feast.infra.offline_stores.contrib.mssql_offline_store.tests package


feast.infra.offline_stores.contrib.mssql_offline_store.tests.data_source module

class feast.infra.offline_stores.contrib.mssql_offline_store.tests.data_source.MsSqlDataSourceCreator(project_name: str, fixture_request: FixtureRequest, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: DataSourceCreator

create_data_source(df: DataFrame, destination_name: str, timestamp_field='ts', created_timestamp_column='created_ts', field_mapping: Dict[str, str] | None = None, **kwargs) DataSource[source]

Create a data source based on the dataframe. Implementing this method requires the underlying implementation to persist the dataframe in offline store, using the destination string as a way to differentiate multiple dataframes and data sources.

  • df – The dataframe to be used to create the data source.

  • destination_name – This str is used by the implementing classes to isolate the multiple dataframes from each other.

  • event_timestamp_column – (Deprecated) Pass through for the underlying data source.

  • created_timestamp_column – Pass through for the underlying data source.

  • field_mapping – Pass through for the underlying data source.

  • timestamp_field – Pass through for the underlying data source.


A Data source object, pointing to a table or file that is uploaded/persisted for the purpose of the test.

create_offline_store_config() MsSqlServerOfflineStoreConfig[source]
create_saved_dataset_destination() SavedDatasetStorage[source]
get_prefixed_table_name(destination_name: str) str[source]
tables: List[str] = []

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