp_column: str, created_timestamp_column: Optional[str], start_date: datetime, end_date: datetime, ) -> pyarrow.Table: assert isinstance(data_source, FileSource) source_df = pd.read_parquet(data_source.path) # Make sure all timestamp fields are tz-aware. We default tz-naive fields to UTC source_df[event_timestamp_column] = source_df[event_timestamp_column].apply( lambda x: x if x.tzinfo is not None else x.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) ) if created_timestamp_column: source_df[created_timestamp_column] = source_df[ created_timestamp_column ].apply(lambda x: x if x.tzinfo is not None else x.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)) source_columns = set(source_df.columns) if not set(join_key_columns).issubset(source_columns): raise FeastJoinKeysDuringMaterialization( data_source.path, set(join_key_columns), source_columns ) ts_columns = ( [event_timestamp_column, created_timestamp_column] if created_timestamp_column else [event_timestamp_column] ) source_df.sort_values(by=ts_columns, inplace=True) filtered_df = source_df[ (source_df[event_timestamp_column] >= start_date) & (source_df[event_timestamp_column] < end_date) ] last_values_df = filtered_df.drop_duplicates( join_key_columns, keep="last", ignore_index=True ) columns_to_extract = set(join_key_columns + feature_name_columns + ts_columns) table = pyarrow.Table.from_pandas(last_values_df[columns_to_extract]) return table