Source code for feast.infra.offline_stores.offline_store

# Copyright 2019 The Feast Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import warnings
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, List, Optional, Union

import pandas as pd
import pyarrow

from feast.data_source import DataSource
from feast.dqm.errors import ValidationFailed
from feast.feature_logging import LoggingConfig, LoggingSource
from feast.feature_view import FeatureView
from feast.on_demand_feature_view import OnDemandFeatureView
from feast.registry import BaseRegistry
from feast.repo_config import RepoConfig
from feast.saved_dataset import SavedDatasetStorage

    from feast.saved_dataset import ValidationReference

warnings.simplefilter("once", RuntimeWarning)

[docs]class RetrievalMetadata: min_event_timestamp: Optional[datetime] max_event_timestamp: Optional[datetime] # List of feature references features: List[str] # List of entity keys + ODFV inputs keys: List[str] def __init__( self, features: List[str], keys: List[str], min_event_timestamp: Optional[datetime] = None, max_event_timestamp: Optional[datetime] = None, ): self.features = features self.keys = keys self.min_event_timestamp = min_event_timestamp self.max_event_timestamp = max_event_timestamp
[docs]class RetrievalJob(ABC): """RetrievalJob is used to manage the execution of a historical feature retrieval""" @property @abstractmethod def full_feature_names(self) -> bool: pass @property @abstractmethod def on_demand_feature_views(self) -> Optional[List[OnDemandFeatureView]]: pass
[docs] def to_df( self, validation_reference: Optional["ValidationReference"] = None ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Return dataset as Pandas DataFrame synchronously including on demand transforms Args: validation_reference: If provided resulting dataset will be validated against this reference profile. """ features_df = self._to_df_internal() if self.on_demand_feature_views: # TODO(adchia): Fix requirement to specify dependent feature views in feature_refs for odfv in self.on_demand_feature_views: features_df = features_df.join( odfv.get_transformed_features_df( features_df, self.full_feature_names, ) ) if validation_reference: warnings.warn( "Dataset validation is an experimental feature. " "This API is unstable and it could and most probably will be changed in the future. " "We do not guarantee that future changes will maintain backward compatibility.", RuntimeWarning, ) validation_result = validation_reference.profile.validate(features_df) if not validation_result.is_success: raise ValidationFailed(validation_result) return features_df
@abstractmethod def _to_df_internal(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Return dataset as Pandas DataFrame synchronously""" pass @abstractmethod def _to_arrow_internal(self) -> pyarrow.Table: """Return dataset as pyarrow Table synchronously""" pass
[docs] def to_arrow( self, validation_reference: Optional["ValidationReference"] = None ) -> pyarrow.Table: """ Return dataset as pyarrow Table synchronously Args: validation_reference: If provided resulting dataset will be validated against this reference profile. """ if not self.on_demand_feature_views and not validation_reference: return self._to_arrow_internal() features_df = self._to_df_internal() if self.on_demand_feature_views: for odfv in self.on_demand_feature_views: features_df = features_df.join( odfv.get_transformed_features_df( features_df, self.full_feature_names, ) ) if validation_reference: warnings.warn( "Dataset validation is an experimental feature. " "This API is unstable and it could and most probably will be changed in the future. " "We do not guarantee that future changes will maintain backward compatibility.", RuntimeWarning, ) validation_result = validation_reference.profile.validate(features_df) if not validation_result.is_success: raise ValidationFailed(validation_result) return pyarrow.Table.from_pandas(features_df)
[docs] @abstractmethod def persist(self, storage: SavedDatasetStorage): """ Run the retrieval and persist the results in the same offline store used for read. """ pass
@property @abstractmethod def metadata(self) -> Optional[RetrievalMetadata]: """ Return metadata information about retrieval. Should be available even before materializing the dataset itself. """ pass
[docs]class OfflineStore(ABC): """ OfflineStore is an object used for all interaction between Feast and the service used for offline storage of features. """
[docs] @staticmethod @abstractmethod def pull_latest_from_table_or_query( config: RepoConfig, data_source: DataSource, join_key_columns: List[str], feature_name_columns: List[str], timestamp_field: str, created_timestamp_column: Optional[str], start_date: datetime, end_date: datetime, ) -> RetrievalJob: """ This method pulls data from the offline store, and the FeatureStore class is used to write this data into the online store. This method is invoked when running materialization (using the `feast materialize` or `feast materialize-incremental` commands, or the corresponding FeatureStore.materialize() method. This method pulls data from the offline store, and the FeatureStore class is used to write this data into the online store. Note that join_key_columns, feature_name_columns, timestamp_field, and created_timestamp_column have all already been mapped to column names of the source table and those column names are the values passed into this function. Args: config: Repo configuration object data_source: Data source to pull all of the columns from join_key_columns: Columns of the join keys feature_name_columns: Columns of the feature names needed timestamp_field: Timestamp column start_date: Starting date of query end_date: Ending date of query """ pass
[docs] @staticmethod @abstractmethod def get_historical_features( config: RepoConfig, feature_views: List[FeatureView], feature_refs: List[str], entity_df: Union[pd.DataFrame, str], registry: BaseRegistry, project: str, full_feature_names: bool = False, ) -> RetrievalJob: pass
[docs] @staticmethod @abstractmethod def pull_all_from_table_or_query( config: RepoConfig, data_source: DataSource, join_key_columns: List[str], feature_name_columns: List[str], timestamp_field: str, start_date: datetime, end_date: datetime, ) -> RetrievalJob: """ Returns a Retrieval Job for all join key columns, feature name columns, and the event timestamp columns that occur between the start_date and end_date. Note that join_key_columns, feature_name_columns, timestamp_field, and created_timestamp_column have all already been mapped to column names of the source table and those column names are the values passed into this function. Args: config: Repo configuration object data_source: Data source to pull all of the columns from join_key_columns: Columns of the join keys feature_name_columns: Columns of the feature names needed timestamp_field: Timestamp column start_date: Starting date of query end_date: Ending date of query """ pass
[docs] @staticmethod def write_logged_features( config: RepoConfig, data: Union[pyarrow.Table, Path], source: LoggingSource, logging_config: LoggingConfig, registry: BaseRegistry, ): """ Write logged features to a specified destination (taken from logging_config) in the offline store. Data can be appended to an existing table (destination) or a new one will be created automatically (if it doesn't exist). Hence, this function can be called repeatedly with the same destination to flush logs in chunks. Args: config: Repo configuration object data: Arrow table or path to parquet directory that contains logs dataset. source: Logging source that provides schema and some additional metadata. logging_config: used to determine destination registry: Feast registry This is an optional method that could be supported only be some stores. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @staticmethod def offline_write_batch( config: RepoConfig, feature_view: FeatureView, data: pyarrow.Table, progress: Optional[Callable[[int], Any]], ): """ Write features to a specified destination in the offline store. Data can be appended to an existing table (destination) or a new one will be created automatically (if it doesn't exist). Hence, this function can be called repeatedly with the same destination config to write features. Args: config: Repo configuration object table: FeatureView to write the data to. data: pyarrow table containing feature data and timestamp column for historical feature retrieval progress: Optional function to be called once every mini-batch of rows is written to the online store. Can be used to display progress. """ raise NotImplementedError()