Source code for feast.infra.online_stores.datastore

# Copyright 2021 The Feast Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import itertools
import logging
from datetime import datetime
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
from queue import Empty, Queue
from threading import Lock, Thread
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple

from pydantic import PositiveInt, StrictStr
from pydantic.typing import Literal

from feast import Entity, utils
from feast.errors import FeastProviderLoginError
from feast.feature_view import FeatureView
from feast.infra.infra_object import DATASTORE_INFRA_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE, InfraObject
from feast.infra.online_stores.helpers import compute_entity_id
from feast.infra.online_stores.online_store import OnlineStore
from feast.protos.feast.core.DatastoreTable_pb2 import (
    DatastoreTable as DatastoreTableProto,
from feast.protos.feast.core.InfraObject_pb2 import InfraObject as InfraObjectProto
from feast.protos.feast.types.EntityKey_pb2 import EntityKey as EntityKeyProto
from feast.protos.feast.types.Value_pb2 import Value as ValueProto
from feast.repo_config import FeastConfigBaseModel, RepoConfig
from feast.usage import get_user_agent, log_exceptions_and_usage, tracing_span

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    from google.api_core import client_info as http_client_info
    from google.auth.exceptions import DefaultCredentialsError
    from import datastore
    from import Key
except ImportError as e:
    from feast.errors import FeastExtrasDependencyImportError

    raise FeastExtrasDependencyImportError("gcp", str(e))

[docs]def get_http_client_info(): return http_client_info.ClientInfo(user_agent=get_user_agent())
ProtoBatch = Sequence[ Tuple[EntityKeyProto, Dict[str, ValueProto], datetime, Optional[datetime]] ]
[docs]class DatastoreOnlineStoreConfig(FeastConfigBaseModel): """Online store config for GCP Datastore""" type: Literal["datastore"] = "datastore" """ Online store type selector""" project_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None """ (optional) GCP Project Id """ namespace: Optional[StrictStr] = None """ (optional) Datastore namespace """ write_concurrency: Optional[PositiveInt] = 40 """ (optional) Amount of threads to use when writing batches of feature rows into Datastore""" write_batch_size: Optional[PositiveInt] = 50 """ (optional) Amount of feature rows per batch being written into Datastore"""
[docs]class DatastoreOnlineStore(OnlineStore): """ Google Cloud Datastore implementation of the online store interface. See for more details about the data model for this implementation. Attributes: _client: Datastore connection. """ _client: Optional[datastore.Client] = None
[docs] @log_exceptions_and_usage(online_store="datastore") def update( self, config: RepoConfig, tables_to_delete: Sequence[FeatureView], tables_to_keep: Sequence[FeatureView], entities_to_delete: Sequence[Entity], entities_to_keep: Sequence[Entity], partial: bool, ): online_config = config.online_store assert isinstance(online_config, DatastoreOnlineStoreConfig) client = self._get_client(online_config) feast_project = config.project for table in tables_to_keep: key = client.key("Project", feast_project, "Table", entity = datastore.Entity( key=key, exclude_from_indexes=("created_ts", "event_ts", "values") ) entity.update({"created_ts": datetime.utcnow()}) client.put(entity) for table in tables_to_delete: _delete_all_values( client, client.key("Project", feast_project, "Table", ) # Delete the table metadata datastore entity key = client.key("Project", feast_project, "Table", client.delete(key)
[docs] def teardown( self, config: RepoConfig, tables: Sequence[FeatureView], entities: Sequence[Entity], ): online_config = config.online_store assert isinstance(online_config, DatastoreOnlineStoreConfig) client = self._get_client(online_config) feast_project = config.project for table in tables: _delete_all_values( client, client.key("Project", feast_project, "Table", ) # Delete the table metadata datastore entity key = client.key("Project", feast_project, "Table", client.delete(key)
def _get_client(self, online_config: DatastoreOnlineStoreConfig): if not self._client: self._client = _initialize_client( online_config.project_id, online_config.namespace ) return self._client
[docs] @log_exceptions_and_usage(online_store="datastore") def online_write_batch( self, config: RepoConfig, table: FeatureView, data: List[ Tuple[EntityKeyProto, Dict[str, ValueProto], datetime, Optional[datetime]] ], progress: Optional[Callable[[int], Any]], ) -> None: online_config = config.online_store assert isinstance(online_config, DatastoreOnlineStoreConfig) client = self._get_client(online_config) write_concurrency = online_config.write_concurrency write_batch_size = online_config.write_batch_size feast_project = config.project with ThreadPool(processes=write_concurrency) as pool: lambda b: self._write_minibatch( client, feast_project, table, b, progress, config ), self._to_minibatches(data, batch_size=write_batch_size), )
@staticmethod def _to_minibatches(data: ProtoBatch, batch_size) -> Iterator[ProtoBatch]: """ Split data into minibatches, making sure we stay under GCP datastore transaction size limits. """ iterable = iter(data) while True: batch = list(itertools.islice(iterable, batch_size)) if len(batch) > 0: yield batch else: break @staticmethod def _write_minibatch( client, project: str, table: FeatureView, data: Sequence[ Tuple[EntityKeyProto, Dict[str, ValueProto], datetime, Optional[datetime]] ], progress: Optional[Callable[[int], Any]], config: RepoConfig, ): entities = [] for entity_key, features, timestamp, created_ts in data: document_id = compute_entity_id( entity_key, entity_key_serialization_version=config.entity_key_serialization_version, ) key = client.key( "Project", project, "Table",, "Row", document_id, ) entity = datastore.Entity( key=key, exclude_from_indexes=("created_ts", "event_ts", "values") ) content_entity = datastore.Entity( exclude_from_indexes=tuple(features.keys()) ) for k, v in features.items(): content_entity[k] = v.SerializeToString() entity["key"] = entity_key.SerializeToString() entity["values"] = content_entity entity["event_ts"] = utils.make_tzaware(timestamp) entity["created_ts"] = ( utils.make_tzaware(created_ts) if created_ts is not None else None ) entities.append(entity) with client.transaction(): client.put_multi(entities) if progress: progress(len(entities))
[docs] @log_exceptions_and_usage(online_store="datastore") def online_read( self, config: RepoConfig, table: FeatureView, entity_keys: List[EntityKeyProto], requested_features: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> List[Tuple[Optional[datetime], Optional[Dict[str, ValueProto]]]]: online_config = config.online_store assert isinstance(online_config, DatastoreOnlineStoreConfig) client = self._get_client(online_config) feast_project = config.project keys: List[Key] = [] result: List[Tuple[Optional[datetime], Optional[Dict[str, ValueProto]]]] = [] for entity_key in entity_keys: document_id = compute_entity_id( entity_key, entity_key_serialization_version=config.entity_key_serialization_version, ) key = client.key( "Project", feast_project, "Table",, "Row", document_id ) keys.append(key) # NOTE: get_multi doesn't return values in the same order as the keys in the request. # Also, len(values) can be less than len(keys) in the case of missing values. with tracing_span(name="remote_call"): values = client.get_multi(keys) values_dict = {v.key: v for v in values} if values is not None else {} for key in keys: if key in values_dict: value = values_dict[key] res = {} for feature_name, value_bin in value["values"].items(): val = ValueProto() val.ParseFromString(value_bin) res[feature_name] = val result.append((value["event_ts"], res)) else: result.append((None, None)) return result
def _delete_all_values(client, key): """ Delete all data under the key path in datastore. Creates and uses a queue of lists of entity keys, which are batch deleted by multiple threads. """ class AtomicCounter(object): # for tracking how many deletions have already occurred; not used outside this method def __init__(self): self.value = 0 self.lock = Lock() def increment(self): with self.lock: self.value += 1 BATCH_SIZE = 500 # Dec 2021: delete_multi has a max size of 500: NUM_THREADS = 3 deletion_queue = Queue() status_info_counter = AtomicCounter() def worker(shared_counter): while True: try: job = deletion_queue.get(block=False) except Empty: return client.delete_multi(job) shared_counter.increment() LOGGER.debug( f"batch deletions completed: {shared_counter.value} ({shared_counter.value * BATCH_SIZE} total entries) & outstanding queue size: {deletion_queue.qsize()}" ) deletion_queue.task_done() query = client.query(kind="Row", ancestor=key) for page in query.fetch().pages: deletion_queue.put([entity.key for entity in page]) for _ in range(NUM_THREADS): Thread(target=worker, args=(status_info_counter,)).start() deletion_queue.join() def _initialize_client( project_id: Optional[str], namespace: Optional[str] ) -> datastore.Client: try: client = datastore.Client( project=project_id, namespace=namespace, client_info=get_http_client_info() ) return client except DefaultCredentialsError as e: raise FeastProviderLoginError( str(e) + '\nIt may be necessary to run "gcloud auth application-default login" if you would like to use your ' "local Google Cloud account " )
[docs]class DatastoreTable(InfraObject): """ A Datastore table managed by Feast. Attributes: project: The Feast project of the table. name: The name of the table. project_id (optional): The GCP project id. namespace (optional): Datastore namespace. """ project: str project_id: Optional[str] namespace: Optional[str] def __init__( self, project: str, name: str, project_id: Optional[str] = None, namespace: Optional[str] = None, ): super().__init__(name) self.project = project self.project_id = project_id self.namespace = namespace
[docs] def to_infra_object_proto(self) -> InfraObjectProto: datastore_table_proto = self.to_proto() return InfraObjectProto( infra_object_class_type=DATASTORE_INFRA_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE, datastore_table=datastore_table_proto, )
[docs] def to_proto(self) -> Any: datastore_table_proto = DatastoreTableProto() datastore_table_proto.project = self.project = if self.project_id: datastore_table_proto.project_id.value = self.project_id if self.namespace: datastore_table_proto.namespace.value = self.namespace return datastore_table_proto
[docs] @staticmethod def from_infra_object_proto(infra_object_proto: InfraObjectProto) -> Any: datastore_table = DatastoreTable( project=infra_object_proto.datastore_table.project,, ) # Distinguish between null and empty string, since project_id and namespace are StringValues. if infra_object_proto.datastore_table.HasField("project_id"): datastore_table.project_id = ( infra_object_proto.datastore_table.project_id.value ) if infra_object_proto.datastore_table.HasField("namespace"): datastore_table.namespace = ( infra_object_proto.datastore_table.namespace.value ) return datastore_table
[docs] @staticmethod def from_proto(datastore_table_proto: DatastoreTableProto) -> Any: datastore_table = DatastoreTable( project=datastore_table_proto.project,, ) # Distinguish between null and empty string, since project_id and namespace are StringValues. if datastore_table_proto.HasField("project_id"): datastore_table.project_id = datastore_table_proto.project_id.value if datastore_table_proto.HasField("namespace"): datastore_table.namespace = datastore_table_proto.namespace.value return datastore_table
[docs] def update(self): client = _initialize_client(self.project_id, self.namespace) key = client.key("Project", self.project, "Table", entity = datastore.Entity( key=key, exclude_from_indexes=("created_ts", "event_ts", "values") ) entity.update({"created_ts": datetime.utcnow()}) client.put(entity)
[docs] def teardown(self): client = _initialize_client(self.project_id, self.namespace) key = client.key("Project", self.project, "Table", _delete_all_values(client, key) # Delete the table metadata datastore entity client.delete(key)