Source code for feast.utils

import typing
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import pandas as pd
import pyarrow
from dask import dataframe as dd
from import tzlocal
from pytz import utc

from feast.entity import Entity
from feast.protos.feast.types.EntityKey_pb2 import EntityKey as EntityKeyProto
from feast.protos.feast.types.Value_pb2 import Value as ValueProto
from feast.type_map import python_values_to_proto_values
from feast.value_type import ValueType

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from feast.feature_view import FeatureView
    from feast.on_demand_feature_view import OnDemandFeatureView

[docs]def make_tzaware(t: datetime) -> datetime: """We assume tz-naive datetimes are UTC""" if t.tzinfo is None: return t.replace(tzinfo=utc) else: return t
[docs]def make_df_tzaware(t: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Make all datetime type columns tzaware; leave everything else intact.""" df = t.copy() # don't modify incoming dataframe inplace for column in df.columns: if pd.api.types.is_datetime64_any_dtype(df[column]): df[column] = pd.to_datetime(df[column], utc=True) return df
[docs]def to_naive_utc(ts: datetime) -> datetime: if ts.tzinfo is None: return ts else: return ts.astimezone(utc).replace(tzinfo=None)
[docs]def maybe_local_tz(t: datetime) -> datetime: if t.tzinfo is None: return t.replace(tzinfo=tzlocal()) else: return t
def _get_requested_feature_views_to_features_dict( feature_refs: List[str], feature_views: List["FeatureView"], on_demand_feature_views: List["OnDemandFeatureView"], ) -> Tuple[Dict["FeatureView", List[str]], Dict["OnDemandFeatureView", List[str]]]: """Create a dict of FeatureView -> List[Feature] for all requested features. Set full_feature_names to True to have feature names prefixed by their feature view name.""" feature_views_to_feature_map: Dict["FeatureView", List[str]] = defaultdict(list) on_demand_feature_views_to_feature_map: Dict[ "OnDemandFeatureView", List[str] ] = defaultdict(list) for ref in feature_refs: ref_parts = ref.split(":") feature_view_from_ref = ref_parts[0] feature_from_ref = ref_parts[1] found = False for fv in feature_views: if fv.projection.name_to_use() == feature_view_from_ref: found = True feature_views_to_feature_map[fv].append(feature_from_ref) for odfv in on_demand_feature_views: if odfv.projection.name_to_use() == feature_view_from_ref: found = True on_demand_feature_views_to_feature_map[odfv].append(feature_from_ref) if not found: raise ValueError(f"Could not find feature view from reference {ref}") return feature_views_to_feature_map, on_demand_feature_views_to_feature_map def _get_column_names( feature_view: "FeatureView", entities: List[Entity] ) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str], str, Optional[str]]: """ If a field mapping exists, run it in reverse on the join keys, feature names, event timestamp column, and created timestamp column to get the names of the relevant columns in the offline feature store table. Returns: Tuple containing the list of reverse-mapped join_keys, reverse-mapped feature names, reverse-mapped event timestamp column, and reverse-mapped created timestamp column that will be passed into the query to the offline store. """ # if we have mapped fields, use the original field names in the call to the offline store timestamp_field = feature_view.batch_source.timestamp_field feature_names = [ for feature in feature_view.features] created_timestamp_column = feature_view.batch_source.created_timestamp_column from feast.feature_view import DUMMY_ENTITY_ID join_keys = [ entity.join_key for entity in entities if entity.join_key != DUMMY_ENTITY_ID ] if feature_view.batch_source.field_mapping is not None: reverse_field_mapping = { v: k for k, v in feature_view.batch_source.field_mapping.items() } timestamp_field = ( reverse_field_mapping[timestamp_field] if timestamp_field in reverse_field_mapping.keys() else timestamp_field ) created_timestamp_column = ( reverse_field_mapping[created_timestamp_column] if created_timestamp_column and created_timestamp_column in reverse_field_mapping.keys() else created_timestamp_column ) join_keys = [ reverse_field_mapping[col] if col in reverse_field_mapping.keys() else col for col in join_keys ] feature_names = [ reverse_field_mapping[col] if col in reverse_field_mapping.keys() else col for col in feature_names ] # We need to exclude join keys and timestamp columns from the list of features, after they are mapped to # their final column names via the `field_mapping` field of the source. feature_names = [ name for name in feature_names if name not in join_keys and name != timestamp_field and name != created_timestamp_column ] return ( join_keys, feature_names, timestamp_field, created_timestamp_column, ) def _run_pyarrow_field_mapping( table: pyarrow.Table, field_mapping: Dict[str, str], ) -> pyarrow.Table: # run field mapping in the forward direction cols = table.column_names mapped_cols = [ field_mapping[col] if col in field_mapping.keys() else col for col in cols ] table = table.rename_columns(mapped_cols) return table def _run_dask_field_mapping( table: dd.DataFrame, field_mapping: Dict[str, str], ): if field_mapping: # run field mapping in the forward direction table = table.rename(columns=field_mapping) table = table.persist() return table def _coerce_datetime(ts): """ Depending on underlying time resolution, arrow to_pydict() sometimes returns pd timestamp type (for nanosecond resolution), and sometimes you get standard python datetime (for microsecond resolution). While pd timestamp class is a subclass of python datetime, it doesn't always behave the same way. We convert it to normal datetime so that consumers downstream don't have to deal with these quirks. """ if isinstance(ts, pd.Timestamp): return ts.to_pydatetime() else: return ts def _convert_arrow_to_proto( table: Union[pyarrow.Table, pyarrow.RecordBatch], feature_view: "FeatureView", join_keys: Dict[str, ValueType], ) -> List[Tuple[EntityKeyProto, Dict[str, ValueProto], datetime, Optional[datetime]]]: # Avoid ChunkedArrays which guarantees `zero_copy_only` available. if isinstance(table, pyarrow.Table): table = table.to_batches()[0] columns = [ (, field.dtype.to_value_type()) for field in feature_view.features ] + list(join_keys.items()) proto_values_by_column = { column: python_values_to_proto_values( table.column(column).to_numpy(zero_copy_only=False), value_type ) for column, value_type in columns } entity_keys = [ EntityKeyProto( join_keys=join_keys, entity_values=[proto_values_by_column[k][idx] for k in join_keys], ) for idx in range(table.num_rows) ] # Serialize the features per row feature_dict = { proto_values_by_column[] for feature in feature_view.features } features = [dict(zip(feature_dict, vars)) for vars in zip(*feature_dict.values())] # Convert event_timestamps event_timestamps = [ _coerce_datetime(val) for val in pd.to_datetime( table.column(feature_view.batch_source.timestamp_field).to_numpy( zero_copy_only=False ) ) ] # Convert created_timestamps if they exist if feature_view.batch_source.created_timestamp_column: created_timestamps = [ _coerce_datetime(val) for val in pd.to_datetime( table.column( feature_view.batch_source.created_timestamp_column ).to_numpy(zero_copy_only=False) ) ] else: created_timestamps = [None] * table.num_rows return list(zip(entity_keys, features, event_timestamps, created_timestamps))